Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Other Announcements => Topic started by: Reverend Prohna on December 30, 2007, 07:06:38 AM
hey Slash when you get back might wanna make a news update about this.
Thanks reverend, I posted about it
So what do you people think of JADE? Looks like its going to be a doozy. I hope it lives up to the hype I have seen for it. Looking at what Thomas did to ADOM I think it will be a great roguelike.
It is the stereotypical genroguelike. I wish he can pull out the time to work on it this year; he is a busy guy and this is a big project, nothing that can be done by working 2 weeks per year
Yeah, I have been waiting to try Jade for about 4 years now when I first read about it.
4 years ago JADE was alone in the fight.
Now we have Incursion, Legerdemain, Elderlore, Dwarf Fortress, and other 2 invisible threats.
Which is nice for the genre, we cant wait forever :)
I know what you mean. Me personally, I am looking forward to a completed, near completed, Dwarf Fortress, Incursion, Unangband, and some others. These will be great games. After reading about Legerdemain, I am going to have to try that one out too. I may have to add this one to the list also.
There is enough variety in the genre that will keep me going for a long time.
Interesting to see what features v0.1 release will actually have.
and other 2 invisible threats.
Hmmm, what is this?
I'm also pretty curious! I hate it when people say: "oh, yeah, and THAT secret, you KNOW?" ... no, I don't! And life was so much better when I didn't know that secret existed! *g*
and other 2 invisible threats.
Hmmm, what is this?
I think he's referring to GenRogue and Guardian Angel... ;)
and other 2 invisible threats.
Hmmm, what is this?
I think he's referring to GenRogue and Guardian Angel... ;)
I too am curious about these. The more the merrier I say. The more time I spend playing roguelikes the less money I spend on commercial games. To which most aren't very interesting anymore, but thats another subject.
Don't forget The Chronicles of Doryen (http://doryen.blogspot.com/) !
I think he's referring to GenRogue and Guardian Angel... ;)
I believe GenRogue is not a roguelike anymore and Kornel is probably doing some commercial programming at the moment. I didn't like how his dreams of a next gen roguelike changed, but we have to remember that Kornel lives in Poland. It's poor country still in medieval stage of development so he is doing the right thing when going commercial.
I think there are "invisible" projects in general that just aren't advertised by whoever makes them.
bla bla
Watch out, Jekyll Krice is back !
Watch out, Jekyll Krice is back !
Well he did go commercial and changed GenRogue plans. But he's only Polish. It's like swedes, you can't demand that much from swedes, because they are happy and easy people who like meatballs and who put lots of sugar in their bread. I mean we Finns put metal in out bread and chew that in some dark desolate corner, watching out for wolves that may steal our bread.
Morning people,
Randomly searching the internet, I found this... I think it is somewhat related
I am a bit unconviced by Jade. Everyone is doing monster inventories etc now. I dont see the big deal, but then I never liked ADOM much anyway. It didnt grab me and convince me to keep playing time and time again. After a couple of failed plays it was like.. OK. done. next game to check out.
Will Jade blow everything away? I guess its a wait and see, but I probably wont be downloading and playing it.
Oh geez...
"In the meantime I work on the JADE code to currently implement the first fully functional monsters (including equipment, etc.)."
Wasn't monsters the VERY FIRST THING he implemented in Qhack? Something tells me we'll be waiting a while for JADE...
are you waiting for qhack to be released or something? that seems odd.
yea i was looking around the adom groups on google and saw this :)
according to what the preveiws that thomas said on his page (the old ones) JADE will be ADOM on steroids, and scince its java, it will be multi platform (good news for my ibook)
are you waiting for qhack to be released or something? that seems odd.
Oh no, I'm just saying that since monsters were one of the first things TB did in QHack, it logically follows that it would be one of the first features to be added to JADE. And if he's been working on JADE for nearly ten years (first design post was in '98, I kid you not) and is only JUST starting monsters, it means we'll probably waiting a while for a playable version of JADE.
I'm just saying that since monsters were one of the first things TB did in QHack, it logically follows that it would be one of the first features to be added to JADE.
I don't see the logic. Maybe he spent really long time just hacking the world generator and then began to add monsters. I now believe that game object coding is the hardest part of roguelike programming and when you add game objects everything will become much more complex and difficult in development point of view. So it's probably easier to implement game world first and then carefully add game objects.
What do you mean with game object coding?
What do you mean with game object coding?
Game objects = items, monsters, traps, fountains, etc.
Adom website has been updated ! Lots of new stuff online, you need to go there:
Adom website has been updated ! Lots of new stuff online, you need to go there:
Excellent! I hope we can see a release of JADE this year!
Yea, Biskup is working very hard at this... It looks like we will probably see something this year.
Now there is adom/jade forum. I would sign up, but I'm a hater of ADOM so I would probably be kicked out sooner or later..
How could you hate ADOM? :o
How could you hate ADOM?
It's too hard and also pretty dull as a game.
How could you hate ADOM?
It's too hard and also pretty dull as a game.
I disagree completely with this statement, but to each their own.
I like Adom because you tend to find very unique and powerful weapons more often than in Angband (I do love Angband as well though), etc.
I also like the spells in Adom better than in any other roguelike.
There are features to Adom that I dislike though, as there are in every game, so I can't assume everyone is going to like it as much as myself. It was also the first roguelike I ever played.
How could you hate ADOM?
It's too hard and also pretty dull as a game.
There are features to Adom that I dislike though, as there are in every game, so I can't assume everyone is going to like it as much as myself. It was also the first roguelike I ever played.
The worst feature of ADOM is that most of the time it is dull and mundane in terms of enemies and challenges, which means most battles are just holding down a direction key until your enemies are dead, of course if you fail to notice that werewolf king sitting behind those wolfs you might be in trouble.
Games like crawl have enemies on every level that can kill you so you are always in a state of alertness and constant struggle to survive. Adoms artifacts are boring and limited. Crawls use of random artifacts is awsome, you just never know what you are going to get.
adom bored me to tears. I never liked it at all really.