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Messages - vultures

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Well folks, you've never seen me because I've come before, and I'll leave long after. :)
I'm vultures!

A fan of the RPG genre for as long as I can think about, I've mostly dealt with tabletops and art / fan_art. When Linux and Open-source became a somewhat common sighting throghout gaming crowds I was glad so many RLs were scraped up from the gutter, forked and given a new life. There are but a few moments throughout the day I enjoy more than a black cup o' roguelike. :D

Just a few mentions, I've enjoyed both DCSS and Cataclysm:_Dark_Days_Ahead for quite some time now; I'm on smf.catadda for quite some time now. Besides planning a pioneer attempt into RL dev-ing, I'm currently setting up a site dedicated to RLs, OS games and notable vintage titles.

I really wanna try your game, but...

I've been stuck with some 1.7_jre ever since, but it didn't matter much because it ran on both my desktops. Today I've ran the update through Win only to try 1.7.3_PDungeon yet again, but it failed miserably.
Just to let you know, I've downloaded both builds that supposedly run on desktops - the only difference is with the "launcher" you've set up to summon the java enviroment.
Another thing worth mentioning is that I've never had issues with java apps prior to this. What perhaps matters only to me is that I don't really own an android device, and I've enjoyed RL games for what seems eternity now.


SDL makes for a perfect console_emu, since WinXP (and later) doesn't have any support for native console.
Specific libraries offer a workaround and serve as yet another pseudo-shell for Win systems. CataDDA won't compile with those unless you make it work at your end.

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