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Topics - Arowx

Pages: [1]
7DRLs / 7DRL 2016 - Daisy
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:02:50 PM »
Daisy - You work in the flower shop of Big City, it's a sunny clear day so you are in a good mood, and expect a profitable day.

I will post updates as I go.

Wish me luck.

Incubator / [Feedback] Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 29, 2015, 01:09:35 PM »
I was working on an RL style game with an AlienRL theme but in isometric 3D using Unity.  Got a bit bogged down or sidetracked. 

Also after getting the initial monsters/aliens in a maze gameplay to work and a basic inventory UI system working well it got shelved.

The thing is I really like AlienRL and my 3D isometric game was not hitting the same level of fun for me, or the actual work needed to make in depth RL gameplay and mechanics are seriously underrated?

So far I have the player being able to move around a randomly generated compound, pickup items and shoot aliens but I get the feeling I'm seriously missing something compared to AlienRL?

I will see about creating a WebGL build that people can play with but interested in feedback from other developers on what makes some RL games so addictive and fun?

Here is the game so far in WebGL on

What do you think?

Early Dev / Aliens R Loveable
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:09:01 PM »
I was working on an RL style game with and AlienRL theme but in isometric 3D using Unity.  Got a bit bogged down or sidetracked. 

Also after getting the the initial monsters/aliens in a maze gameplay to work and some a basic inventory UI system working well it got shelved.

The thing is I really like AlienRL and my 3D isometic game was not hitting the same level of fun for me, or the actual work needed to make in depth RL gameplay and mechanics are seriously underated?

So far I have the player being able to move around a randomly generated compound, pickup items and shoot aliens but I get the feeling I'm seriously missing something compared to AlienRL?

I will see about creating a WebGL build that people can play with but interested in feedback from other developers on what makes some RL games so addictive and fun?

Early Dev / SalvageRL
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:16:08 AM »
Space Salvaging with 6DOF.

Or Descent meets Roguelike with bullet time.

Any and all feedback welcome.

ScreenShots and WIP Graphics ->

7DRLs / SalvageRL (7DRL 2015) [7DRL++]
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:16:37 PM »
Concept (May Change):
Those big space battles, you know the ones we like to watch/play over and over again in our immersion systems. Well they leave a right mess but if you know what you're looking for and can avoid the active defence systems, killer droids, crazy alien troopers and deadly toxic substances and radiation then you can make a lot of money. Thankfully due to galactic law all battles or giant conflicts with class 1 or higher weapons has to take place in the dead zone. That's right the one ringed by black holes. But hey kid have another beer on me and go back to your immersion booth, you'll live longer!

Try the Game Here

Note: I have been also working on the game for the indie dev mix tape jam on reddit/r/indiedev.

Early Dev / Snowballs Chance Ludum Dare # 28 Entry
« on: December 16, 2013, 04:05:22 PM »
Not sure if this game is a rouglike but it was inspired by turn based play and the idea of your unit(s) only having 1HP.

Title screenshot

In game zoomed out screenshot

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think -> Play Snowballs Chance

I wrote a quick postmortem of the development here ->

Early Dev / Spanner
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:06:55 PM »
Hi there I'm working on my first Roguelike called Spanner and would be keen to have some feedback on the game so far.

The idea is you are a Space Dwarf and as part of the coming of age ceremony you are given the task to build your own ship before setting out into the asteroid belt to make your fortune.

So far you can only: Build a ship, fly it around the asteroid belt, dock with an asteroid and fight the Zomoids.

The game is 3D in nature and I must warn you the game is a very early alpha.

More info on the game on it's Incubator pagehere

Here is my attempt at a Millenium Falcon so far, it's my test/development project.

Flying about the asteroid looks like this (right side)...

Visiting an asteroid looks a bit like this...

Any and all feedback welcome

Incubator / Spanner in the Works
« on: July 26, 2013, 12:18:24 PM »
Hi there I had a go at making a 7DRL called Spanner, in Unity but it well suffered from feature creep in a big way e.g. it's 3D.

Spanner was just going to be Dwarves in Space, but I had a few bits of code lying around so it grew and grew.

E.g. at the end of the 7 days my todo list still has 80 items that need working on.

OK I should provide a quick overview of what I have so far:

The game is made up of three sections at the moment (did I mention feature creep) none of which are complete yet.

1. You build your own ship in amazing 3D.

2. You fly your ship around the asteroid belt - in theory to fight enemy ships and visit asteroids.

3. You can exit your ship at an asteroid where you enter a 3D roguelike setting with enemies and loot.

I have been listening to rougelike radio and believe the roguelike community could be interested in a very rough but almost playable version of this game?

So should I try and get a very rough alpha version working to get your feedback and try and motivate me to work on the game further?

Spanner Alpha 0.01

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