I'm with you, Conal.
Dungeonmans, I downloaded and installed the game, intuitively ran setup before trying to run the application, and everything went fine. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones

. Windows 7 64, FWIW.
As to the game, it put a great big smile on my face. I like the self-consciousness of it all; too much parody can become oppressive, but the gameplay itself is pretty straight, so you've got a nice counterbalance there. I like the horribly cheesy sprite choices for the PC and I also liked that the game was very easy to dive into. Quests dropped right into my lap and I was off toward the first dungeon. Made it to the second level, got cocky, and got killed by a lizardman captain.
So, thoughts:
-Hilarious stats.
-I like the skill tree system. I feel like I have a good deal of structure to work with, which puts me at ease. Too much complexity can create a kind of bewildering and tedious *band experience (only my own opinion), while too much rigidity makes one feel like the game ought to just go and play itself. This is a nice medium as it stands, and I'm looking forward to an expansion of available skill trees.
-I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of monsters in the early dungeon, including a couple of ranged fighters and a berserker. The more ACTUAL variety you have in terms of gameplay and player approach to monsters, the more robust Dungeomans will be.
-My third character, a fightermans, found the fat quest-giver to be in an inaccessible location. His entry door was sealed away by someone else's back wall. This character was also spammed by incessant warnings on the second level of the dungeon that "NPC: chicken has no allegiance" or something. No chicken in sight. Last but not least, upon returning from the dungeon to the overworld, the game crashed.
-My attempt to play a wizard class ended pretty quickly, and this was due to frustration with the number of keystrokes required to attack an enemy at range. I would strongly urge a more streamlined system of default firing (Crawl-esque?)
Overall, I am extremely impressed and am very much looking forward to the future of dungeonmans. You devs are doing a helluva job.