Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Elite RL (7DRL 2013) Success.
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:20:45 AM »
Roguelike realization of classic Elite space game.
16 standard EGA Colors
Keyboard + Mouse control
Two languages support (English, Russian)
Classic Elite universe. Yes, Harmless, you have 100¢, Cobra Mk3 and Lave start position
Overall progress:
■■■■■ Elite classic galaxy generation
■■■■■ Elite classic trade items
■■■■■ Two languages support
■■■■■ Short range map
■■■■■ Galaxy map
■■■■■ Trade operations
■■■■■ Local space generation
■■■■■ Local space navigation
■■■■■ Main menu
■■■■■ Local space flight
■■■■■ Space station operations
■■■■■ Game mechanics
■■■■■ Ships data
■■■■■ Local space combat
■■■■■ Enemy and neutrals
■■■■■ Sound / Music
■■■■■ Ship equipment
□□□□□ Witch-space
□□□□□ Save / Load
Download EliteRL.zip //Fixed link to DropBox
End of Day 1
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End of Day 7 Manual
16 standard EGA Colors
Keyboard + Mouse control
Two languages support (English, Russian)
Classic Elite universe. Yes, Harmless, you have 100¢, Cobra Mk3 and Lave start position
Overall progress:
■■■■■ Elite classic galaxy generation
■■■■■ Elite classic trade items
■■■■■ Two languages support
■■■■■ Short range map
■■■■■ Galaxy map
■■■■■ Trade operations
■■■■■ Local space generation
■■■■■ Local space navigation
■■■■■ Main menu
■■■■■ Local space flight
■■■■■ Space station operations
■■■■■ Game mechanics
■■■■■ Ships data
■■■■■ Local space combat
■■■■■ Enemy and neutrals
■■■■■ Sound / Music
■■■■■ Ship equipment
Download EliteRL.zip //Fixed link to DropBox
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End of Day 6