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Messages - supperdev

Pages: [1]
7DRLs / Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:11:22 PM »
I couldn't play for long but I like it so far, good job.

I kind of had this happen:

Also this:

I'm pretty sure this was supposedly the only way in. I ran around the map for a while to find another way in, then red alert kicked in and I could scramble back here for the screenshot lol.

Two more things:
I find the computers hard to distinguish from grey walls
Movement speed could be a bit faster

Overall though I enjoyed it. I'll play more of it to make sure I'll experience the game with more abilities unlocked. :)

EDIT: Oh, those enemies in space could be because of this:

They could get outside through the computer.

Also +++ for exploding barrels. Can't have enough of them.

« on: March 19, 2015, 10:39:33 PM »
Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

  • When you collide with a weapon, a note in the right corner, above the log, says to press S or D to switch it. In fact, you have to press Shift+S or Shift+D

Yeah, I thought it would be ok since they were capital A and D, but I was wrong with this. I'll avoid this in the future! :)
Stupid enough I did add shift+D in the readme and help screen, but didn't occur to me to also have it mentioned ingame.

  • It's not clear whether you waste your turn using a weapon, or not. So far it seems only rifle saves you your action point

None of the weapons should save your action point. Try misfiring the rifle and you'll see that the enemies take a step closer.  :)

  • Blue stars (reloaders?) are almost completly useless, as the situation in which you can use them hardly ever occurs

Yeah I don't like em either, but it was too late to change them. They're too situational and weapon cooldown wasn't as long as I initially thought it would be. People had real trouble figuring out what it was, so I added text when you stand on 'em in version 1.3. At least one person figured it out I suppose.  ;D

Definitely some parts of the game could be clearer, but that's not a bad selection of flaws for a 7DRL.

I'm surprised I don't hear any reports of crashing. You don't wanna know what it feels like to realise that the release build had all kinds of errors that the debug build (which I was working with all the time) surpressed.. on day 6! I suppose I ironed them out well enough.  ;D

7DRLs / Re: STRIVE [7DRL 2015]
« on: March 15, 2015, 03:20:21 PM »
Well it's been a week and I can happily say, it's FINISHED!

The download location is at:

EDIT: welp I typed "and I can not happily say" but I CAN! Dunno why that not sneaked in there.

« on: March 08, 2015, 11:20:39 PM »
Hey everyone. First time joining in on the 7DRL challenge, figured I'd make a thread and show you guys whatup.

STRIVE is going to be a roguelike with a focus on tactical combat. By using ability cooldowns and a mixture of diverse weapons, items and monsters, I want to put as much decision making in each turn as possible. It's a mixture of the design philosophy behind shooters like Doom/Serious Sam and roguelikes like DoomRL and Brogue. The player will enter a small and fairly open level. Enemies will spawn in waves and groups, opposing the player as he goes around the level collecting weapons, items and upgrades. I also want to add in environmental objects like exploding barrels and triggerable traps. The player can progress to the next level after killing all enemies. There's no end to the game: the player fights and progresses until he dies. I do want the duration of the game to be small, about 30 minutes for a full playthrough, if not shorter.

Here's a link to a GUI mockup:
Here's a link to my twitter:

I've been working on it for a few hours today, but I'll post a progress report tomorrow - it's late and I'd like to get some rest for a full day of devving.

EDIT: I did post a progress report on Reddit. Go check it out:

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