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Messages - vultures

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Programming / Re: How do I actually use libtcod?
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:08:00 AM »
Quote from: Omnivore
That is far from the only problem with libtcod.  While I applaud Jice for making it available years ago, and I assume it is/was  undoubtedly a good solution to the needs of Doryen, as a general purpose lib today it has a huge number of shortcomings.  The least of which is that the last stable release is dated August, 29 2012.  A much bigger problem that has existed since its initial release is that it attempts to do way too much and, as a result, has a ton of cruft that is only usable in specific, narrow, use case scenarios.  Add in the toolchain issues we have fought with for the past twenty years in the pursuit of portable C++ code and heh... much of this thread is illustrative.

I do believe we need new tutorials using narrowly scoped, modern, solutions, but... I'm not volunteering.  There are way too many bad practices being encouraged these days and, frankly, the definition of roguelike has long past veered into the land of the lost and meaningless.  As a point, personally I consider the entire 7DRL concept to be encouraging of bad practices in programming and design, so anything I would write would have zero appeal to those who disagree.

That's a nice thing bubbling in your sig. :)
Infra Arcana is a great game.

Whilst reserving your methods in order to make them current at some point, there is a lively thing going on regarding those few notches down the timescale. There is a fact, to be honest, that says how devs (and programmers in general) find their pioneering efforts most admirable at some point. Kinda loosenes 'em up, gives em' a big grin - if you know what I mean. :)

Now, I know how getting tough on all those malpractices certainly brings things up into perspective or at least makes you less self-aware, being that humans make mistakes.. and altough, for my part, I never liked things I couldn't finish - it all seemed quite simple upon reminescing. Even though a mere make-believe fail-attempt makes you frown once or twice, it actually brings you closer to the sense of achievement where perfection is more hard-earned, and less stumbled upon, vaguely embraced...

Be it somehow you agreed or disagreed, even flaws in foundations have their positive perks. And the simple things such as coding style, pseudo-programming guidelines or naming conventions - they all bring one's wisdom to our grasp, and even better if the practice is condoned by many. IMO, struggling with styles and specific workarounds when using a library of choice for developing a RL game for a challenge such as 7DRL is a sign of inexperience, nothing more. Remembering how making a RL is all about the attempt to create your own game brings up the simple truth which repeats itself through our programming endeavors, which is - errors are bound to happen.

Seeing that the year 2015 has started with some really good efforts from the community which I've been a fan of since, yeah, as long as I knew what OOP was made me enthusiastic on many levels. Upon seeing how players who've never asked what a RL game is venture into a procgen dungeon I found most assuring the thought of RL community getting better by the day. The errors, seen as mere obstacles that had to be crossed made me believe once again that coding RL games isn't a skillset that's either not there or it's witheld, but more of an art-form - a choice of deliberance to make a computer game as you imagined it.

You haven't added any guidelines, chooseusername.

As far as the image hosting is concerned, relevant free hosts seem fine; it's that pictures lose their relevance after a while and get deleted by the time you actually ask for them, and Google fails to find mirrors.
For Reddit's implementation, I can't tell what's its relevance to Git's capabilities. I'm only guessing though, as it seems that GitHub should let developers decide if the code snippet is relevant as it might feature a single code maintainer - but it mustn't be so.

Before dubbing anything wrong or right, maybe this is the time to advise first-time developers to bookmark RB Wiki when they find any reference useful and point how they should expand the wikis at their own comfort, and with usable information they've found on the web, after they've interpreted the source of information from an external website.
It seem best to me if time management is the main concern here.

Programming / Re: How do I actually use libtcod?
« on: March 31, 2015, 05:40:58 AM »
Codeumbra has this great multi-part article about RLs,
"Complete roguelike tutorial using C++ and libtcod"

Quote from: CodeUmbra
This article is the first part of a series heavily inspired by Jotaf's excellent "Complete roguelike tutorial using python + libtcod".

It is intended for C++ beginners and people who want to learn how to use libtcod to create a simple roguelike video game. It covers both Linux and Windows operating systems.

Other Announcements / Re: LikeLikeLite Podcast
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:28:37 PM »
Yeah, just wanted to add - it's up to you guys and whoever built the site. Aside the technical issues, the kind which is solved through feedback, I'd never bluntly imply what's "more-so roguelike" for your show. Just having a podcast to listen to is an amazing feature.

Since you've already been dubbed "great", the webmaster could integrate the authors' (thus, yours also) accounts for sharing media and embedding content. I've been considering, and reconsidering (due to much talk amongst my friends) how I'd publish RL-review media, so I can share some thoughts. :-)
In the course of time, you'll find your show being cited, quoted and discussed - it might be a good thing to get into the whole licensing matter, sooner than after. Several fans (and critics alike) have found Creative Commons badge as fitting as it gets.
Keeping in mind the thought above, inviting developers, artists and, why not, proficient RL-review pen-pals could be a path towards interaction with broader public. That's what all FM stations do, and the internet is the inch-perfect platform for account integration, hashtag following and being up-to-date with the latest news. Having this sort of integration could lead to suprise dev-guests, diverse show concepts and never seen before Q&A. :-)

These are just (possible) guidelines - remember, you're the (area) boss! :-P

Other Announcements / Re: LikeLikeLite Podcast
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:40:10 AM »
Regarding what Samildanach said, you might consider doing brief interviews just like FM radio does.
I'm already daydreaming 'bout it, and you're playing the recorded i-views through the podcast so the "in-studio" guests can wacky-comment on it. The girl's just great, she just went on and on about morale; just imagine her giving tips regarding Elona+... :-)

Tweeted ya 'bout the wholesome cuteness of the effort!

Design / Re: Wargame+Roguelike+Terminal=???
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:55:58 PM »
I know, m_patch but - most of the emulated consoles nowadays support overlays and OpenGL 2.0 is needed to do so.
I've just expanded on the discussion, outlining what the header file for the object (which is to show the actual hex grid) should be doing. Needless to say, you can make everything else display in a way that resembles native console.

Back to the core discussion at hand.

You should receive a life-supply of anything you enjoy the best,

And just because you've made South Park's Ike the protege in a RL game.

Best of wishes!

Classic Roguelikes / Re: ADOM on Steam Greenlight
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:44:28 PM »
Good, good.

A couple-o-millenia worth of hard work, deftly mining that mountain across and in-depth is finally paying off. :-)

Hope it's recognized by the community, with all the code-snatchers foced to labor in the abovementioned mines.
With that in mind, we should come back after a while to fight the undead code-thieves and steal their gold for once. :-)


Other Announcements / Re: LikeLikeLite Podcast
« on: March 25, 2015, 09:21:18 PM »
Thx for sharing your enthusiasm, will listen and post apropriate feedback.

Just glancing over it 'cause I couldn't play the EP1 from website, and I've found the Archive. Great! There are downloads, but dudes - 120 megs of mp3? There's OGG, M4A, Real Audio (though not entirely free) and of course - AAC. The Advanced Audio works extremely well as far as compressing podcasts is concerned. And because its supremacy regarding Lossy settings, packing 22 kHz files with it offers fantastic results.
Just pointing it out though, not complaining the very least, dudes. :-). For reference, imagine across-web Tubes without the 144 setting for mobiles / poor connections, even though it is meant for streaming to those on-the-move devices.

Irregardless, what an excellent idea to begin with! :-)

Design / Re: Wargame+Roguelike+Terminal=???
« on: March 25, 2015, 09:00:50 PM »
To draw it in OpenGL through Simple Media or any other layer, you'd be best off with the most exact visualization, which is - math.

The most common and, unless you're a prodigal mind capable of drawing perfect natural shapes by hand, the easiest way is via any function capable of drawing circles. You call that function to intersect one, central oval with another six. These six intersecting points are called anchors, and they are relative to your canvas. The latter is, for this example only, the wholesize of your map. Focusing your effort into anchor points is essential because you should be able to use your ViewPort() function to zoom in and out, display minimap or just use scroll as most turn-based strategic games do. Even though it's obvious, the most important anchor point is the central one which adds up to the existing six to use with ViewPort().

This type of grid allows for better item flow across the map and, if used properly, a ton of map items with very few slowdowns.

Early Dev / Re: Ultima Ratio Regum (v 0.6 released, 13th December!)
« on: March 22, 2015, 09:14:39 AM »
Already @tweeted you, but I'd have to add - special + for frontend and in-game menu design.
I really enjoy your aesthetics.

7DRLs / Re: 7DRL Review Committee sign-up
« on: March 22, 2015, 09:11:54 AM »
Regarding roguelikes that fail to start despite the effort on the user's end,

My advice would be to handpick those attempts and create two sections, following:
- Competition, for 7DRL games that people play, enjoy and review (rate);
- Showcase, for those attempts into 7DRL competition that either fail to run/compile or lack comprehensive dev logs.

That's my suggestion based upon the sole assessment that I can't see another workaround for this issue.

Or, you can just burn some WinXP Live bundle (~200MB) and play the majority of games you've enjoyed on XPSP3.
For example, I couldn't imagine playing RLs without the latest linux-core Live distro I've set up for myself.

Anyway, you could report the compatibilty issue to DOSBox devs, so they can take a look and fix the issue.

Player's Plaza / Re: RLs and strategy
« on: March 17, 2015, 01:48:04 PM »
The minute I knew about arcade games, it was obvious to me there are people out there who play fiendishly well because of their reputation and/or share some enthusiasm towards the industry. The thing is, most of these high-profile gamers are resilient throughout any acceptance of various suggestions, meaning you're not invited to judge their ability towards different game genres.
Needless to say, these "ancient dragons" of gaming are not fond of teaming up for fun's sake, but are overachievers often dedicated to the strife of honing their gaming skills. I'll leave that to all'y'alls to (subjectively) discuss and judge upon. :)
Be it as it may, nowadays professional players get paid, and whilst doing so they get to meet professional developers; the latter interact with the community and pick from a vast community of modders. Maybe there's a bottleneck to all that aspiration but I wouldn't know for sure. Considering gaming today, there's a thin line separating the playground and the factory.

Since I'm a profound admirer of fantasy and its subgenres, I'm not gonna lay it out just like that and write how there's nothing better than a vintage / classic game. That would be just ignorant, cuz there are amazing artists just as driven as "early-days" devs were. So yeah, RogueLike titles aren't the only ones worth mentioning, but these are not main reasons for mentioning trendish franchises and their better ends.
A bunch of my friends (including me, of course) adopted casual gaming as a form of leisure, with a side-punch to that consisting of decisive, challenging attempts to finish the game. The first one's all about enjoying multiplayer whilst the other one, well, is considered hardcore gaming. Let's step aside from admiring someone's skill and analyze these "runs". A good one's often described as "combining one's style with particular game's perks". Difficulty setting is stuck to the ceiling, but that's not some macho bullcrap - it's based upon someone's firm belief of what a game should look like, and how it should be played.

Let's face it, playing a character class you're not proficient with in just about any RPG game raises the difficulty bar a few notches. Even though only a handful of (good) titles condone the "random" practice to scenery generation, you could make little or no mistake saying that these computer gaming franchises resemble RL games. In fact, playing a well-designed level sequence rates just about the same as going at some RL challenge generated from a "good" seed. Replay value is a whole 'nutha thing and there's nothing we can ever do about it, really; what does matter in comparison to accomplished RLs is - no saving allowed.

Whether you're impressed with XP/HP pools and creative approaches to overcoming in-game obstacles, or you're a Johnny-type lover of static bosses, mid-bosses and quest items - it boils down to one thing (which is not tactics) - should you, would you, could you share the inspiration of game's creators?
For some reason, it's my opinion that the other type of players are just fans of their own design.

I'm overly impressed with new DCSS's changelog so beat me to smitherines for writing this -
 - even when neglecting readme portions of their docs, devs explain changes they've made through changelogs.

So there, compare both these ancient files and you're golden. :)

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