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Messages - Robson

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Other Announcements / Re: 2009 7DRL Challenge Ideas!
« on: February 07, 2009, 01:38:32 AM »
Thanks for the comments guys :) I've expanded a couple of ideas after discussing them with people.

Good luck to everyone entering the challenge!

Other Announcements / Re: 2009 7DRL Challenge Ideas!
« on: February 04, 2009, 10:21:09 PM »
I've been thinking up a few random ideas. These are just really basic and some are very undeveloped, but I'll share them anyway in the hope that someone gets inspired.

1d Roguelike
Like a normal roguelike, but just played in one seriously long corridor! The idea is that dungeon generation is ignored, so the combat side must be made significantly more interesting to compensate.

Achievement Roguelike
A normal roguelike that's filled with hundreds of steamlike achievemnts, like killing five creatures in five turns, completing the game wthout killing anything, dying within the first 3 turns or collecting £1,000,000 in treasure.

Character Creation Roguelike
The whole game is just creating your character. You win once you've made the character!

Civilian Roguelike
You're a civilian who has accidentally fallen very deeply into a dungeon. There's creatures and adventurers everywhere and you're trying to avoid everything and use stealth to escape. There's no levelling, you just stay as a useless civilian the whole time.

Doctor Roguelike
You get turned into a tiny doctor and then injected into a human. (Yay Futurama!) So the "rooms" would be the organs (heart, pancreas, lungs, etc) and the "corridors" would be blood vessels and stuff. The patient has a different illness each time. You must navigate to the location of the illness, fighting viruses/germs/etc along the way. You can pick up items like healthy blood cells and use them to cure things later.

Dynamic Roguelike
Difficulty adjusts based on how well you're doing.

Environment Roguelike
No creature enemies because the challenge is given by the environments instead. Traps, crumbling cliffs, flooding rivers, rickety bridges, rolling boulder traps, pits...

Exploration Roguelike
The game is easy to win, but the idea is to explore as much as possible to get treasure. Getting treasure would be dangerous though...

Interactive Fiction Roguelike
A roguelike played through text commands and with text descriptions.

Minigame Roguelike
Everything is a minigame. Unlocking doors opens the lock-picking minigame. Disabling a trap opens the disable-trap minigame. etc, etc

Pacifist Roguelike
Can't kill anything directly, but you can kill things indirectly: summoning allies, using levers to set off traps, spreading fires, flooding areas, enclosing enemies with walls...

Powergamer Roguelike
Everything is really over-the-top. Cast fire-volcanoes at level 1. Find the holy grail on the second level of the dungeon. Enemies could be undead celestial ancient zombie dragon gods, but they die instantly from your holy rustproof ultimate-fire-slaying nevermiss greatsword of tamora.

Race Roguelike
The idea is to complete the game as fast as possible. Creatures would slow you down, like spiders that makes webs. Spells would be geared towards speed, like wall destruction and teleportation. Perhaps games could be generated from user-specified random seeds to allow the player to retry games and improve their scores. This would also allow different players to compete against each other by sharing their seed. Secret doors would be good. I think the whole map should be visible all the time to allow the player to choose the best route. Perhaps the amount of mana given to the player after each level is based on how fast they complete the level, to work as an incentive to completing levels quickly.

Reverse Roguelike
You place the creatures and the computer plays the adventurers. Like Dungeon Keeper.

Screensaver Roguelike
Everything is automated: adventurers, creatures, etc.

Sideview Roguelike
Sideview roguelike with ladders, gravity, falling on enemies to kill them, etc. It could be set in a tower. This could be one continous game without levels, if extra floors are generated as the player gets closer to them and distant floors are deleted as necessary.

Sniper Roguelike
You can kill creatures from far away, but you're really vulnerable when they are close. Clever use of terrain and stealth is needed to survive.

Sponsored Roguelike
An "adveroguelike" where everything has been sponsored in an over-the-top way. e.g. Pepsi cans instead of potions. Harry Potter branded spellbooks. Environments are McDonalds restaurants instead of dungeons. All the enemies are sponsored by the dentists association: plaque, gum disease, tooth decay...!

Story Roguelike
Every action you do (except movement) creates a sentence describing it. At the end of each game you are presented with a story of your adventure. For example: "Claude entered the temple of the moon, when suddenly a giant bat flew down from the ceiling! He thrust forth his spear into one of it's wings. Unable to fly the bat dropped to the ground helplessly. The giant bat let out a sonic noise to alert other bats as Claude plunged a sword into it's brain."

Unfair Roguelike
It's permanently Friday the 13th: Instant-death traps, dragons on level 1, cursed items, random poisoned potions, unexpected falling boulders, death by random spell failure... the aim of the game is to discover all the ways to die.

Willow the Vampire Slayer Roguelike
You play Willow who fights vampires+demons using magic in graveyards+crypts+masoleums. You're friends will come along to help: Giles will provide useful information. Buffy and Faith can fight. Xander can use army weapons. Angel and Spike have their vampire abilities. Dawn can annoy people to death. Anyanka can grant wishes. Oz can turn into a werewolf. Cordelia can throw shoes at enemies. Tara can help Willow to make seriously powerful spells. It'll have lots of big bads from the show, like The Master, Glory and The Mayor.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: Spelunky: How Deep
« on: February 04, 2009, 09:52:59 PM »
To the bottom. So far, in 6 minutes and 14 seconds (in 0.99.5).

Wow that's impressive. Love to see a video of a run that fast. I've completed it, but only from the last shortcut.

Programming / Re: ZOMG!!! 7DRL in progress...
« on: July 19, 2008, 09:50:29 AM »
Good luck Valhalla!

Has nobody told you about the special rules for out of challenge 7DRLs? Oh dear. Nevermind though, they don't start until day 2, so you'll be alright. I'll scribble them down:

Day 2 - You must break at least 2 NetHack conducts, in real life.
Day 3 - All code must rhyme. For example, If { ItemUsed = "Health Packs" } PlayerHealth = MAX
Day 4 - You must find a use for the word XYZZY in your code.
Day 5 - In addition to writing your 7DRL, you must win a 7DRL roguelike of your choice.
Day 6 - You must keep at least one unofficial NetHack conduct, in real life. For example: Celibacy, Nudism or Zen (you wear a blindfold all day).
Day 7 - All code must be hurriedly rushed. Nearly all bugs are created on this day. Testing is left until the last hour.

Other Announcements / Re: 7DRL Reviews!
« on: April 02, 2008, 05:30:41 PM »
Numbers: This must be the first 7DRL I actually like. It's very simple, but the game design is nice and you can play it right away without complex roguelike-keyboard commands. I also like it because it's easy:) (At least in first two levels I tried.)


Wow. Thanks for the review Krice!

That's alright Berserker - Glad I could help!

If you have any questions, you're very welcome to ask. I'm starting my 7DRL later today, so I wont have much time available over the next week, but after that I'll be able to answer any longer questions.

WoW source code is included with the application, in the file. Remember that it was hurriedly written in a week ::)

Hi Berserker,

There's Heroic Adventure which is open source and written in VB.NET

My three roguelikes are written in VB6 and are all open source:

- War of Wizards - A simple multiplayer seven-day roguelike. (finished)
- Saffron - My stealth puzzle roguelike. Being actively developed and getting close to a 1.0 release :)
- Paprika - My generic roguelike. Not finished and I don't work on it anymore. It's got a lot of useful stuff in though, like pathfinding/los/random-number-generator and so on.

I'll be making an open source VB6 roguelike in the 7DRL challenge, which starts tomorrow!!

There's also a couple more VB roguelikes without code: Mines of Morgoth and Lords of Darkhall.

Temple of the Roguelike / Re: Suggestion(s) (post yours here)
« on: February 09, 2008, 06:08:10 PM »
On a similar note, it would be useful if the code tags used a monospace font.
Would be really great if we could get this... ::)

Programming / Re: The 7DRL Challenge Thread
« on: February 03, 2008, 08:05:07 PM »
I'm thinking about an idea [...]
Actually, ignore all that ::) The idea wasn't roguelike enough.

I've decided on a new idea for the challenge, which is in the early stages of thinkingness at the moment.

Programming / Re: The 7DRL Challenge Thread
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:55:58 PM »
I'm thinking about an idea, which I will describe after this beautiful concept art... made in ms paint.

Note that this is side on, not top-down.

+ = Metal doors
W = Lift/Elevator
- = Lift/Elevator track
@ = Spider
| = Spider web-string-stuff
% = Water
* = Fire
# (white) = Walls
# (red) = Extremely hot walls
# (pink) = Switches, that open nearby doors

Here's the idea:



You are a spider living in a water storage building. A fire breaks out and all the staff escape. You must make it out alive!

How It Works

The game is divided into levels. Each level contains one or more rooms, which have doors/platforms/lifts/etc. These rooms will have a combination of fire and water in them. To get through the rooms you must avoid the fire (instant death from burning) and avoid the water (little spider gets killed from being hit by loads of water).

Water moves around realistically and will build up if it's been adding to. Fire will spread if wooden walls or furniture move next to it.

You have two spider abilities. The first is that you are able to walk on walls and ceilings. The second is that when you're on a ceiling, you can use web-string-stuff to abseil down to the floor or platforms below. Like the picture.

The other method for escaping is the environment. You can push buttons to redirect water. You can direct water onto fire to put it out. You can use lifts to get places. You can open/close doors with buttons. You can use fire to destroy wooden walls.

I wont have enough time to create a random level generator, because the levels need to be carefully put together. So I'll create a ton of levels and then the game will pick random ones for each game. This way the game is different everytime.


This is rather more ambitious than last year, so I've booked the Tuesday and Wednesday off to give me a few more precious hours.

Other Announcements / Re: Plans for the new year
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:40:45 PM »
Happy 2008!

Here's my plans:

Continue progressing towards 1.0, which shouldn't take long because there's not much left to do. Once I reach 1.0 the engine side of it will be done, so I can concentrate on writing missions.

Other Stuff
Seeing if I can write a portals feature (like the game) in a roguelike way.
The seven day roguelike contest.
Coming up with ridicolously ambitious ideas for roguelikes.
Coding little bits of bigger things, like map generators.

Other Announcements / Re: Building a roguelike definition
« on: November 30, 2007, 07:12:14 PM »
What is a roguelike for you?

Simple graphics or just characters

It's completely okay to break any of these things, as long as the game feels like rogue.

Programming / Re: Messing with dungeon generation
« on: October 25, 2007, 07:34:14 PM »
Icey, image #9 looks really good. I hope I'll get to play in something like it at some point
Just wear a bowler hat while programming long enough, you will eventually catch it
That is so untrue, I don't even own a-- *suddenly the wardrobe doors fly open and millions of bowler hats fall out*

Ummmm. Right!! I don't care if it is raining, I'm going out to buy some chips!!

Programming / Re: Worst bug you had?
« on: October 15, 2007, 07:10:08 PM »
My worst bugs are ones that other people find and I can't replicate. Usually these types of bugs have no obvious reason for them occuring, which makes them just a bit more difficult to work out.

What's happened to your blog, Krice? It's been 404'd for a couple of days.

Programming / Re: Messing with dungeon generation
« on: September 25, 2007, 05:59:38 PM »
Quote from: Slash
Quote from: Icey
I used this excellent cellular automata tutorial: I haven't tried L jumps, I'll have to give that a try to see what it looks like.
Ah! I remember the Wa project... a shame it seems to be dead now... IIRC it was one of the few to be developed by a female roguedev
Aye, that's a shame. A little bit more diversity would have been cool.

I had a go with the L jumps though:

The results are interesting and look different to the CA method. I think I'll include both the cellular-automata generator and the l-jump generator, with a 50/50 chance of each being used.

Quote from: Slash
Quote from: Icey
I'll make them a bit rounder at some point :)
They look cool like this :)
Cool. Maybe I'll include both... oh the possibilities!

Quote from: Slash
I hope being able to restart Guardian Angel soon with all I have learned with the rest of projects! (But I won't go on too much, because I don't want to sound like another vapourware creator!)
Heh that sounds like something I'd say! Oh, wait a minute...

I think that's a great idea though. I'm always seeing people talk about your roguelikes, so adding another one will ensure they never shut up :P

Quote from: Slash
Ah, thats true... as long as you keep your heading into your GAME direction, and not a generic engine :)
Oh yes. Most definitely. I'm not interesting in making an engine.

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