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Development => Design => Topic started by: Aukustus on April 19, 2014, 05:15:03 PM

Title: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 19, 2014, 05:15:03 PM
I am designing shops for my game where players can buy equipment and I'd like to hear opinions for this system. My idea is to have something like shops in D&D games and Diablos.

So my questions are:
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: jim on April 19, 2014, 05:45:43 PM
I think I'm in the majority when I say that much of what makes a roguelike fun is improvisation. Say you make a sword specialist, and all you end up finding are magic axes. Those sorts of conundrums are a pleasure to deal with.

In answer to #1, I don't see any intrinsic value in blocking information from players. Maybe grey-out the spellbooks for fighters.

And for #2, it all depends on the rest of the game. Most players probably prefer to Macgyver their way through a roguelike game; if it's just a matter of exchanging gold for a vanilla set of constantly available gear, one might start to wonder whether the intermediary step is even necessary. The exception might be in a scarcity situation (ruling out most *bands and the like), where the question of 50 feet of rope versus a better shield is something that would be cause for concern, knowing that either would be a considerable expenditure and that both are potentially life-savers.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: BtS on April 19, 2014, 05:58:43 PM
I think I'm in the majority when I say that much of what makes a roguelike fun is improvisation. Say you make a sword specialist, and all you end up finding are magic axes. Those sorts of conundrums are a pleasure to deal with.

I really agree with this, and in addition I really enjoy it when store inventories are unpredictable so it feels exciting to go to them. The possibility of finding something really great and unusual for a really expensive price is something that keeps it interesting, and in the same way not finding what you are looking for is interesting as it forces you to play differently.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Vanguard on April 19, 2014, 06:39:20 PM
So my questions are:
  • There are class restrictions. Should fighter see spellbooks?
  • Is this system making the game too easy? The main idea is to get gear upgrades if player cannot find any in the dungeon.

There's no right or wrong answer to these.  Good equipment availability means people won't have to deal with unfair games where they never get what they need, but it also takes some of the fun out of trying to make do with bad resources.  Each playthrough is just a little more unique when you aren't guaranteed to get the armor your build wants.

Personally I prefer it when shop items can compete with dungeon items.  It makes gold worth something and it gives you more control over your equipment loadout.  imo Larn's shop with the Lance of Death is the greatest one ever to be featured in a roguelike and possibly the best shop in any video game.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Zireael on April 19, 2014, 07:34:47 PM
For Veins (where beta 5 features a working shop UI but incomplete prices and stocking up) I plan to have the shop sell powerful magic items for absurd amounts of gold. None of those common items for a pittance.
There will probably be a cap on the amount of stuff you can sell, too, to avoid being able to sell 99% of your loot.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: mushroom patch on April 19, 2014, 08:35:31 PM
I am designing shops for my game where players can buy equipment and I'd like to hear opinions for this system. My idea is to have something like shops in D&D games and Diablos.
  • Range of weapons with bonuses found in dungeon is -2 - +2. Players could buy +0 version of any weapon.
  • Players can buy the items which are available for loot at the time. More is added to shop when player gets deeper into the dungeon.
  • These shops would have every base weapon and armor in the game.

The problem I would see with this set up is that it effectively makes items obtained as loot interchangeable (assuming you can sell things, which you don't say anything about). If all items are the same as their exchange value in stores (because stores will sell you anything you can find in a dungeon), then you might as well generate only gold in the dungeon with the same evolution of item availability with player progress.

So my questions are:
  • There are class restrictions. Should fighter see spellbooks?
  • Is this system making the game too easy? The main idea is to get gear upgrades if player cannot find any in the dungeon.

re: 2, yes, very likely it will make the game too easy, but that's not what I would worry about. I would worry that this system incentivizes grinding/scumming behavior. It's all just a matter of hauling enough crap out of the dungeon to buy the next weapon. It also sounds like item progression will be so linear as to be uninteresting. If you're worried that people won't find gear upgrades in the dungeon, adjust your drop rates to fix the problem.

I don't know if the following is useful to you, but let me say it anyway: If you're thinking about structuring your shops around the idea that players will not be able to consistently collect the things they need from your dungeons, this suggests to me one of two problems. The first is that you may have had bad experiences re: getting the right stuff in roguelikes as a player. In this case, I would say this isn't as big of a problem in the actually good roguelikes (e.g. the better known ones) as you might think and you shouldn't worry so much about it. The other possibility is that you're not confident that you'll be able to tune your loot dropping code appropriately. If that's the case, then you should make it easy to adjust the numbers in your code and run loot simulations based on reasonable expectations of what players will have encountered at certain stages of the game. That will enable you to tune your system until you can be confident things will work out consistently.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Vanguard on April 20, 2014, 06:39:53 AM
I would worry that this system incentivizes grinding/scumming behavior. It's all just a matter of hauling enough crap out of the dungeon to buy the next weapon.

Yeah no matter what you do, it's important to not reward repetitive behavior.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 02:22:12 PM
So my questions are:
  • There are class restrictions. Should fighter see spellbooks?
  • Is this system making the game too easy? The main idea is to get gear upgrades if player cannot find any in the dungeon.

1. Well, if by class restrictions you mean having mages unable to swing a battleaxes - something I always looked at as nonsense btw, then I guess you could just filter items by character class. Unless in your game you can have multiple characters - party based, then I believe it wouldn't be a good idea. But you could always include an option to filter whatever pleases the player most, that's what I tend to do; let the player decide what is best for him. Even with a class restriction he could still be interested in knowing what kind of items are there for other character classes.

2. What makes a game easy to play is the result of all its features combined. Item exchange for coin and vice verse, is just one of the elements to intervene in the game's overall difficulty level. You can have shops supplying the character with loads of coin and still have the game taking it all away as easily. There are a some "templates" for shop systems and all can work well if properly implemented - personal preferences aside naturally. I for instance don't mind constantly repeating the task of carrying the loot I gathered during my explorations back to cities as long there are good rewards, limited carrying capacity, interesting and non-boring exploration mechanics. If the game also features a hunger system then all can become even more interesting by strategically placing good loot far away from trading posts, forcing the player to properly plan his expeditions by balancing room for loot vs room for food supplies.

You should also think about of how exciting shops are in your game. Will the player feel excited for visiting the newly discovered city's market district? If that is the case then it probably means that shops in your game usually contain interesting items that are hard to find elsewhere, if not than it probably just means that shops in your game are mostly just used to sell items, meaning that the player often gets better items from loot acquired during his explorations. Think about of how important you want shops to feel like.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Vanguard on April 20, 2014, 02:51:49 PM
Well, if by class restrictions you mean having mages unable to swing a battleaxes - something I always looked at as nonsense btw

It isn't nonsense from a mechanical perspective.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 20, 2014, 03:19:01 PM

The problem I would see with this set up is that it effectively makes items obtained as loot interchangeable (assuming you can sell things, which you don't say anything about).

The first is that you may have had bad experiences re: getting the right stuff in roguelikes as a player.

Yeah. Items can be sold. And it's true that I've had some bad experiences in general in rpg games getting the right stuff. That's one of the reasons I'm planning this.

...meaning that the player often gets better items from loot acquired during his explorations.

I'll balance the difficulty towards magical items found in the dungeon, for example 1d10+2 sword with hp/mana/attribute/hit bonuses. Player would get base 1d10+0 from shop so they wouldn't have to cope with for example 1d6+0 sword.

I was also thinking of another vendor like Wirt in Diablo 1, selling random magic items and probably make it so that each level up decides what the next item is going to be that the vendor sells. Those items would be totally random and they might be something the player cannot use.

And also the vendor which sells base items could also be randomized with level ups so it would have for example 5 unenchanted random items available.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Vanguard on April 20, 2014, 04:05:04 PM
Yeah. Items can be sold.

No good will come of this
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 20, 2014, 04:11:52 PM
Yeah. Items can be sold.

No good will come of this

Prices will be quite high and players can't swim in money.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 04:27:59 PM
It isn't nonsense from a mechanical perspective.

It isn't a nonsense until you think it is. I always feel uncomfortable with "magical" restrictions most of the time classifying them as an utter nonsense - not that this is a reason to deny playing a particular poorly excused game, but the thing is, I'm a grown up and I expect to be treated as one. As so, I deserve to hear a proper explanation to why my mage is unable to swing a battle axe. Tell me he doesn't have (yet) the necessary strength or skill to handle the axe and not some religious type excuse: "Mages cannot use this weapon", like the mage is simply forbidden to use it or that they suffer from some sort of a body dysfunction; the same thing goes for a warrior being unable to hold a quarterstaff. What the heck? I am not a warrior myself but I'm pretty sure I can swing a non-magical staff. Mechanics or not, these type of "magical" restrictions are a complete nonsense to me. Go ahead, sue me.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 04:34:25 PM
Prices will be quite high and players can't swim in money.

Selling stuff is mandatory. I can't stand the idea of having a world in which you can't sell the items you find throughout your journeys. Not only it would be utterly unrealistic but also turning most items you find to mare annoyances. Just make sure the player won't become rich that easily.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: rust on April 20, 2014, 05:34:18 PM
Selling stuff is mandatory. I can't stand the idea of having a world in which you can't sell the items you find throughout your journeys. Not only it would be utterly unrealistic but also turning most items you find to mare annoyances. Just make sure the player won't become rich that easily.

Well, it promotes grinding, which is plainly boring. There are solutions to it though. For example, you can make shopkeepers have a stock of money available, with which they can buy your items. It's better than infinite amount of money from a "realism first" perspective and it also limits grinding, because if a shopkeeper runs out of money, then you have to search for a new one deeper in the dungeon or in some more difficult area of the overworld. Ideally, shopkeepers should have just enough money to be able to buy all the things you gathered on your way to them, but not much more than that.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 05:39:53 PM
Selling stuff is mandatory. I can't stand the idea of having a world in which you can't sell the items you find throughout your journeys. Not only it would be utterly unrealistic but also turning most items you find to mare annoyances. Just make sure the player won't become rich that easily.

Well, it promotes grinding, which is plainly boring. There are solutions to it though. For example, you can make shopkeepers have a stock of money available, with which they can buy your items. It's better than infinite amount of money from a "realism first" perspective and it also limits grinding, because if a shopkeeper runs out of money, then you have to search for a new one deeper in the dungeon or in some more difficult area of the overworld. Ideally, shopkeepers should have just enough money to be able to buy all the things you gathered on your way to them, but not much more than that.

Yeah definitely! I actually stated my view having into account the limited stock of money available to buy items from the player, exactly as implemented in Skyrim. My bad, I've should have emphasized that.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 20, 2014, 05:46:03 PM
For example, you can make shopkeepers have a stock of money available, with which they can buy your items. It's better than infinite amount of money...

I really like the idea of vendor's finite money. I'll at least include that. Buying stuff would increase merchant's money.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 05:59:02 PM
For example, you can make shopkeepers have a stock of money available, with which they can buy your items. It's better than infinite amount of money...

I really like the idea of vendor's finite money. I'll at least include that. Buying stuff would increase merchant's money.

Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Quendus on April 20, 2014, 06:45:22 PM
I don't know about you, but not many of the shops I frequent are willing to buy old broken stuff from me, least of all things I stole from a bloodsoaked body or found on the floor.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: mushroom patch on April 20, 2014, 06:48:03 PM
For example, you can make shopkeepers have a stock of money available, with which they can buy your items. It's better than infinite amount of money...

I really like the idea of vendor's finite money. I'll at least include that. Buying stuff would increase merchant's money.

I doubt this will really solve any design problems. To make this a consistent constraint on farming etc. throughout the game, the shopkeeper's money supply will have to change as the player advances (i.e. more will need to be added as the player progresses and the items available change -- otherwise, this creates no constraint in the early game and/or a silly constraint in the late game). It will also add to the challenges of balancing drop rates, especially gold drop rates.

If I were you, I would take another look at the traditional roguelike approach of limited, randomized item availability in stores and think carefully about why you don't think it will work in your game. If you're serious about the simplicity of your weapon model, I think you'll quickly see there's no reason randomized shop inventories can't work.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: rust on April 20, 2014, 06:56:57 PM
Yeah definitely! I actually stated my view having into account the limited stock of money available to buy items from the player, exactly as implemented in Skyrim. My bad, I've should have emphasized that.

It's in Skyrim too? I got the idea from an old RPG called Gothic. Its trading system is closer to barter, where currency is just one of the trade goods and you can buy things without having any in your inventory (or sell things without vendor having any). I'm going to implement a very similar system in my game.

I don't know about you, but not many of the shops I frequent are willing to buy old broken stuff from me, least of all things I stole from a bloodsoaked body or found on the floor.

Good point, that's the dissimilarity I wrote about earlier. In my project there won't be shops, but instead the player will be able to trade with every friendly NPC. The catch is that they won't buy anything they don't need (for example, a fellow adventurer might want to buy a better weapon and some food).
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 20, 2014, 07:13:58 PM
For example, you can make shopkeepers have a stock of money available, with which they can buy your items. It's better than infinite amount of money...

I really like the idea of vendor's finite money. I'll at least include that. Buying stuff would increase merchant's money.

I doubt this will really solve any design problems. To make this a consistent constraint on farming etc. throughout the game, the shopkeeper's money supply will have to change as the player advances (i.e. more will need to be added as the player progresses and the items available change -- otherwise, this creates no constraint in the early game and/or a silly constraint in the late game). It will also add to the challenges of balancing drop rates, especially gold drop rates.

If I were you, I would take another look at the traditional roguelike approach of limited, randomized item availability in stores and think carefully about why you don't think it will work in your game. If you're serious about the simplicity of your weapon model, I think you'll quickly see there's no reason randomized shop inventories can't work.

I'll make both, finite money and randomized selection of goods. Roguelike shops work in my opinion though. I'll just make the Wirt example I mentioned which would be almost like traditional roguelike shop with some changes.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 07:35:39 PM
I don't know about you, but not many of the shops I frequent are willing to buy old broken stuff from me, least of all things I stole from a bloodsoaked body or found on the floor.

I usually clean the goods before selling them and I never tell the shopkeeper I stole them, if stolen at all.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 07:45:35 PM
It's in Skyrim too? I got the idea from an old RPG called Gothic. Its trading system is closer to barter, where currency is just one of the trade goods and you can buy things without having any in your inventory (or sell things without vendor having any). I'm going to implement a very similar system in my game.

Gothic I, II and III had a problem though, the player's inventory had unlimited carrying capacity. But then again, the game was developed having this into consideration. The player would need already to travel back and forth from to many places, so having limited carrying capacity would had made it 10x worst as far as travelling time went. Anyway Gothic 2 is probably my favorite RPG of all time.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 07:54:13 PM
Good point, that's the dissimilarity I wrote about earlier. In my project there won't be shops, but instead the player will be able to trade with every friendly NPC. The catch is that they won't buy anything they don't need (for example, a fellow adventurer might want to buy a better weapon and some food).

I'm trying to imagine that system at play and I'm somehow feeling already frustrated with it. I mean, imagine you want to sell a sword, you will need to go around seeing if anyone wants to buy it. How many NPC are we talking about? How often their needs change? Won't selling stuff this way turn out to be some kind of gambling and a time consuming task? Now imagine you have many items you want to sell. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 20, 2014, 08:20:35 PM

You probably have this in mind already but I just want to make sure. Another thing you can do is having each shop dealing with particular kinds of items. For example, an alchemist shop would only by and sell alchemy related items.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 20, 2014, 08:46:26 PM

You probably have this in mind already but I just want to make sure. Another thing you can do is having each shop dealing with particular kinds of items. For example, an alchemist shop would only by and sell alchemy related items.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. I'll see how large my game grows and if I'll make multiple shops.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: rust on April 21, 2014, 06:50:27 AM
I'm trying to imagine that system at play and I'm somehow feeling already frustrated with it. I mean, imagine you want to sell a sword, you will need to go around seeing if anyone wants to buy it. How many NPC are we talking about? How often their needs change? Won't selling stuff this way turn out to be some kind of gambling and a time consuming task? Now imagine you have many items you want to sell. Am I missing something?

This would be the case if the game would take place in an open world. Instead the game will feature only one dungeon, so if you descend then you'll always find someone to trade with, whether it's a lone adventurer, a group of miners, or somebody else. This also means that trading must be non-essential. Most of the stuff available to buy will be basic necessities that you'll be able to get on your own. Also, NPCs' demands won't be as strict as in my example, so you'll probably barter as much as you can in order to save up enough gold to buy a powerful item if you meet a trader with one.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 21, 2014, 08:12:58 AM
This would be the case if the game would take place in an open world. Instead the game will feature only one dungeon, so if you descend then you'll always find someone to trade with, whether it's a lone adventurer, a group of miners, or somebody else. This also means that trading must be non-essential. Most of the stuff available to buy will be basic necessities that you'll be able to get on your own. Also, NPCs' demands won't be as strict as in my example, so you'll probably barter as much as you can in order to save up enough gold to buy a powerful item if you meet a trader with one.

Ah! That makes sense then. Yeah, I was envisioning it in an open world. I think your approach will work perfectly well from what you have just described.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 21, 2014, 05:50:04 PM
I'm probably settling towards a system that has something like 5 random base items for sale which change on level up and 5 magical items which change when progressing in dungeon.

I have to change also my basic loot system since now leather armors drop only on the first 4 dungeon levels. They should drop all the way the whole dungeon but become rarer when heavier armor becomes available. Then I wouldn't need to make items which are not available any more available only from shops. Then I can just randomize all shops.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 21, 2014, 08:12:08 PM
Out of curiosity, how many items (weapons & armor) will your game have?
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 21, 2014, 08:44:35 PM
Out of curiosity, how many items (weapons & armor) will your game have?

There are at the moment around 15 base weapons and around 20 base armors. Magical items / artifacts are all based on those. I will add some base weapons and armors at some point, I just have to check my tile file for what unused armor/weapon tiles there are and see if they fit my game.

Edit: Probably the amount won't grow more than 5 for both.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 22, 2014, 07:03:46 AM
Ok. And with all weapon and armor variants, how many items you think your game is able to produce?
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2014, 10:45:15 AM
Ok. And with all weapon and armor variants, how many items you think your game is able to produce?

I'll probably make a couple of magical items from each base item. Probably overall amount will be around 150 I guess since I hand craft every item.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 22, 2014, 06:57:30 PM
Ok. And with all weapon and armor variants, how many items you think your game is able to produce?

I'll probably make a couple of magical items from each base item. Probably overall amount will be around 150 I guess since I hand craft every item.

Ok then. Just make sure the player is rewarded with new stuff every now and then. I guess you have 150 items to play with throughout the whole adventure, unless there are item class restrictions making your item database potentially quite smaller.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2014, 07:05:24 PM
Ok. And with all weapon and armor variants, how many items you think your game is able to produce?

I'll probably make a couple of magical items from each base item. Probably overall amount will be around 150 I guess since I hand craft every item.

Ok then. Just make sure the player is rewarded with new stuff every now and then. I guess you have 150 items to play with throughout the whole adventure, unless there are item class restrictions making your item database potentially quite smaller.

Yeah, theres D&D-like class restrictions at the moment but I'm having some second thoughts about it but I'm not sure if I change them. Anyway I'll make sure there's something for every class.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 23, 2014, 07:53:42 AM
Yeah, theres D&D-like class restrictions at the moment but I'm having some second thoughts about it but I'm not sure if I change them. Anyway I'll make sure there's something for every class.

In the game I'm developing, which has classes, characters are still free to train whatever players feel like. So even if you create a mage class you can still train it towards melee, ranged combat and many other skills. Items present in the game have restrictions but they are all connected to the characters' physical and mental attributes and not bound to their starting professions. This doesn't mean that my method is better than D&D class restrictions, it just means that I prefer it this way because it makes more sense to me; not only it feels far more realistic but also way more flexible and fun to play with as it promotes experimentation and customization. I also believe that D&D class restrictions tend to increase balancing's difficulty level between classes, something to consider if such issue presents itself as relevant of course.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 23, 2014, 09:23:59 AM
Yeah, theres D&D-like class restrictions at the moment but I'm having some second thoughts about it but I'm not sure if I change them. Anyway I'll make sure there's something for every class.

In the game I'm developing, which has classes, characters are still free to train whatever players feel like. So even if you create a mage class you can still train it towards melee, ranged combat and many other skills. Items present in the game have restrictions but they are all connected to the characters' physical and mental attributes and not bound to their starting professions. This doesn't mean that my method is better than D&D class restrictions, it just means that I prefer it this way because it makes more sense to me; not only it feels far more realistic but also way more flexible and fun to play with as it promotes experimentation and customization. I also believe that D&D class restrictions tend to increase balancing's difficulty level between classes, something to consider if such issue presents itself as relevant of course.

My second thoughts relate to stat requirements to items. For example 0 str for dagger, 3 str for shortsword, 6 str for longsword and 9 str for great sword. I agree that like you said class restrictions like mages unable to use battle axes is nonsense. I was thinking that putting points into strength is away from points in intelligence which would affect what spellbooks can be used. Basically this would allow battlemage that can cast fewer spells but be better in melee than mage.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 23, 2014, 11:31:34 AM
d thoughts relate to stat requirements to items. For example 0 str for dagger, 3 str for shortsword, 6 str for longsword and 9 str for great sword. I agree that like you said class restrictions like mages unable to use battle axes is nonsense. I was thinking that putting points into strength is away from points in intelligence which would affect what spellbooks can be used. Basically this would allow battlemage that can cast fewer spells but be better in melee than mage.

Yep, in other words, you can turn your mage into a battle mage. That you describe is exactly the path I would follow. Do you anticipate a release date for a playable version of your game?
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 23, 2014, 01:07:15 PM
d thoughts relate to stat requirements to items. For example 0 str for dagger, 3 str for shortsword, 6 str for longsword and 9 str for great sword. I agree that like you said class restrictions like mages unable to use battle axes is nonsense. I was thinking that putting points into strength is away from points in intelligence which would affect what spellbooks can be used. Basically this would allow battlemage that can cast fewer spells but be better in melee than mage.

Yep, in other words, you can turn your mage into a battle mage. That you describe is exactly the path I would follow. Do you anticipate a release date for a playable version of your game?

My game's been pretty much playable for the last few months. My signature has links. Shop discussed here will be on the next version.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Vanguard on April 23, 2014, 06:48:14 PM
My game's been pretty much playable for the last few months. My signature has links. Shop discussed here will be on the next version.

I just downloaded this, and there's no reason not to drag everything I find back to the shop.  It's almost necessary since my guy gets hungry every ten seconds.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 23, 2014, 08:32:19 PM
My game's been pretty much playable for the last few months. My signature has links. Shop discussed here will be on the next version.

I just downloaded this, and there's no reason not to drag everything I find back to the shop.  It's almost necessary since my guy gets hungry every ten seconds.

I've made the food a little more nutritious in the next version. There's lot of things to balance still.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 24, 2014, 11:23:06 AM
My game's been pretty much playable for the last few months. My signature has links. Shop discussed here will be on the next version.

Ok then, I'll test it this weekend and I will post my feedback in this very thread.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 28, 2014, 08:46:54 AM
I didn't play it for too long but it was enough to get the idea behind it. The game's execution seems to be good and not many roguelike's have a decent story line where characters actually feel like characters and not bots. This only happens though because your game seems to be heavily scripted and scripted games can only function well with a progress saving feature - smart move there. I only descended about a couple of levels into the temple during my x4 tries and I really have to agree with vanguard about the hungry problem, your character is indeed always avid for food. Hunger should be something moderately easy to deal with - as long the player pays its due attention - and not a persistent timer spawning more fear then foes themselves.

I played it as a sorcerer during all my attempts and its game play was something like: killing about 2-3 foes before fleeing to recover my mana, most of the time escaping the temple's first level and lingering about in the wilderness to quickly recover it. No matter how often I tried to change this game play behavior, I would always end up doing the same thing. This felt repetitive and annoying. If there were some skills I could train I could try different approaches to face the temple which unfortunately is not applicable; my characters’ deaths were also pretty much the same, being surrounded by foes while out of mana. Anyway, I will try again with different classes to see how it turns out.

I know you are somehow limited to the libtcod but the text in your game is really eye stressing due to its monospaced and squary looking and then you have the typical crude, keyboard-only interface. I’m just saying and I understand this might be something complicated to implement outside of this libtcod or at least not that straightforward to deal with, but I really need to point this out as interfaces play a major role, comfort wise. I think that roguelikes’ crude interfaces are actually the major problem to why it’s difficult to people get into them in first place as it consists in memorizing keys and using keys to do anything else in the game.

Anyway, don’t feel demoralized from my feedback. Take all that I said with a grain of salt if you must as I’m not a roguelike hardcore fan, but I can say I understand what game play is all about and I’m very demanding as far it is concerned. If you are still interested in hearing my feedback about other character classes in your game, well drop a line.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Aukustus on April 28, 2014, 09:16:57 AM
The game's execution seems to be good and not many roguelike's have a decent story line where characters actually feel like characters and not bots. This only happens though because your game seems to be heavily scripted and scripted games can only function well with a progress saving feature - smart move there. I only descended about a couple of levels into the temple during my x4 tries and I really have to agree with vanguard about the hungry problem, your character is indeed always avid for food. Hunger should be something moderately easy to deal with - as long the player pays its due attention - and not a persistent timer spawning more fear then foes themselves.
Yeah. The hunger is somewhat dealt with the next version, I increased the value it feeds. I really like to have a storyline, like ADOM. Kind of gives a reason for the hero to do the quest other than just mindless descent to random dungeon.

I played it as a sorcerer during all my attempts and its game play was something like: killing about 2-3 foes before fleeing to recover my mana, most of the time escaping the temple's first level and lingering about in the wilderness to quickly recover it.
There's the 'r'est key that can be used for recovering health and mana between battles.

I know you are somehow limited to the libtcod but the text in your game is really eye stressing due to its monospaced and squary looking...
I can add support for monospaced but not square font, like 12x8 or something but then the whole game is no longer square tiles. My next version also supports 12x12 font instead of 16x16. The libtcod kind of limits my options having a different font for printing tiles and printing text, I'm also not good enough programmer to implement those even if libtcod supported it.

Anyway, don’t feel demoralized from my feedback. Take all that I said with a grain of salt if you must as I’m not a roguelike hardcore fan, but I can say I understand what game play is all about and I’m very demanding as far it is concerned. If you are still interested in hearing my feedback about other character classes in your game, well drop a line.
I am not a hardcore roguelike fan too, that's why I'm creating a somewhat mixture of roguelike and a traditional rpg game. That's why there's a lot of scripting and such. I really like having feedback, it helps to develop in the right direction.

Probably the development thread over at Early dev would be the best topic for these.
Title: Re: Shops
Post by: Endorya on April 28, 2014, 11:00:53 AM
There's the 'r'est key that can be used for recovering health and mana between battles.

Arrghhh! My bad! That changes everything. I will try it again with the sorcerer.