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Messages - Arowx

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7DRLs / 7DRL 2016 - Daisy
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:02:50 PM »
Daisy - You work in the flower shop of Big City, it's a sunny clear day so you are in a good mood, and expect a profitable day.

I will post updates as I go.

Wish me luck.

Incubator / Re: [Feedback] Aliens R Loveable
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:29:08 AM »
Not sure Unity has this built in as far as I can see.

Early Dev / Re: Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:26:51 PM »
You are unarmed. You need to find a crate with a weapon in it.

The inventory screen works fine for me - 'i' opens and closes it or the 'x' - icon on the panel. 

This game uses WebGL so you might want to try a different browser, Chrome, Edge and Firefox work well for me.

Also playing in full-screen mode can help with input focus problems, blue button bottom right.

Early Dev / Re: Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:43:45 PM »
Update key repeat delay set at 0.2 seconds. Isometric view now 90 deg. not 45 deg.

Incubator / Re: [Feedback] Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 30, 2015, 08:27:57 PM »
The game has an input delay but probably to speed up things while developing I set it at 0.05 seconds I have uploaded a new version with a 0.2 seconds input delay.

Incubator / Re: [Feedback] Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:02:43 PM »
@Tzan @Quendus Thanks for the great feedback.

What about a key repeat delay, do Roguelike players like to pound the keyboard or have a configurable repeat delay on movement?

Incubator / [Feedback] Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 29, 2015, 01:09:35 PM »
I was working on an RL style game with an AlienRL theme but in isometric 3D using Unity.  Got a bit bogged down or sidetracked. 

Also after getting the initial monsters/aliens in a maze gameplay to work and a basic inventory UI system working well it got shelved.

The thing is I really like AlienRL and my 3D isometric game was not hitting the same level of fun for me, or the actual work needed to make in depth RL gameplay and mechanics are seriously underrated?

So far I have the player being able to move around a randomly generated compound, pickup items and shoot aliens but I get the feeling I'm seriously missing something compared to AlienRL?

I will see about creating a WebGL build that people can play with but interested in feedback from other developers on what makes some RL games so addictive and fun?

Here is the game so far in WebGL on

What do you think?

Early Dev / Re: Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 28, 2015, 11:16:49 PM »
Here is the game so far in WebGL on

What do you think?

Early Dev / Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:09:01 PM »
I was working on an RL style game with and AlienRL theme but in isometric 3D using Unity.  Got a bit bogged down or sidetracked. 

Also after getting the the initial monsters/aliens in a maze gameplay to work and some a basic inventory UI system working well it got shelved.

The thing is I really like AlienRL and my 3D isometic game was not hitting the same level of fun for me, or the actual work needed to make in depth RL gameplay and mechanics are seriously underated?

So far I have the player being able to move around a randomly generated compound, pickup items and shoot aliens but I get the feeling I'm seriously missing something compared to AlienRL?

I will see about creating a WebGL build that people can play with but interested in feedback from other developers on what makes some RL games so addictive and fun?

Early Dev / SalvageRL
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:16:08 AM »
Space Salvaging with 6DOF.

Or Descent meets Roguelike with bullet time.

Any and all feedback welcome.

ScreenShots and WIP Graphics ->

7DRLs / Re: SalvageRL (7DRL 2015) [ALPHA]
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:29:29 PM »

7DRLs / Re: SalvageRL (7DRL 2015) [ALPHA]
« on: March 21, 2015, 07:49:20 PM »

More images being updated here

7DRLs / Re: SalvageRL (7DRL 2015) [ALPHA]
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:14:54 PM »
Thinking of adding VR to the game, anyone into roguelikes and VR?

7DRLs / Re: SalvageRL (7DRL 2015) [ALPHA]
« on: March 18, 2015, 01:44:54 PM »
OK New playability/bug fix build out

Old build still available as download for PC if you want to compare the two!

7DRLs / Re: SalvageRL (7DRL 2015) [ALPHA]
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:26:45 PM »
OK continuing to work on the game for the reddit Indie Dev Mix Tape.

Currently working on balancing the game as it's a bit too hard at the moment.

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