« on: May 15, 2015, 05:08:17 PM »
http://j.itch.io/vampire-of-the-sands $4.99 Win/Mac/Linux Extremely difficult
1 hit and you're dead.
Roguelite dungeon crawling - Discover 58 items, every last one unique, with situational uses. You must carefully manage your sparse resources in order to see your way through the dungeon.
Permadeath - An unforgiving and harsh reality. Even a single hit will send you to your grave if you are not always vigilant. Feel your blood pressure rise as you delve further and further.
Intricate skill system - Gain up to 41 skill runes as you explore the dungeons, persistent between rounds. Place carefully to synergize with your preferred playstyle, or go for unique and fun loadouts to give yourself a challenge.
Every monster is unique - There are 104 monsters. No two monsters have the same AI. You cannot get far without figuring out their intricacies.
* Chests can no longer be forced open with weapons.
* Added visual/audial warning when souls get low ( <30 and <10 ).
* Added extra visual effect for when monsters die.
* Made store prices a bit lower, from ridiculous to possibly-affordable.
* Soul Runes now only give 1 extra soul.
* Cactuses will no longer spawn immediately next to doors.
* Soul floor-spawns on farm reduced (treasure chests amounts unchanged).
* Escape key is now mappable.
* Use Skill key is now mappable.
* Toggle Skill key is now mappable.
* To delete a key mapping, you now have to press “delete” instead of starting to map the key.
* Spawners now shake when a monster is about to pop out.
* Hitboxes of normal walls made smaller.
* Shop UI now opens upon entering shop instead of waiting until you grab/drop an item.
* Shop UI now shows how much money you have.
* Shop UI moved down, so that it doesn’t hide other UI elements.
* Door graphics made a little more obvious.
* Tutorial no longer disabled automatically because of remapping a key.
* You can no longer “switch hands” for worn armor.
* Hitting escape now pauses the game (and blanks out the screen).
* Arena now spawns more monsters at each star level.
* Added new advanced-control “kick”, to break things “for free” when both hands are full.
* Added kick animations for player.
* Added attack animations for player.
* Added controller support
* Added control buffering so that stopping on a diagonal would be less finicky.
* Added notification about what exactly you’re picking up off the ground.
* Added notification when your items are getting corroded.
* Added visual effect when Book’s pages are slowing you down.
* Fixed bug causing chaos wands to do nothing.
* Fixed bug causing large rooms to sometimes have holes in them in weird places.
* Fixed bug causing weapons to take too much damage from bonking against walls.
* Fixed bug where taking items from a chest only accepted spacebar, not bound action key.
* Fixed bug causing Skeleton Fencers to circle strafe through walls.
* Fixed bug causing saving to not work properly on systems with alternate encoding schemes.
* Fixed bug where multiple skills could be used with one key press.
* Fixed bug where a skill could be double-bound and used twice (thus always making the error sound).
Nicely out of nowhere---certainly a tension-based premise!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 12:32:21 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training