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Messages - Perspicaciosity

Pages: [1]
Success!....By our standards.

We set out to write a roguelike in a language none of us knew (C#) using an engine none of us had used before (Unity3d) on prototype hardware (Occulus Rift) in a domain we have no previous project experience in (rogue-likes). So after a week, being able to generate progressively larger levels, and wander through them with a 3d VR headset feels like success, even if the available game-play is basically limited to finding the hole down into the next floor.

And so we present TBMBAD!

A link to our Github project:

A link to the Executable:!XA5iyJAL!ajSMg5dYDs8czc_47Cu6_UUMw26ePI7b9QpS91bcUVI

Some friends and I are getting together over our conveniently placed spring break to try to put together an Oculus enabled roguelike game.  (Using procedural generation & permadeath, but likely not turn based...)  We want an exploration focused game, rewarding the player for careful observation.  We plan to build in Unity.  Mostly starting a thread to have a link for the 7DRL game registration page, but any advice, comments, or cantankerous quibbles are much appreciated. 

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