Author Topic: MudGate: Heroes of the Sanctuary  (Read 3887 times)


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MudGate: Heroes of the Sanctuary
« on: November 25, 2024, 10:08:57 PM »
I invite you to play my game I've been developing over some time, its called MudGate.

You're in lands torn apart, driven to mend your world by recovering compass shards and reclaiming seized ground.

MudGate is about exploration, unveiling its zones piece by piece as you navigate, and reclaiming seized ground to mend a torn world. This medieval fantasy RPG lets you traverse various biomes, gear up, and face foes to reclaim captured lands.

Try the demo on Steam: MudGate
Try the demo on Web:


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Re: MudGate: Heroes of the Sanctuary
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2025, 08:35:51 PM »
I went to try the game out, but when I saw that it required an account creation and login then I decided not to.

I imagine that many other players are likely the same way.

You may be losing a lot of prospective players by putting the game behind a login wall!

Changing that so that people can try the game before they make an account would likely substantially improve how many players you get, I'd imagine!  8)
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