Author Topic: Changing to "Modern" & "Cologne Blue" themes in usersettings bricks accounts  (Read 1408 times)


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Hello! First, thank you for work to keep Roguebasin up & running. I've found it to be a great resource for many years.

I just recently decided to make an account in an attempt to use some sort of "dark mode," as I'm browsing at quite a silly hour. I decided to give the "Cologne Blue" theme a try, but did not think to use the "preview" function. This rendered the account completely unusable, causing all pages to show a PHP error (which I can't post here due to the spam filter) in lieu of anything usable. Loading a cached version of the settings page and trying to reset the settings did not work. The only "fix" is to clear my browser's cookies for the site and never log in to that account again.

I then created a new account on the wiki, under the same username I'm using here, which allowed me to test a little bit. The same error appears when previewing the Cologne Blue theme, and also when previewing the Modern theme. I assume trying to enable the Modern theme would cause the same problem, but I'd rather not sacrifice a second account.

Thank you for your time!