Or processing, which is really easy to start with and in many ways a "modern qbasic".
I also started with qbasic back in the day (actually with logo and gwbasic, but qbasic was the first time i've made something that even looked like a playable game) and I understand its appeal - basically, it's really easy to just start drawing stuff on the screen off the bat.
Another option is python like Krice mentioned, but it doesn't support curses on windows out of the box, so you might need to use something like pygame or pyglet for output.
tl;dr version - try Processing if you want a modern qbasic-like experience.
I'm currently using javascript and
<canvas> for my current project and it's really a pleasure to use, but you might need something with a bit more hand holding than js (which admittingly can be much more of a bitch to debug than other languages).