It's running.

Built the debug libtcod and then was fortunately led to the good advice on the net to add
const SDL_VideoInfo* vInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
and calls to ->current_w;
in src/sys_sdl_c.c of libtcod.
But the Incursion.mod I took from 0.6.9H4L apparently does not work with this version (which gets displayed as Y1 in the menu although I cloned when Y2 was already commited. *shrugs* (I'm on 85bff5d420f2839c8e11bc004a522b9c6f51a8a1, I dealt with case-sensitiveness in quite a haphazard way so it is a bit more work pulling in your latest additions).
It is not able to built the file either. Maybe because I did not put the irh files anywhere?
"Incursion when built can make it on demand, when the user compiles the module in a debug build from the main menu."
Darn I cannot, I guess other module files from other versions may not help either.
Thanks again.
EDIT: Seems that module issue has to do with the setting of the IncursionDirectory apparently not being portable? (The culprit may actually be in the Registry.cpp, dunno)
I got it halfway working with slotting that in the IncursionDirectory part in Wlibtcod
char *str2 = strrchr(argv[0], '\\');
if (str == NULL) {
IncursionDirectory = getcwd(str2, 256);
IncursionDirectory += "/";
Which of course is not portable either, also I think I am producing the segfault which happens in the 'Compile Resources' menu entry with that maybe somehow.