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Topics - binary_headspace

Pages: [1]
7DRLs / Six Way Wanderer [7DRL 2015 SUCCESS]
« on: March 06, 2015, 11:09:37 PM »
Success: You can play it here: (please use your phone or tablet!)

I have been wanting to take part in a 7drl for years but work always got in the way. Not this year though!

My first 7drl is "Six Way Wanderer", a web based roguelike based on the idea of progression via solving puzzles. Think Metroid and the dungeons in the Zelda series.

I'm an experienced C/C++ coder by trade but I wanted to try something different so I am using Cocos2d-js for this. If all goes to plan, after the game is done, I'd love to rewrite this natively for phones & tablets but we'll see!

I'll be posting updates on my tumblr and I'll post any major progress here as well :-)

Good luck to everyone participating! I look forward to having many interesting new games to play soon :-)

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