Author Topic: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 1.01.53 Released!  (Read 4144 times)

Virtua Sinner

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Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 1.01.53 Released!
« on: December 31, 2021, 08:35:09 PM »
So...  that was fast.  Turns out I created an error in the last update.  It would have been rare but serious if you encountered it, so rather than let that stand, I decided to get out a whole other update with that bug fixed, other bugs fixed, and a sweet helping of brand new content before the year could end!

Sorry for the rapid double post, but the new version, as well as the patch from previous version, is up on now!

Happy New Year, everyone!  Here's hoping next year sees the death of not just many Xaskaziens, but of COVID-19!