infrastructure upgraded to GML 8.0.
-Game no longer becomes pauzed when it loses focus. Be sure to press F12 or something to pauze the game!
-You can now skip the intro screen by pressing ESC or ENTER.
-You can now toggle sprinting mode. In this mode using the mouse will cause you to run (use WASD to move normally). Running drains stamina and running if your yellow bar is empty will cause you to become exhausted. In this condition you cannot cast any spells, but you can keep running (useful if the level is empty anyway). Also you cannot melee!
-Unseen Ones in the Halls of the Blind no longer have a visible health bar.
-Nameless One casts Dispel Magic more often.
-Invisibility now also cloaks active enchantments. Thus you can now longer spot invisible enemies by looking at the spell effects.
-Persistancy casting now only works for spells the player him/herself has cast.
-You can now modify for every spell whether it should be persistant or not and also on which types of targets. This allows you to disable a certain persistancy without switching everything off.
-You can now select which spells you wish to have cast upon you when you go to another level. Thus enchantment-heavy mages don't need to manually recast everything everytime they go down a level. This also works for summons.
-The 'Dismissal' spell (DEL) which could be used to unsummon creatures now also functions as a dimensional teleportation spell to permanently send unwanted shrines and powerups away.
-Magical items that increase the amount of gold enemies carry will no longer generate gold in creatures that shouldn't have any (such as summons).
-Added a 'enemy_fix' console command that sends all enemy creatures (which are outside the level) back to their starting position. This can be used if many enemies have been glitched outside the level.
-You can now select which spells your allies should under no condition cast. This setting is global, and also holds for any future allies you might obtain or summon.
-You can toggle the glow in the Tactics screen by pressing G or L.
-The Recall spell now also recalls summons of summons.
-Healing Waters is now a circle 2 spell and its typical incantations have been lowered from 12 to 9.
-Fixed a bug that could crash the game.
-If you die the death screen will now also show the cause of death (it can also still be found in the tomb screen).
-The minimap now shows the location of the player.
-Geyser now removes the burning status effect.
-Being geysered and entangled over water/lava will no longer cause you to drown/burn.
-Fury physical resistance penalty increased from 10% to 25%.
-Tendrils of Darkness will now correctly show a trajectory to the one you enchant.
-Teleport now also works in special levels.
-Items with an OnCast ability no longer lose this ability when the item is given to an ally.
-Added socketed items and gems to put into them.
-Added Artificer and Gem shrines.
-Alchemical Shrine now correctly shows flavor text.
-You can now buy spell upgrades from inside the spell (INS) screen while you are in a shop. Press Backspace to do so.
-Shopkeepers now also have an inventory of up to 30 items you can peruse and buy. Available via the shopkeep (i.e. backspace).
-Inventory is now colorcoded.
-Cold Breath and Acid Stream visual changed a little bit.