Game Discussion > Early Dev

this is a dead forum

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This is a dead forum why even post here...

Well, there are certainly some people watching. If you do post a link and some ramblings about your project, someone may try it out, whether or not they actually reply with a comment. For some developers, posting about their progress can be a way mold over ideas, make vague plans and so forth. If what you want is to maximize the exposure/effort ratio, your best bet is probably adding each update to roguebasin's News section. If you think this forum in particular sucks, there are also RL communities on for example reddit and discord. I don't use discord personally, but the RL community on reddit has a decent base of active users.

As always,

Like any party or community, a forum is as fun as the fun you bring to it.

That means:

* Linking to the forum from outside.
* Starting threads that spark a discussion that everyone wants to join in on.
* Contributing to threads with new insights and information.
* Not being a Negatron that sucks the life out of the party and makes everyone want to leave.
I've been on many a forum that have seen highs and lows of attendance. And the lows were mostly due to the factors above and a lack of maintenance. Given that Slashie has recently pulled out the feather duster and started sweeping off the cobwebs, what the forum needs is positive contributions. If other people aren't doing that, then it's up to you to make an effort.

I've got some interesting activities planned :)

It's just a bit busy with client work, NovaMundi (my own project), family and covid19 all around.

But I'll get to it :)


--- Quote from: Unflexed on July 29, 2020, 12:16:23 PM ---This is a dead forum why even post here...

--- End quote ---
Hardly. Especially after the newest update to the way the forum looks.


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