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Messages - PineappleComputer

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Hi. There is already Blood Card and Darkest Dungeon games. IMHO roguelike board games are better because they are cross plaform  ;D

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: New roguelike: BOSS (v3.0.1)
« on: September 21, 2024, 06:44:35 AM »
I'm so glad that you working on that game. Thank you! This game have a great atmosphere.

Can i see other players in the dungeon? Why do call this cooperative?

I agree the implementation of computers isn't great, but I'm at a bit of a loss of how to improve it. If I made it harder to get the better computers, that would just be frustrating. I considered letting the user blank disks and copy them, but thought that would just result in a lot of 'busy work' that wouldn't be fun. If you have any ideas on how to improve the way computers work, I'd be really interested to hear them.

Blank disks is cool idea. Traders can't restock goods, so "selling then buying" procedure for identifying items is more boring procedure than copying id disks IMHO.

I'd like to know more about what is involved in downgrading BOSS to .NET 4.0 - I didn't know this was possible.
I sent an archive link to your mail on this forum. AppLocker blocks any unsigned assemblies. So i need to compile it with csc.exe by myself and then hack powershell to load managed dlls from bytes))

Thank YOU for rewriting this game on c#!

I have downgraded it to .NET 4.0 for running on my AppLocker WindowsRT laptop. Now i can play Grogg istead of Rogue, BOSS instead of Moria, Cryptband instead of Angband and ForaysIntoNorrendrin instead of BRogue.

Also i think that Micro Computer (20%), Laptop Computer(40%) and Mini Computer (55%) are useless items. You never want to waste disks with this chances of success. Better to keep disks and wait for Mainframe Computer (75%) or Matrix Computer (60%) [if you have small encumbrance].

Hi! I think that stealth formula is too cheaty. You simply get 10 stealth at the start of the game for any class and go kill all bosses like a breeze ignoring hardcore robots.

Its possible to make 50str, 50int, melee, dex, con Scientist-Tank to craft experience pills and sell corpses with that str encumbrance (can't find any container yet).

Also all spells are the same for any classes with just their own names. Its boring because wisdom and charisma classes are not so good as scientist that can craft pills.

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