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Topics - Nattfarinn

Pages: [1]
Development Process & non-technical / [7DRL] Gruelike - devblog
« on: December 10, 2013, 09:21:23 PM »
Hello everyone,

I've just started today my personal, 7DRL challenge... and I need something like public "devblog" or otherwise I'll lose my motivation ("force is not-so-strong with this one").

"It's pitch black. You are likely to eat someone..."

Language used: Python
Libraries: Doryen Library (Libtcod)
Purpose: Personal challenge

Start time: 10 dec 2013, 21:15 (UTC)
End time: 17 dec 2013, 21:15 (UTC)

Latest version: 0.0.0

PS. Hope it's correct subforum for such posts... Please move it elsewhere if not.

Pages: [1]