We have to make sure that each of them is tested by somebody

Otherwise everyone will play PrincessRL and say it is the best. It was much easier in the first years, when it was easy and quick to play everything oneself.
My comments so far:
RULER - the download did not work...
Smart Kobolds - good, as Jeff Lait's 7DRLs usually are
Toby the Trapper - the most of the game if the same challenge (kill ogres with banger traps) repeated many times. I don't know why I would use other traps (at least for the usual ogres), I also have to make sure that I won't be hit from around the corner. It gets quite boring. I would add more special enemies, or reduce the number of levels (those without gems or special enemies are unnecessary, also I would prefer to be told that I don't have to search every single cell to make sure that there is no gem on the level), or make them easier to navigate safely. (Edit: oh, I see this looks too negative. I liked it, but there are some improvements:) )