Author Topic: Viridian Abyss - Fantasy Horror Roguelike  (Read 10770 times)


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Viridian Abyss - Fantasy Horror Roguelike
« on: January 12, 2020, 03:35:00 PM »
Hello everyone. About a year ago, I developed a small roguelike as a learning project in Java.

At the time, I had only released it over at Chaosforge(you can find the development thread here), but I'm now working on a similar project on a larger scale that I'd like to make available to a larger audience. As a prelude to that, I wanted to post the original game here, in case anyone is interested in a "new" roguelike, or is willing to offer feedback on my gameplay and design in general.

Please note that this game is no longer under active development, but as the new project is set in the same universe, and will have many of the same gameplay elements, feedback on the old game is certainly still welcome. There are probably some minor bugs(and the game definitely lacks polish and balance), and while I am not aware of any fatal errors in the final released version, if such a crash does occur, error logs are generated and can be mailed to me at the email address included in the readme file. I do not currently have any intent to continue supporting this project, since my top priority is development of the new game, but I would like to know about any such fatal errors if they exist.

Viridian Abyss(and likely the successor project for the foreseeable future) is only available as a JAR, meaning you will need an installed Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit to play it.

The download link(here) directs to my google drive, which is where I currently host the game, as I do not have a website of my own at this time.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 03:43:46 PM by Sereg »


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Re: Viridian Abyss - Fantasy Horror Roguelike
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2022, 05:47:30 PM »
Still up to date?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 05:49:48 PM by Crawford »