Author Topic: [7DRL 2021] Runemaser, a game about spellcrafting  (Read 8554 times)


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[7DRL 2021] Runemaser, a game about spellcrafting
« on: March 17, 2021, 07:43:56 PM »
Play it here: [sorry, can't post link for now ... lol]

Short intro:
Runemaster is roguelike heavly focused on spellcrafting. You're a runemaster that craft his own spells using runes, combining them for results beyond your immagination.
There's a prophecy and victory is achieved by fulfilling it [NO SPOILER!].

A spellcrafting example:
There are basically three kind of rune:
- Basic, which set the element of the spell
- Type, which set how the spell gets "delivered"
- Modifier, which modify/boost the spell as a whole

As an example you can craft these spells:
- Fire, which deals fire damage at melee range
- Fire+Sphere, which, basically, cast a fireball
- Fire+Sphere+Chain, which cast a fireball that chain to an additional target on impact