Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Other Announcements => Topic started by: joe on April 12, 2010, 02:19:06 AM
I have just begun The Roguelike News Grab (http://joewalker.org/rng), in an attempt to make discovering the most newsworthy roguelike information easier and less time-consuming. A few times a week, I will make concise posts summarising and linking to the most important articles, discussions, and game releases. Subscribe to the RSS feed (http://joewalker.org/rng/blosxom.cgi/index.rss) to stay updated.
Please feel free to send links or comments to me, Joe, at jwalker.joe@gmail.com.
Good luck and may you have more endurance than previous attempts :)
I also say this is awesome and good luck. Be sure to stalk Elderlore regularly to help track some things in a consolidated manner.
And be sure to announce it on r.g.r.a and r.g.r.m. Hope it goes well - I'll be keeping watch :)
Thanks for all your encouragement. I've just made my first "news grab" digest post, but am still working out the format and what to include. As per your suggestion, Darren, I've made posts to the newsgroups. Also, Elderlore is definitely a great news source.
Thy siglink is busted joe.
Also, liked the first newsgrab!
Very interesting! Also, I like the style of the entries.
The Roguelike News Grab has been up for 9 days now and has received almost 300 hits. The form of the News Grab is still very much in an experimental stage, and I have decided to start making fewer, longer posts (about two or three per week,) which I think better suits its nature as a news digest. I plan to work out a more regular posting schedule soon and would appreciate feedback on how readers feel about post frequency, length, and style.
I guess my question is who do you see as the readership of the Grab?
Coincidentally I started a similar site as yours around the same time (a couple of weeks ago), but for interactive fiction. I've been posting weekly. I see my readers being people who don't follow the IF sites as frequently as I do, but still want to stay on top of the notable news. A subset of this group is people who do hang out at one or two of the bigger IF sites, but don't visit or have feeds for the many smaller sites out there. My goal is to bring all these sites together and glean the interesting and notable news for the service's readers.
So to bring it back to the Grab -- I already have feeds for much of the RL stuff that you're pulling in, but I imagine many people don't. How frequently do you think these folks will want to check out the digest? In my opinion more than twice a week is probably unnecessary.
Slower pacing seems fine to me at that rate, and the style is still quite nice by my reckoning. Keep doing as you do I say! 8)
Being one of those people who doesn't keep a very close eye on things, I'm liking this. Keep it coming.
....the fact that negative feedback about the game is centred on the use of the XNA library rather than its graphical nature shows that the RL community now considers graphical games just as roguelike as ASCII ones.
That is a rather big leap there, and I don't believe that there is any reason to draw the conclusion that the RL community now considers graphical games just as roguelike as ASCII ones.
Two or three updates a week are good, I think. I drop by only now and then, and try to see what was happening. I have no good access to r.g.r.d anymore, so it's nice to read the reports on your site of what is going on there.
Very nice! As someone who absent-mindedly loses track of things often and relies a lot on RSS to keep track of goings-on, this is a godsend to me. :) Keep up the great work!
So when will you post the next update?
So when will you post the next update?
Hey don't rush him! Or... it could just be that I like having Dungeonmans as the first article :)
I was busy for a couple of weeks but I've started doing news grabs again in an abbreviated format, just a simple "link list". Hopefully I'll be able to keep up from now on.
Welcome back joe! Linked lists are solid, though I kind of would like to see you take a crack at a more indepth gander/shine a spotlight on one or more news items---like perhaps monthly or some such. 8)
Still, time's time---and your efforts are appreciated at keeping folks in the loop!