Early Dev / Demon: A monster collection roguelike 3/31!
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:51:06 PM »
PC, Mac, and Linux builds download link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-sx_4eW-B5hWnhNZlRPclZLeUU&usp=drive_web
Development website: http://demon.ferretdev.org/
Hi. Demon's actually been cooking for some time now, but I figure it is far enough long for people to enjoy, so I'm announcing it here in hopes of trading fun and many deaths for yummy feedback.
Demon combines the monster collection mechanics of games like Shin Megami Tensei and Pokemon with traditional roguelike features such as challenging tactical turn-based gameplay, randomly generated dungeon layouts and encounters, and of course, perma-death.
Some screenshots:
I'd love to hear feedback, comments, and suggestions, but even more than that, I hope you have fun trying it out.
Edits 1 & 2: Changed build download link.
Edit 3: Updated screenshots since the old ones were pretty dated.
Development website: http://demon.ferretdev.org/
Hi. Demon's actually been cooking for some time now, but I figure it is far enough long for people to enjoy, so I'm announcing it here in hopes of trading fun and many deaths for yummy feedback.
Demon combines the monster collection mechanics of games like Shin Megami Tensei and Pokemon with traditional roguelike features such as challenging tactical turn-based gameplay, randomly generated dungeon layouts and encounters, and of course, perma-death.
Some screenshots:
I'd love to hear feedback, comments, and suggestions, but even more than that, I hope you have fun trying it out.
Edits 1 & 2: Changed build download link.
Edit 3: Updated screenshots since the old ones were pretty dated.