My years of on-and-off again lurking have well prepared me to properly digest posts by Krice.

Seriously man, you [Krice] drop the odd bit of intelligible commentary here and there, but mostly it's just hugely negative word vomit that just isn't accurate. Python bad at OOP, OK, opinion filed, thank you.
@Avagart -- I read your reply some time ago, but didn't get around to acknowledging it. Your video link opened a door to a whole section of the Python world I was until then unaware of. I've been watching a lot of Raymond Hettinger's talks and I spent a lot of time reading more code, including Pyro. I'm learning and therefor my idea of what "good" code looks like is evolving, at least within Python.
@Omnivore -- Thanks, since I first made my post, I can't help but feel the anti-OOP crowd has some excellent points about following the laws of OOP for the mere sake of it, rather than to make the code better. If something doesn't make the code better, then why are you doing it? I looked at my meager code only a week after I wrote it and already had some issues understanding why I had done certain things certain ways. I took that moment to decide to go through it and fully comment every class, method and function save for the painfully obvious ones. As for not coding things until you need them, I also ripped out a bunch of def this_menu() ---> pass nonsense I had scattered around, since I don't have any menus yet. Being new, I went for the low-hanging fruit instead of tackling the next step and added those useless and empty things because, hey, I'll need them later right? People like you keep writing things that make me realize that kind of thing is just stupid. I'll figure out my menu classes/functions when I need to implement a menu from now on.
I don't have a design document per se, but I do have a half-dozen sheets of paper scrawled full of pretty unorganized notes. I have this nebulous mass of ideas drifting around my brain that are revolving around a common theme that I could hammer out into an actual game concept, I've just been putting it off

. Actually, several years ago I first learned a little bit of Python, and even felt the urge to make a roguelike. I see a post of mine from 3 years ago here asking a pretty stupid question as I was jumping in too deep trying to use Pygame and not use the libtcod tutorial. I made it to some Cellular Automata caves I could never figure out how to ensure were joined up before I quit. I bring this up because at that time, I had this generic desire to make a game, but I had no game in mind to actually make. It seems an obvious flaw now, but somehow it didn't deter me at the time and I feel a lot of the roguelike and gamedev newbies that show up and then disappear again fall into this same trap. If you don't have an actual game you want to make, how can you expect to actually make it?
You're advice about a "requirements" doc is well heeded, and hopefully you keep giving it to other newbies. In fact, now that you've forced me to organize my thoughts on the subject, I'm going to put off fiddling with BSPs and drunken walks and actually write that design doc.