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Topics - Wisp412

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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Prime - High strength weird orc
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:59:36 AM »
So I rolled up a space orc weird boy warp head with a natural 18 strength, I quickly found a +4 strength implant, the strength mutation and power gloves. Sure I only had +2 to unarmed skill by the time I reached some aliens, but I was one shotting alien warriors with a powerfist (or are the A's princesses?). Its just a shame that I found an early nest with 5 or more of them next to the stairs with no corridors within reach. Turns out that they can two shot me. I was curious what 30 strength could turn into, and if it could out balance my terrible unarmed/ heavy weapons skills too!

Anyone know if there are official forums for Prime (or Zap'm) btw? I can't find anything by googling, and its a shame because this game is pretty amazing and I would love to discuss it! Surely this game needs more people playing it at the very least.

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