Early Dev / Re: Epic: A procedurally-generated, open-world fantasy adventure
« on: June 14, 2017, 09:25:50 PM »
Well, I said a couple weeks for an updated version... looks like it was closer to a couple of months! 
However, I have indeed been working on the game quite a bit! There has been significant progress, especially regarding the "party" system that I mentioned last time. You can now control multiple units. In fact, in the version I linked here, the player begins with 7 different units scattered across the world map: 1 human, 2 elves, 2 dwarves, 1 goblin, and 1 orc. You can move them around, one at a time, and explore the world. They can enter local areas independently by pressing the up arrow key. It is now also possible to join units together into a party by moving one unit onto another. Up to 7 units can fit in a party.
The "main quest", at this early point of the game, is basically to just unite units into parties. Since they start out scattered all over the place, it will take some work to bring them all together. If you find that they are on different islands or continents, you can press the "T" key to randomly teleport the current unit until it is close to the others. (This is just for testing, of course.)
Once you have formed a party of any size, you can use it to have multiple units enter a local area together. Simply press the up arrow key to have the whole party enter. Party members will be placed at the side of the area corresponding to which direction the world map hex was entered from: if, for example, the party arrived from the West, they will start scattered on the West side of the local area.
Note that the party unit will be re-formed on the world map when you exit a local area (using the down arrow key). Party units ONLY exist on the world map as a convenience for moving a group of units together around the world. In order to enter or exit a building, all your units must be contiguous - they must all be touching one another. Think of the narrator from Baldur's Gate saying, "You must gather your party before venturing forth..."
The < and > (, and .) keys can now be used to cycle through player units in the current area. Doing so does allow selecting units that have already used all their action points for the turn; so if you find that you've just switched to a unit and it is unable to do anything, check its remaining action points (the blue bubbles on its name plate). Remember, 1 AP is required to move; 2 AP are required to melee attack; and 3 AP are required for a ranged attack.
If all player units in the current area are killed, you will be returned to the world map. If there are no surviving player units there either, then the game will exit.
The mouse controls have been changed slightly since the last posted version, but they are still a little buggy - especially the graphical hints.
Ok, here's the link:
I've also started coming up with ideas for character advancement. Rather than having a "skill tree", where you have to acquire skills in a certain order based on your class, I've decided to make things a little more flexible. There are 12 main stats:
STR Measure of physical might.
CON Measure of physical fortitude.
SPD Measure of quickness in movement.
DEX Measure of accuracy in movement.
PER Measure of sight and observation.
BTY Measure of physical attractiveness.
INT Measure of cleverness and learning.
WIS Measure of judgment and discretion.
ARC Measure of magical aptitude.
CHA Measure of charm and leadership.
BRV Measure of valor and fearlessness.
LUC Measure of good fortune.
When a unit acquires enough experience, he/she/it can either add +1 to any of these stats OR acquire a new skill/perk/ability. Some skills are passive and some are usable abilities. But you can't just pick any skill whenever you want - they will all have base stat requirements. For example, to gain "Swimming" ability, you must have a certain amount of STR + CON. To gain "Fireball", you must have enough ARC. Some units that join you may come with 1 or more starting skills. Here's a table I made with some initial ideas for skills (blues are passive and pinks are actions):

Finally, I'm also doing some work on a subscreen design, which will incorporate stats, skills, inventory, bestiary, quest journal, and more - along with a convenient way to switch units and trade items between nearby units. Hopefully there will be at least a basic incarnation of this in the next update.
Please enjoy the updated version and let me know if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions. Thanks!
- Sir Donuel the Daring

However, I have indeed been working on the game quite a bit! There has been significant progress, especially regarding the "party" system that I mentioned last time. You can now control multiple units. In fact, in the version I linked here, the player begins with 7 different units scattered across the world map: 1 human, 2 elves, 2 dwarves, 1 goblin, and 1 orc. You can move them around, one at a time, and explore the world. They can enter local areas independently by pressing the up arrow key. It is now also possible to join units together into a party by moving one unit onto another. Up to 7 units can fit in a party.
The "main quest", at this early point of the game, is basically to just unite units into parties. Since they start out scattered all over the place, it will take some work to bring them all together. If you find that they are on different islands or continents, you can press the "T" key to randomly teleport the current unit until it is close to the others. (This is just for testing, of course.)
Once you have formed a party of any size, you can use it to have multiple units enter a local area together. Simply press the up arrow key to have the whole party enter. Party members will be placed at the side of the area corresponding to which direction the world map hex was entered from: if, for example, the party arrived from the West, they will start scattered on the West side of the local area.
Note that the party unit will be re-formed on the world map when you exit a local area (using the down arrow key). Party units ONLY exist on the world map as a convenience for moving a group of units together around the world. In order to enter or exit a building, all your units must be contiguous - they must all be touching one another. Think of the narrator from Baldur's Gate saying, "You must gather your party before venturing forth..."
The < and > (, and .) keys can now be used to cycle through player units in the current area. Doing so does allow selecting units that have already used all their action points for the turn; so if you find that you've just switched to a unit and it is unable to do anything, check its remaining action points (the blue bubbles on its name plate). Remember, 1 AP is required to move; 2 AP are required to melee attack; and 3 AP are required for a ranged attack.
If all player units in the current area are killed, you will be returned to the world map. If there are no surviving player units there either, then the game will exit.
The mouse controls have been changed slightly since the last posted version, but they are still a little buggy - especially the graphical hints.
Ok, here's the link:
I've also started coming up with ideas for character advancement. Rather than having a "skill tree", where you have to acquire skills in a certain order based on your class, I've decided to make things a little more flexible. There are 12 main stats:
STR Measure of physical might.
CON Measure of physical fortitude.
SPD Measure of quickness in movement.
DEX Measure of accuracy in movement.
PER Measure of sight and observation.
BTY Measure of physical attractiveness.
INT Measure of cleverness and learning.
WIS Measure of judgment and discretion.
ARC Measure of magical aptitude.
CHA Measure of charm and leadership.
BRV Measure of valor and fearlessness.
LUC Measure of good fortune.
When a unit acquires enough experience, he/she/it can either add +1 to any of these stats OR acquire a new skill/perk/ability. Some skills are passive and some are usable abilities. But you can't just pick any skill whenever you want - they will all have base stat requirements. For example, to gain "Swimming" ability, you must have a certain amount of STR + CON. To gain "Fireball", you must have enough ARC. Some units that join you may come with 1 or more starting skills. Here's a table I made with some initial ideas for skills (blues are passive and pinks are actions):

Finally, I'm also doing some work on a subscreen design, which will incorporate stats, skills, inventory, bestiary, quest journal, and more - along with a convenient way to switch units and trade items between nearby units. Hopefully there will be at least a basic incarnation of this in the next update.
Please enjoy the updated version and let me know if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions. Thanks!

- Sir Donuel the Daring