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Topics - AndyJ

Pages: [1]
Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Quill 0.7.1 released
« on: January 27, 2012, 09:55:20 PM »
Well after 7 weeks of coding I've decided to release a version of my roguelike.  Its called 'Quill' and I'm rather pleased with how its progressing.  Its definitely playable, and quite a few features are already implemented.  The easiest class is probably the Paladin, and the most difficult is either the Mage or the Cleric... But they are all playable and quite different to each other.

You can download it from here

I would appreciate any feedback.  I'm trying my hardest to focus on a decent user interface, as this is something which annoys me about some roguelikes!  I know its only text based, but it can still be beautiful and laid out nicely! :-)

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