Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Development => Incubator => Topic started by: Darren Grey on June 22, 2012, 01:39:45 AM

Title: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 22, 2012, 01:39:45 AM
This thread is for development progress and discussion of Rogue Rage.  At the moment it is still in the alpha stage.  Latest build:

(Windows version.  You can extract the module for transfer to the T-Engine on another system.  I'll have dedicated OSX/Linux packages in future.)

1. What is Rogue Rage?

A melee-focussed roguelike that I failed to finish as a 7DRL, likely because the scope is too big.  It emphasises making bump to attack "interesting", with bumping triggering special effects depending on stance and whether or not you are "raging".  Meanwhile regular attacks are performed simply by being next to an enemy at the end of your turn - these are referred to as passive attacks.  It is developed in Lua for the T-Engine.

Included in the download is my design doc, which includes many of my aims and objectives for the game, and key features I wanted in.

2. Goals for Rogue Rage

 - End boss
 - Story
 - Sounds and music
(otherwise the vast majority of the content is in)

 - Gameplay balance; both enemies and player
 - Various interface tweaks (see "to do" page of design doc spreadsheet)
 - Lots of little graphical polish bits

Right now I need feedback on whether or not the game is fun.  I think it is, but maybe I'm just weird.  Balance between stances is somewhat important too.  If you download the game check out the Readme for some running instructions and cheat commands if you want to have a play around.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Alex E on June 22, 2012, 01:55:33 AM
I just tried out the game, and I thought it was fun! All 4 locations are rather difficult, especially the "The Heavens" area to the north. Will you make it so that you can only enter The Heavens once you're beaten the other 3 locations, or will it remain open at all times? Since it's probably the hardest area in my opinion, or am I imagining that?

Anyway, it's a very enjoyable hack n' slash game :). But I can imagine it getting repetitive after a while in it's current state.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 22, 2012, 02:02:10 AM
Glad you found it fun  :)  Heavens will be locked in future till all other areas are complete.  But it might be that it is too hard at present.  Pro-tip: Shadow stance helps a lot with those pesky Angels.

Not sure what I can do about it getting repetitive.  There's nothing I really want to add to the existing game.  I'm open to suggestions though.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Alex E on June 22, 2012, 06:35:35 AM
Not sure what I can do about it getting repetitive.  There's nothing I really want to add to the existing game.  I'm open to suggestions though.

There's probably nothing you can do to change that a great deal, unless you were to change the whole idea and gameplay of the game, which I wouldn't recommend at this stage.

But maybe you could make the levels be a bit more varied. You could add barrels in your path that can be broken, or something of the such. Not very interesting, but they could make the levels feel more different from each other. The combat isn't going to change, but it's fun anyway, so it doesn't matter really. As a melee based roguelike, I think you've succeeded.

Anyway, I'd love to hear some other peoples' feedback, and see they think :).
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: mariodonick on June 22, 2012, 06:53:56 AM
Will download and playtest it this weekend.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: kraflab on June 26, 2012, 02:31:19 AM
Hmm.  I wouldn't call it "fun" per se.  It is pretty cool when you go into rage mode and start teleporting all over the place, but the time in between those periods felt really boring to me and I kind of stopped paying attention to what I was doing.  It would be nice to have an in-game explanation of the stances and controls, since it seems like that wouldn't be a difficult addition.  Maybe it was there and I missed it.  I tried looking at your design doc but the formatting was wacko in openoffice.

Passive attacks only happened in rogue stance for me.  Perhaps that's intended but since I didn't know what the stances did I was initially confused ;)

It seems pretty fine in terms of gameplay for a 7drl, but I personally don't see the combat as entertaining enough to make me want to play for a long time because, in the end, it is still just bump to attack :P

One suggestion when there is an enemy to the side of you is to default the right key to attack the monster.  I.E. the 6 key would attack a monster right and up if there was a space right and down.  I realize you could also press 9, but it feels more natural to me to just keep holding 6 and blast through any monsters that come into your path.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 26, 2012, 07:50:21 AM
Hmm, any suggestions on how to spice up combat? Maybe I should just remove bump to attack from non-rage mode entirely. Or increase its rage penalty. The idea is you're not meant to use it much.

All game mechanics are viewable from tooltipping over the status bar at the bottom. There's no need to look at the design doc - I just included that for the curious.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: kraflab on June 26, 2012, 05:15:09 PM
Hmm, any suggestions on how to spice up combat?

Idk.  It feels to me like anything you do to spice up combat will lessen the importance/fun of rage mode, which you probably don't want.  Certainly in one limit if the game is fully playable and interesting in normal combat, rage mode because unnecessary and makes the game too easy.  I'm just not sure how far you can go, from a design standpoint, with an ability that instakills all the monsters on the screen.  That's hard to balance! :P
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Ancient on June 26, 2012, 06:17:50 PM
Tried running it on my Linux box but no luck. Tome dies with invalid instruction. It turns out it has nothing to do with me inserting the module incorrectly. Tome has just to be recompiled. Unfortunately unlike DCSS it does not provide download with dependencies forcing me to resolve everything by hand. Which means finding and installing dependencies of dependencies of dependencies ... Tomorrow I should be ready to try Rogue Rage.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 26, 2012, 08:06:32 PM
Er, okay, well that's not good.  I shall have to see about getting a better packaged T-Engine.

kraflab: I deliberately made the rage attacks unbalanced because it's easier and more fun that way  :)  And since the rage is temporary it's okay to go over the top.  Plus the rage attacks are very much needed for the bosses.  The game is meant to play with slow, careful build-up (which should feel tense, but maybe the game is too easy at present) followed by a reckless release of short-lived power.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: kraflab on June 26, 2012, 10:47:47 PM
kraflab: I deliberately made the rage attacks unbalanced because it's easier and more fun that way  :)  And since the rage is temporary it's okay to go over the top.  Plus the rage attacks are very much needed for the bosses.  The game is meant to play with slow, careful build-up (which should feel tense, but maybe the game is too easy at present) followed by a reckless release of short-lived power.

When I played it seemed like I was in rage mode much more often than not, but maybe I just got lucky.  At any rate, "slow, careful build-up" is not at all the feeling I got from the downtime ;)
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 26, 2012, 10:58:59 PM
Hmm, interesting...  You able to take a little video of gameplay?  Might give me a better idea of how you're playing.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: guest509 on June 26, 2012, 11:39:29 PM
Hmm, interesting...  You able to take a little video of gameplay?  Might give me a better idea of how you're playing.

It'd be funny if he's better at your game than you are. That happens to me like 95% of the time. I lose every card game I make and am always criticized for how easy things are. :-)

EDIT: You are a pretty good player too, right?
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 26, 2012, 11:57:25 PM
Usually considered so, yes.  But it could just be that I am being more careful to optimise things in my gameplay, whilst he storms through and beats things anyway.  Or maybe there are exploits I'm unaware of  :P  Or maybe it's only certain dungeons.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: kraflab on June 27, 2012, 12:17:00 AM
Hmm, interesting...  You able to take a little video of gameplay?  Might give me a better idea of how you're playing.

I pretty much just blindly bump attack all the easy enemies until rage and then burn through everything, repeat.  I didn't play beyond whatever dungeon I tried out, the one to the right.  Most of the enemies I've seen seem to have special attacks that don't impact me at all.  The F says he paralyzes, but I just wait for him and everyone else to walk up next to me and then kill them.

Another complaint I have found is that I often take most of my damage when rage mode teleports me from a low population area into the middle of a group, which leads me to experience the feeling that things go well until I get rage mode at times.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the T's knock me back when i'm not adjacent to them, and also in a direction that is not "away from" where they are.

T 2
T 1

The formatting here is terrible, but it is a hexagon with the tiles adjacent to the central '.': When moving into the '2' from the '1' I get knocked back downward, not even up or to the right.  Since the 2 isn't adjacent to any of the T's I'm not sure what is happening, unless they can pull you from a distance.

Edit: You know, maybe the complaint I have is that rage mode motion seems out of my control, which makes the game seem less strategic, and I carry this attitude into non-rage mode, for better or worse.  But maybe I do have control over what happens when I attack in rage mode and I just don't understand the mechanic
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 27, 2012, 09:02:29 AM
Well, sounds like I need a difficulty bump  :D

I might change the F to teleport swap places with the player instead, whilst causing damage from a distance.  It would suit the chaos reward of the forest better, whilst also being a bit more interesting (the paralysis is only one turn and barely noticeable).

The Rage attack in Rogue stance is fairly hard to control and unpredictable, but then it is rather powerful too.  You can temper the risk of it by using the Temple attack first to get a few turns of invincibility, or the Shadow attack to get a burst of speed.  Also Rage mode is the one point in the game where you can quickly heal up (by not attacking in Temple stance).

I'll look into the treant behaviour - sounds like a problem with attack range in hex mode.

The perceived lack of control in Rage mode is only with the Rogue stance bump attack.  Everything else is much more predictable.  I should perhaps look at making the Rogue rage attack more predictable... but then I also find it so very fun as it stands  :)
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Z on June 27, 2012, 11:09:53 AM
Some interface feedback:

The bottom HUD is drawn incorrectly in resolution 800x600. It is also not updated when I change the resolution.

When I am moving in the lowest line on the map, I am obscured by the HUD (also sometimes I can see only the top part of @).

Disabling the mouse cursor does not work.
The mouse cursor obscures tooltips shown when mousing over monsters. I cannot see the first word.
I can see master lurkers when mousing over them.

Sometimes the game seems to hang after changing options.

You should be able to wait by pressing ".".

All classic ASCII roguelikes use black backgrounds for cells (other backgrounds are used only in special circumstances). For example, grass would be a green dot on black background. I think the classic way looks better. On the other hand, it would be cool to have hexagonal cell backgrounds, instead of square ones.

There is a clash between Rogue Rage's simple ASCII graphics and T-Engine's graphical decorations in menus.

The forest boss sometimes moves after I hit it in the Rogue stance. I don't know what it depends on. (If it does not move, then it becomes paralyzed, and easy to kill.)

Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 27, 2012, 12:12:06 PM
Can you give me a screenshot of how it looks in 800x600?

Thanks for the bug reports - I'll look into getting them fixed.

There are many things different in classic ASCII roguelikes - I do not mind being different  :P  But I presume you like the look of the western dungeon more?  I deliberately design it with reference to the classic look.  I like the coloured backgrounds myself, especially with the blood effects.  But I intend to look into having hex colour blocks so it looks a bit nicer.

Hmm, will have to see about getting a custom menu interface, but that's obviously a bit of work  :/  Still, polish counts for a lot.

The paralysis in the game seems to work buggily.  Not sure what to do about it - it is a bit too powerful against bosses when it works.  I don't want immunities in the game though (everyone, including player, is equally affected by all statuses).  I'll have a think about replacing paralysis with something else.  A place-swap comes to mind, but is a bit weak compared to the other stances.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Ancient on June 27, 2012, 06:36:11 PM
Tome showers me with lua errors when I try to resize the window but then it works anyway so thats not something dangerous.
I have completed dusk, forest and night realm. Was impatient in heavens and tried to sneak past them. Unfortunately teleporting W's foiled that plan three times in a row so for now I gave up.

Temple stance:
 - Rage targeted attack is very very useful in tight situations where one needs time to run away. Precede with shadow stance targeted attack for maximum effect. Then while invulnerable use death stance to heal yourself up.
 - Provokes leaning your finger on wait key to heal up. One wants health up to 70 so that rage recovery is not wasted and one can hit those W's for 20 points on approach.
 - Basic targeted attack is best against fast enemies to forbid them from getting hits on you. The cyan M for example.
Rogue stance:
 - Best all rounder.
 - Passive attack can kill most cannon fodder in two turns. Sometimes it is beneficial to allow a group of weak monsters to hit you if you have the health to spare so you can kill them all in next turn gaining modest amount of rage.
 - Rage targeted attack is not well explained. What a string of enemies means? In practice I found it to teleport me semi-randomly which makes it very undesirable except in boss levels when you don't see the & anywhere around and rage is ticking out.

Shadow stance:
 - Invaluable against T's. Way blocked? Disappear and appear in right moments to have your passage unbarred.
 - Slowing hit very useful against fast enemies. This move is better than temple stance knockback because allows to finish off a quick monster here and now.
 - Description is not clear whether passive attack triggers every second round or only the slowing effect kicks every second round.

Death stance:
 - Neatly balanced. Allows to heal but does not give much rage. Very useful.
 - Has inferior passive attack. Rogue and temple stances passive mode obsolete this one. The only worthy use case is when a creature has health equal to yours.

Chaos stance:
 - I find it too unreliable. However, rage targeted attack can dish out a lot of hurt to bosses.

My complaints:
'?' key does nothing. Fortunately there was readme.
'.' could rest.
./. is senseless duplicate. Get rid of it.
The names of locations float away blending with background. Fortunately one can walk on triggering spot with impunity and read them. Maybe instead of floating away names pop up semi-transparent window? A non-moving one.
I am missing the log somewhat. What do the D really do when they surround themselves with a circle?
Examination windows that pop up on mouseover position themselves right under cursor obscuring name of creature and part of description. This is why I am right now referring to creatures as D's, W's and M's instead of their names. The first person descriptions are quite neat though.

Make paralysis always work against everything for three turns but disallow stacking of paralysis counter. This way anything paralyzed gets to have a swing at you after third turn no matter what you do.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 27, 2012, 07:55:24 PM
Thanks for the detailed feedback!  Obviously a lot of tweaks I need to throw in. I'm on a phone so I can't respond too properly, but have you any comments on the dungeons and monsters themselves? Any areas too hard or too easy? Too long or short?

Do the Wardens in Heaven use their pull ability when you're invisible? If so then possibly a bug... Also I should warn that the game might crash if you go past level 4 of the heavens (which is where the final boss will come in).
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Ancient on June 28, 2012, 03:05:58 PM
Caverns of Dusk are way too easy. I suggest having Dreamstalkers haste themselves and also everyone adjacent.

Forest of Daydreams is slightly too long but also the most fun location. Treants require me to maneuver carefully. This sometimes leads to monsters swarming me because some escape ways are quickly plugged by T's. Fortunately raging in rogue stance makes mincemeat of them. If only Faes would do something noticeable that would be good. The paralysis seems not to work right now.

Halls of the Nightking are a bit hard which is how it should be. W's that slow you and back away are quite mean when other creatures are around. Alone they are not a threat but even two W's together may result in sacrificing resources to beat them. M's also require you to focus on them because they are fast and can summon creatures around you if adjacent.

Wardens are simply too powerful. They do not teleport me while I am in shadow stance but otherwise they can do so from long distance. Getting teleported two screens away is not uncommon. If one is not raging or close to getting into rage mode resulting onslaught from all directions quite likely means death. I have never completed a heavens level. Its always some Warden that gets me.

Every area has its 10 hp monster (shadow, primord, ascended) that is great to be killed in death stance for quick health replenish. Also two passive attacks in rogue stance wipe them so if one can make several of them approach you at once it might be good to allow this and take a round of beating by waiting twice. More rage in short time.

Also, you could start on the game on the world map. There is no need for the temple as I see it.

Readme says there are debug keys for rage and healing. Please make one for getting all five stances so we can give you more feedback about heavens. Getting them takes time and you need them in final area.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on June 28, 2012, 03:13:01 PM
'u' is the debug key for stance unlock  :)
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Ancient on June 29, 2012, 11:32:13 PM
Ha, true. Forgot. Out of curiosity I tried 'w' for win the game for me but it does not work. Oh.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: guest509 on July 01, 2012, 02:31:00 AM
  Shit Darren it hung on me. Windows. Vista.

  I unzipped to a folder on my desktop and double clicked the .exe.

  It started up ROGUE RAGE with a big fist, but the load bar never got past 0%. Had to shut it down with task manager.

  I tried to right click on the task bar icon and 'close' it from there, it didn't close it just became invisible. Then music started...classical music!

  Surely the violins are a bug.  ;)

EDIT: Several attempts. Re downloaded. Same results.
EDIT2: Let us blame Adobe.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on July 01, 2012, 10:39:10 AM
Hmm, bugger. Try updating your graphics card drivers, and tell me the output in te4_log.txt. Does ToME4 work for you.

Also, get a better OS :P

Classical music is fully intended :)
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: guest509 on July 04, 2012, 04:40:00 AM
  Shit! ToME hangs as well. I clicked on the 'alert microsoft' button during the foul up so surely they are going to get back to me soon with a fix.

  Yep. That's how it works.

  Seriously though it's my new graphics card. Still working through the bugs. My old driver is still trying to kick in. So maybe that's a Vista issue...Vista has been good to me but only after several years of patching. In law school, around 2008, I lost my major law school paper to vista. I learned quite a bit about data back up after that.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Z on July 06, 2012, 04:51:47 PM
screenshot 800x600 (http://roguetemple.com/z/shots/roguerage-800x600.png)

Actually my first game started in 800x600 for some reason, and I could not understand what 50/1 meant and why does it shows a window about stances when pointing at the level name. There are also some strange cursor problems on my laptop (that square on the screenshot), but in most cases the cursor simply disappears, not that bad.

I have learned how to solve the three easier levels. I think the difficulty is alright, you should be able to do it if you understand the game and have a good plan, and not if you are doing it wrong. I have tried Heavens once so far, they look difficult.

I think it would be nice if shadow stance showed whether the next passive attack will hit (death stance likewise, maybe).

I think it would be good to follow your own advice about stair bumping :) It is also possible to scum stairs by going up and down until you feel safe, does not look like a nice strategy.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: guest509 on July 07, 2012, 08:44:01 AM
  Okay. Got it going on my laptop. Note I have not read the above feedback, so this may be redundant.

  I don't really 'get it' yet.

-So what are the buttons? I've pressed all of them. 'L' i think is a look command, but it seemed like an arrow/ranged firing command. '/' changes my color and the name of the area from Caves of Dusk to Caves of Duske (the 'e' is white). I think this means I am changing stances.

-Okay I think I was wrong. I have several colors...white, brown, blue, grey and purple. White stance puts me in Duske, the others are 'Dusk' only.

-I'm pretty sure this game is all about stances, so I think these colors are stances. No idea what they do yet. Looking above I may have hit 'u' trying to figure out the controls. I may have erred in doing this.

-I was thinking I'd have qweasd hex control. I don't. Going with mouse.

-Okay looks like I'm raging. Raging: 44. Yes I am switching stances with the '/' key. But I only figured out that key because I was looking for the help key. Lol. I can hover over it and see what stance I'm in. But the only letter that will show is the white 'e' for Temple Stance.

-I figure Temple is my holy or healing stance. I'll stick with it. I'm one shotting everyone anyway.

-Note to self. Do not double click on your character when on the stairs. You'll not descend. You'll just cycle through  2 turns and the baddies will wail on you.

-Auto descend when over stairs? Please?

-Switched to Rogue stance...built up rage to 10/10 but then it shifted to 15/1? I think I need 100/1

-Okay. I'm starting to get it. The game is about figuring out what stance to be in at what time. Each stance does different moves.

-Oh shit I"m enraged. My guy is bleeding up. Wait those are flames. Flames of rage. I'm so pissed...So what?

-Oh shit tool tips say I get to a rage passive and a rage targetted. I'm thinking that 'L' was not a 'look' command but maybe a targetting deal. Lemme see...Rogue stance, target on that huge 'D'...huh...nothing....

-Okay I clicked on the 'D' when it was adjacent and I like warped or something. And things died. And I'm happy about that. But I dont' know wtf just happened.

-Seems like it's pretty easy to set up baddies so I get the first hit. Good feature. I like having the first hit when I can one shot everything.

-Oh man I'm at the Tilde level! Water? It's called the Stygian Vale(le) now. White 'le'. Now the name changes depeding on my stance.
  Temple = Valele (white 'le')
  Rogue = Valee (brown 'e')
  Shadow = Valeow (blue 'ow')
  Death = Valeh (grey 'h')
  Chaos = Vales (purple 's')

-I'm sticking with Valele. Temple stance.

-Shit I beat it! The last guy, a purple '&' morphed into the stairs or something when I beat his ass.

-Okay so I'm back in the PurganonTemple. The 'Temple' part is white so I think that's probably my stance. Tested it, yep. It's the stance. Not the location. I get full stance words now, chaos, shadow, rogue, etc...Each word in the correct color. There's no space in between the words for stance and location.

-Day Dream Forest Time!

-Not doing well. Down to 10 life. Can't really figure out what stance I'm in. I guess I can go by color of my '@'. I think Daydream Forest is covering my stance text.

-Running from Treants because they self report as 'invincible'. I believe them. I run. :-)

-Are these Fey ('F') shooting me! CHARGE!

-I just windshielded a 'birther'. Note that in the US a birther is someone that does not believe our president was born within the borders of the US. So this invalidates his presidency (you have to be born within our borders to serve as president, you can hold any other position no problem, but presidential birth must be within our borders).  People bring this up because our president's name is African in origin. Mine is English in origin, and no one questions me. I think you can see the underlying racist/ignorant bullshit going on there.

-I'm having the grandest of times blowing the shit out of birthers. Fuck them.

-Critique - It seems I can always move a to a space one space away from enemies. This allows me to nearly always get a shot off first and gain health from it. If there is more than one enemy I can back up until only one ends up being adjacent. Is that a quirk of hex? So far I like the hex grid. Just seems like I'm easily able to line up a kill shot.

-I'm losing health in this forest only due to misclicks.

-When I hover over a baddie to click him to death the tool tips always pop up. This is distracting and annoying. This is a feature of the T-Engine. I don't like it. It gets in my way. Can you lower the tool tip 20 or 30 pixels? So it doesn't obscure the target?

-Well. I'm stuck. There are 'T' (ents) blocking my path that won't move. Couple of thousand clicks and they dont' move. I tried 'chaos' stance to teleport, but it doesn't work with ends I guess since you can't get near them. I was hoping for a OH SHIT SHADOW STANCE!!!! That got them moving. Turn invisible, they move, then you can go back to a visible stance and they move again. So here I go, onward!

-Soulbirth Glade...feel my wrath.

-Lol, I just died. A couple of moves into Soulbirth Glade.

-I hope this little log helped you Darren.

Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on July 07, 2012, 01:45:28 PM
Eminently useful! Seems I have serious issues with low resolutions. Also you might want to check the Readme file in the directory (though it's cool to hear how you got on without it).
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: guest509 on July 09, 2012, 07:59:04 AM
  Well I was playing with an eye toward giving 'new to the genre' feedback. So I played just a little bit dumb (okay A LOT dumb!).

  Also I'm not sure the average person would really bother with Readme files. Sadly.

Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on July 09, 2012, 08:49:49 AM
Agreed, and it's mostly providing a patch-up job for evaluators at the moment (similar to leaving in the debugging commands).
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on July 11, 2012, 11:06:36 AM
I'm struggling to find any time to work on this (and what free time I have I want to prioritise on playing the games of the people that have given me such great feedback) but I wanted to bring up an idea I've been toying with for a while.

The current game has a story campaign that can be completed in a fairly short amount of time.  I'm not sure how well this suits replayability - to me the gameplay is sustainably fun, but admittedly it misses but of the content variety most roguelikes have.  So I've been considering an "infinity mode" to go alongside the current "story mode".  It would be an endless (or endless enough) dungeon with random floor layouts, enemy distribution, and bosses.  You'd have a score for every dungeon level progressed and boss killed.  My ideas at the moment:

 - Each level a different, randomised generator type (with extra types not seen in the current game)
 - Random enemy distribution of all game enemies.  I'd like to try thematically restricted stuff, but this is very hard with how the game is coded.
 - 1 boss per level, probably placed on the downstairs.  Not sure on whether to use existing bosses or add a load of new bosses or somehow randomly generate them.  Randomly generated is probably very hard to do without a big refactoring of enemy special abilities - not sure if it's worth the effort.
 - All stances unlocked from the start.
 - Enemies would get harder (more HP, more damage) as you go deeper.  The game would be hard from the start, with random unfair situations quite likely at times, but as you go deeper it would fairly quickly reach the near impossible, where immense skill is required to progress.  With a boss per level and a point per level passed and boss killed I would foresee scores above 20 being very hard to get.  It would hopefully have a short, arcade feel.

Would this sort of game mode be appealing?  Obviously my priority is on getting the current mode finished, and this extra mode might be a lot of work, but it could make it into a much more replayable game.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Z on July 11, 2012, 12:08:45 PM
I also feel that replayability is quite low, so this is a very good idea. I have no specific suggestions, though.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: kraflab on July 11, 2012, 12:39:56 PM
It might be interesting to try adding additional randomized stances for the infinity mode.  Perhaps you start with the 5 regular stances, but have the option of substituting a randomly generated one that can be found on each level with varied powers.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Z on July 12, 2012, 12:45:33 AM
Another idea would be to start each level with a random subset of stances (but adjusting the strength of enemies to this set). It should be more interesting to adjust your stance strategy for each level, depending on what you have.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: guest509 on July 13, 2012, 10:17:44 AM
  Regarding finding time to work on things. I find that 'finding time' is mostly a function of will.

  Not saying that you are weak willed. Please do not thing I am saying that. What I find is that when someone tells me they are having trouble finding the time they are really talking about priorities. They are taking about lacking the will to shift their priorities.

  Again I'm not trying to be a huge asshat here. There are plenty of those folks around without me engaging in that.

  I like your game as is. I loved dodging those tree bastards and blasting shit down. Is there sound in your game? I seem to remember hearing the pleading of my foes as I skewered them.

  What I am saying is that if you really dig your game, then you'll have the will to shift things around so you can finish it.

  The problem is that most games take about a bazillion more hours to finish than one would think they should. Starts. Restarts. Testing. Public testing which leads to restarts...etc...

  You think you are making a 7DRL but then you wind up with a monster.

  I guess my real advice is to make a game, the game, you are happy with. Then fix the bugs.

  Good luck Darren. I love your games. Sorry I've given any specific advice. Just meta advice. I guess I'm in a cheer leading mood. :-) SMILEY! :)


EDIT: My goodness there were so many typos in that post. It was pretty heartfelt so I'll leave it as is. Still...too many errors. A 'GUNFIST' amount of errors  you might say.  :-)
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on July 13, 2012, 12:31:55 PM
I agree on the will thing.  But there's also a matter of big and small things to do, and right now the things I want to do on the game are big whilst there's a lot of other urgent little things that need doing too.  I need to think about splitting development into small targets to make it more approachable.

I plan to add sound to the game later, but at the moment you'll just have to continue enjoying whatever imaginary screams you're hearing  :D
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: kraflab on July 13, 2012, 09:44:40 PM
I agree on the will thing.  But there's also a matter of big and small things to do, and right now the things I want to do on the game are big whilst there's a lot of other urgent little things that need doing too.  I need to think about splitting development into small targets to make it more approachable.

I plan to add sound to the game later, but at the moment you'll just have to continue enjoying whatever imaginary screams you're hearing  :D

In my game design experience, adding 5 small things can dramatically improve a game in ways a single large thing might never accomplish.  As an example, adding the ability to leave a trail of blood behind you in epilogue is a small thing but I absolutely love seeing it happen :P Sound is another thing that is easy to do and has a huge benefit.  Of course, if you don't have any experience coding sound it might not be as "easy" as I see it.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on August 26, 2012, 05:39:58 AM
Here is the latest build of Rogue Rage, with a whole bunch of fixes and things from previous:


Rage is less easy to get, the heavens have been nerfed slightly, many display things have been improved, and the final boss level is in (but without special abilities).  The default Rogue attack has been changed to straight damage and its rage attack has been made cooler looking and easier to follow (seriously, check it out!)  Stairs now auto-use upon traversal and you can right-click to change stances, so full mouse play allowed!  In addition save files now work  I'm still worried that the Heavens are overpowered and the other areas are too easy, so feedback there is welcome.

However! I have not been attentive enough to other Incubator projects so I would ask that other developers please ignore this until I have rightly given more feedback on their work.

Things I have to do:
 - sound effects and music (I'll be using some free classical stuff)
 - story text (only needs a light touch)
 - cosmetic map changes on boss death
 - in-game instructions
 - cope with different screen resolutions better
 - Endless Death mode, with random bosses on each level
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Ancient on August 26, 2012, 04:01:40 PM
Good to have you back with us. I suggest to try improved Fame first. It has not yet received good suggestions since its last release.

PRIME is very likely to have graphical release on 27th or 28th August. Thus we would like you to wait a bit with playing it.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on August 28, 2012, 11:58:51 AM
My first thought was "What the hell if Fame?"  Google soon told me :)

I don't really care about the graphical version (being an ASCII fan), but I'm happy to test it out.  Will there be any major game/interface changes?
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Ancient on August 29, 2012, 04:40:14 AM
Nothing major that has not happened already. Biggest visible thing menus are no longer paged. They scroll smoothly instead. Unless you want to suggest something?

Since you are not waiting for the pretty graphics feel free to try PRIME whenever you like. Gameplay suggestions are important too.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Z on September 14, 2012, 02:21:21 PM
Graphics are much better in this version. Smooth boundaries between tiles, and the animation when killing the shadow boss, look very cool.

I don't understand the Rogue Rage Targeted attack, sometimes it seems to do nothing (move into an enemy's position, making me vulnerable).

Sometimes I find it annoying that I climb stairs automatically. Especially that climbing stairs up on Level 2+ brings me back to the wrong place... I lose my progress.

Seems more difficult than the previous version. But maybe I just have to learn.

Since stances and rage are the central concepts for the game, maybe there should be some explanation. Non-obtrusive hints displayed while in the Temple of Elysium, and the stance description should state the currently available stances, and how to access them (keys).
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on September 16, 2012, 06:59:01 PM
The Rogue targeted attack sometimes does nothing?  That should only happen if there are no more enemies around in a radius of ~10.

Stairs out of order is a little bug I'm trying to hunt down...  But in general I find it's actually kinda annoying trying other roguelikes that don't have auto-stairs now  ;)

Difficulty was increased - well, more specifically the shadow dungeon was made more dangerous and the rage cost of targeted attacks was increased.

Help info and stuff is all needed, yes  :/

I've ended up quite ill this weekend, which coupled with the purchase of FTL has not been good for my productivity.  I'll have something out by the end of today though.
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Darren Grey on September 16, 2012, 08:04:08 PM
I think I'm going to have to miss out on ARRP.  The last stretch of polish and perfection is just killing me  :/
Title: Re: Rogue Rage
Post by: Z on September 16, 2012, 09:58:26 PM
Well, I am Rogue-enraged, I see a group of enemies, I charge into one of them, kill it, move to its position, but others seem not affected and attack immediately. In most cases it works just like I want, but sometimes not.

PRIME seems missing from ARRP too... And Hydra Slayer (mostly due to lack of feedback, although I could try to improve the Android version).