Author Topic: [7DRL 2021] [Success] A 7DRL about alternate timelines.  (Read 10807 times)


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[7DRL 2021] [Success] A 7DRL about alternate timelines.
« on: March 08, 2021, 02:52:44 AM »
Name TBD.

When you are about to die, a new timeline is added to the stack. When you solve a timeline, you pop it from the stack and continue the previous one, but with your latest character stats and inventory. For balancing, the maximum size of the stack should be limited, and game over occurs when dying with the stack full.

Oh also your character is a Magical Girl.

Start time: Sunday 7pm PST

Completed 7DRL entry:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 02:22:41 AM by KhaoTom »


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Re: [7DRL 2021] A 7DRL about alternate timelines.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2021, 03:51:09 PM »
It sounds great.

In fact I can see this mechanic being applied to those classic roguelikes that are more random than strategic. They would make those YARDs that run good runs less painful.

But I think that better than returning back to the last unresolved stack with the inventory of the last resolved stack (which could be very unbalancing, depending on the game) you just return to where you die with some bonus or perks that allow you to escape from the situation that killed you.


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Re: [7DRL 2021] [Success] A 7DRL about alternate timelines.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2021, 02:27:50 AM »
I completed a very barebones version of the timeline stack. It was a pain to balance, and in the end I decided for simplicity there's no way to lose.

I don't think it's particularly great as is, I'm not sure if throwing more traditional roguelike features would make this better or not.

One of my main weaknesses is that I haven't got a very solid base to start from... I really should commit to an engine and then put more work into creating a non-7drl that I can fork off of instead of starting over nearly from scratch all the time.

Anyways, was still a fun week as always!