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Messages - ErikAdams

Pages: [1]
No problem with the hard work, cause is the only game that I like Re-Open for changes... ¡It´s Great!

The latest version (1.8) have more that 150 Downloads and this is for me a great victory.

¡Thanks for comment! (Again XD)

Spellunky and Triangle Wizard are truly great games, and my game compare are small XD

In future versions, i have the dream the push ASCII mode, create a complete inventary system and make the level generation more complete. The first idea is in process but the others... Need too much time (And changes) XD

The translation to english will be in the 4.0 versión, cause I need clean the "code" that are really "Chaotic" in this moment (How the game XD).

The only one good thin are that in the current version are funny (In spanish too much XD) .

I hope that if you play think the same.

Thanks for comment!


Well, the roguebasin page of TDOTD have now the controls of the game. I Know that the game is very simple, but I don´t Know to much program, because of this I use "Game Maker language". The idea are make a crazy game without logic (How the Nightmares). In the adventures will look creatures how zombies, aliens, mutant frogs, predators or Balrogs. Also include "Starring Freddie Krugger". Or objets how "Stormbringer" or "Thor maze"...

The controls are simple, and the interface is really bad, but the game will be played good.

The Ranking Online is based on kill creatures or destroy Traps.

If I have time, one day will be translate to english, but the work will make this hard.

Thanks for comment :)

I´m the programer of TDOTD III, and I see that the language use (Spanish) is hard to know for the people that speak / write english. I don´t Know to much english, but i have the idea to translate some parts to English... If I have time, later post the controls in English  :).

*Excuse my patetic English XD

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