Author Topic: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!  (Read 110596 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Hey Everyone,

So this is a little content update, I've pushed it out a bit sooner as it contains a patch for a nasty bug that blocked bandit robberies from being accurately reported in the end of turn report. Plenty of stuff in this update though :)


A handful of new throne room encounters, always looking to expand where I can here!

* Added new throne room encounter 'Something to gawk at'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Witness Royalty'
* Added new throne room encounter 'I beg you for gold for the families of my fallen brothers'


While passing the throne room I noticed several bugs and also saw an opportunity to expand the Silver Tongues encounter.

* Added ability to ask Throne room 'Silver Tongues' how they go about increasing your public opinion
* Added ability to ask Throne room 'Silver Tongues' how they go about decreasing your public opinion
* Reduced requested gold from soldier for sick mother from 50 gold to 20 gold (and bigger help from 500 gold to 200 gold)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in old man throne room response
* Fixed old man wants to see the king before he dies encounter now refers to your chosen ruler title
* Fixed text bug with pair of throne room knights wanting to join your knightly order
* Fixed 3 text bugs with sick mother soldier reactions
* Fixed text bug in disgruntled soldier encounter death reaction
* Fixed text bug in disgruntled soldier encounter introduction variant

A silver tongues new menu -

You monster -


It's been a while since I've added any new suffixes, although at this point there are 1000s of them so it's unlikely anyones going to see duplicates any time soon.

* Added new name suffix 'The Holdout' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Warrior Commando' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Deadeye' (+27 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Peacebreaker' (+31 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Mirror-Breaker' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Mirror-Watcher' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Greyseer' (+18 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Blueseer' (+22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Goldseer' (+24 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Skyseer' (+24 battlescore)

MORE RANDOM LOOT (5 features)

Always worth adding more random loot that can be discovered!

* Added 'enchanted wizard's tooth' random loot artifact (worth 75 gold)
* Added 'crudely made wooden shield' random loot artifact (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'metal cube adorned with pearls' random loot artifact (worth 150 gold)
* Added 'solid gold human foot' random loot artifact (worth 250 gold)
* Added 'well-carved wooden goblin head statue' random loot artifact (worth 20 gold)


It's been on my radar for a while that a lot of the descriptions and screens in this artifact hall were in need of a rework, now it's finally done!

* Added new event when giving Dumble Staff to a Dumble
* Reworked artifact hall intro text
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Sceptre of the Goblin god artifact blurb
* Fixed 6 text bugs with ancient lands map artifact blurb
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Chaos orb artifact blurb
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Plague Box artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Doomstone Fragment artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Gauntlet of Frost artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Demon Shield artifact blurb
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Demon Horn artifact blurb
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Dumble Staff artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Ancient Scythe artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Golden Telescope artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Fragment of Denland Stone artifact blurb
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Stone of Talents artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Remnants of Stone of Talents artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Talisman of Brothers artifact blurb
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Obsidian Sword artifact blurb
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Friend of the Fearful artifact blurb

The Dumble Staff -

Take it! -

What an improvement -

BUGFIXES (10 features)

A couple of bugfixes here, thanks Ecksesive and Luel for the reports!

* Fixed bug where minor bandit gangs who rob all your gold aren't being reported in the turn report and make it seem like the gold has just vanished instead (credit Ecksesive)
* Fixed text bug with northern hall introduction during special event (50th year)
* Fixed text bugs when listening to the call of the lightning in the northern hall
* Fixed text bugs for normal northern hall introduction screen
* Fixed screen pause bug when bribing rebels to disband
* Fixed options for Maktap the bartender not correctly shown
* Fixed Smallhaven Champion not spawning (credit Luel)
* Fixed Rihhm Champion not spawning once dead (credit Luel)
* Fixed two text bugs with law to enforce laws
* Fixed issue with troll bridge blocking your first legit attempt to visit Dapplogk, Smugglers Den, and Golden Lilypad

EVERYTHING ELSE (6 features)

Some things I couldn't fit anywhere else, some new kingdom names, the ability to change your mister/miss title in game, some new screens and tweaks!

* Added ability to change your mister/miss/etc title in other laws (credit Defender)
* Added new screen for removing the orb from the northern hall
* Added new screen from putting the orb back into the northern hall
* Added bandit level rise event now shows new bandit level
* Reworked and fixed the 3 possible rebel disband outcome screens
* Added 10 new kingdom names 'Aovis, Averth, Bomia, Dainerth, Ezore, Induria, Magnillon, Muunara, Nuul, Teloth'

New option in the other laws screen -


Still working through my backlogs since the end of turn update and trying to get Warsim out there while it's on sale for the Steam Autumn Sale!

Hope you're all good :)




  • Rogueliker
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Hey Everyone,

So I've been in the middle of another house move recently but had this update loaded ready to go save for a few things for a few days now. There is no major focus but lots of new content and fixes and reworks.


When you start a new game and are told of the races in your world there is a random slightly different one of ten different rock and water images picked, they aren't great. I've replaced them with a new shared set of 20 random background graphics used for discovering new lands, I've reworked them and added plenty more for variety so that now it makes the introduction screen a bit different.

* Reworked new game world full of mystery and wonder screen graphic
* Added 10 new alternate graphics for new game world and discovering new lands screens
* Reworked several new game world and discovering new lands screens

One of the new intro screens -

And another -

And one more -

And another for luck -

Last one I promise -

Oh go on, one more -


See what I did there... Rihhm-provem... ah nevermind, so while working on the wiki page for the village of Rihhm I found several things that needed fixing or weren't fully completed.

* Added +10 relation with Rihhm from starting trade route
* Added -10 relation with Rihhm for ending trade route
* Added -5 relation with Rihhm from demanding tribute
* Added +5 relation with Rihhm for ending tribute
* Made it so Rihhm elder will not speak to you if relation is lower than -5 instead of lower than 0
* Fixed Old Storyteller's Hut text bug in Rihhm
* Fixed random quest text incorrectly referring to Rihhm and Smallhaven
* Fixed bug when attacking Uktak village after having beaten Rihhm villages champion causing unexpected issues with the Arena
* Fixed Elder Atik angry introduction text bug
* Fixed tie in snail race screen
* Fixed tie in snail race with bet cancelled screen

New relation change effects with Rihhm -


Not as catchy as the above header but I also had a few things to fix and improve in Smallhaven!

* Fixed text bug in Smallhaven trade route cancel screen
* Added indicator for trade route started and ended with smallhaven
* Added indicator for tribute started and ended with Smallhaven
* Added +10 relation with Smallhaven from starting trade route
* Added -10 relation with Smallhaven for ending trade route
* Added -5 relation with Smallhaven from demanding tribute
* Added +5 relation with Smallhaven for ending tribute
* Fixed 2 text bugs in tribute cancellation text with Smallhaven
* Fixed 3 text bugs in tribute starting text with Smallhaven


So u/TheGamingDictator brought to my attention a pretty surprising exploit that I'd totally missed. After the update to militia leaders there were 20 possible perks militia leaders could have, there were four that over-ride normal militia peasant hire prices to reduce the cost to either 5 gold, 3 gold, 1 gold, or completely free of charge. However what I clearly didn't consider is that the price over-ride only happened during the buying process and for selling peasants back to the militia it just showed half of the non-overriden price meaning you could be getting 100 free peasants, selling them back for 10 gold each and then getting those 100 back again from free, repeatedly for an infinite horde of wealth. Needless to say it's now fixed along with several other changes.

* Added Militia leaders face and name to hiring units in troop hire screen
* Added Militia leaders face and name to selling units in troop hire screen
* Fixed free militia units description text bug
* Fixed Terrible Leader militia perk incorrectly refering to helper militia leader perk
* Fixed 'Militia master hands takes the gold' text bug in militia hire screen text
* Fixed Exploit for getting peasants for free from militia leader and selling them back for profit repeatedly (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Exploit for getting peasants worth 1, 3, or 5 gold and selling them back for way more repeatedly exploitable (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new alternate screen for giving troops to the militia for free (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added peasants being sold at 1 gold each cannot be sold back only given for free (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added peasants being sold at 5 gold are sold back at 3 gold each instead of exploit level cost (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added peasants being sold at 3 gold are sold back at 1 gold each instead of exploit level cost (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added alternate selling screen when selling troops to militia via militia diplomacy screen

Now you'll see the Militia leaders face when buying and selling troops to him -

A new option when trying to sell peasants to a militia that sells them for 1 gold (you can only give them for free) -

NEW CONTENT (3 features)

Always good to keep the game fresh with plenty of new content. The name Halbazaar was inspired by this song's catchy chorus -

* Added 5 new human names 'Halbazaar, Balgazaar, Bulgazaar, Kralbazaar, Spactazaar'
* Added new book to the old library in the artifact market 'The Blah Blah Ballad of Bal-Balah' (credit u/obviousllamainshoes)
* Added 10 new kingdom names 'Arizaria, Altmetrizar, Bottoria, Bubbenden, Jubjara, Cathold, Crillen, Irovia, Inderria, Illoria'


Another group of potential character name suffixes for the people of your worlds!

* Added new name suffix 'of the Wasteland' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wastelander' (+18 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'of the Ruined Lands' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wastewalker' (+22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Earth Scorcher' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Land Scorcher' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wasteborn' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Craterborn' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Craterwalker' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wastewhisperer' (+23 battlescore)

A FEW LAUGHS MORE (4 features)

Well you probably won't be laughing at these but here are a few new jokes that can be said by any in game jester in your court or in the wider world.

* Added new joke 'Cold night broomstick'
* Added new joke 'Magic Bee'
* Added new joke 'Close eyed wizard'
* Added new joke 'Big Hat wizard'


Still working through adding things to the wiki and while documenting all the dialogues in the game I see many that aren't perfect or have errors in them, also opportunities for extra dialogues and expansions.

* Added new question 'What's with the Vomit Hole?' for Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern
* Reworked 4 dialogues for Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern
* Fixed text bug in Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern fight break up text
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern dialogue options menu

BUGFIXES (15 features)

Quite a lot of big bugs fixed here, including a game crashing bug and a bug that made indepedents units end up with strength in the negative, thanks as always for the bug reports everyone!

* Fixed Independent kingdom battlescore changing bug (credit u/TheKnightIsForPlebs)
* Fixed issue with Northern Hall text colour
* Fixed staff quitting due to not being paid having their names omitted in the report of them quitting
* Fixed other expenses section line being too short
* Fixed killing or trap dooring demon worshipper got -1 public opinion (credit Hun Knight)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in elven race description (credit Mayana)
* Fixed several options to kill insane throne room visitor instead lets them leave happily (credit Mayana)
* Fixed freeing slaves in peace diplomacy crash (credit u/rory-games)
* Fixed Village champions in grand tournaments are random named characters with the suffix 'The Peasant' instead of the actual champions of the villages
* Fixed new game theme music choice showing two options active at once (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed diplomacy rejection text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed buying militia recruitment sign text bugs
* Fixed buying recruitment signs text bugs
* Fixed recruitment sign upgrades showing how many peasants gained in recruiting even if forceful enlistment isn't active (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Smallhaven sound continuing after leaving the village (credit u/TheGamingDictator)

EVERYTHING ELSE (2 features)

There was an issue TGD weirdoo pointed out which made your end of turn report appear to misreport your income as it merged bank interest with your earned sum, now it's displayed separately in the end of turn report to make it much clearer.

* Reworked bank interest report in end of turn report to be separate from normal gained gold (credit [TGD]weirdoo)
* Added indicator of neutral leaders lack of effect in diplomacy odds

And old report for income and how its displayed now -


I've still got a few things to work through of my backlogs... I've also just started playing Cyberpunk 2077 and I'm enjoying it a lot... so see you guys in 3 months.

Hope everyone is ok :)




  • Rogueliker
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Hey guys,

I'm putting this out there Warsim is currently 40% off on steam and for the winter sale.

You can find the game on sale on steam here -

You can find the game on sale on here -

Warsim is a deep and rich text based kingdom management game unlike anything else. Complete with charming ASCII graphics, navigate the millions of different procedurally generated races, events and areas with a huge emphasis on player choice. Don't let its look fool you, there is depth in every direction.

A bigger breakdown of some of it's actual features are as follows:

* A huge explorable world with 100s of unique locations including hidden cities, giant markets filled with tons of stuff to do and lots of randomisation and tons more
* A throne room where you are tasked with talking to and dealing with the people of your realm, depending on your kingdom size it could be 10 people or 1000s. You will encounter gamblers, bards, tricksters, goblins, mercenaries, common folk, beggars and tons of others froma  pool of 1000s and 1000s of different dynamic encounters.
* A procedural fantasy race system that has been in development for years through a mix of my own work and lots of help from the Warsim community and now can produce exactly 94,887,852 possible races. Which pretty much ensures all the races seen in your gameworld will never been seen again. You might find Seafaring Goblins, Fire Orcs, Eyeless Elves, Orange Ogretaurs, Inbred Trench Dwarves, and millions more races you couldn't imagine!
* A procedural face generator with over 100 Quadrillion possible faces that are unique and distinct race by race!
* A dynamic arena in your kingdom where heroes rise and fall, there is much you can do here if you own it including hosting tournaments and setting rules. It can also be found in many states and sizes
* Tons of mini games such as snail racing, a mini dnd game, animal pit fighting and at least 10+ others you can find in taverns and locations around the world, or you can hire a gamemaster to play them directly from your throne room.
* There are also absolutely abysmally terrible procedurally generated bards, including Goblin Drummers, Orc Grunters, Gnome Whistlers, and Vampyric lute players. I'm not going to pretend they are good but they are funny!
* The ability to send your men to find monsters from the depths of the world you can train and fight with other monsters, with 27'000 possible monsters and 45 different opponents. (this feature was player suggested)
* The ability to get absolutely hammered in one of the 15+ taverns of the world, my personal favourite being goblin taverns due to their 'vomit holes'
* And honestly a lot more than this

The game has been in development for 5 years and still has a ton more work to go, it has sold over 24'000 copies on and steam and has been supported by audiogames members the whole time.

The game is usually $7.99 but is reduced to $4.79 as it's 40% off

I'm happy to answer any questions you guys may have

Cheers guys

Huw (Solo dev)


  • Rogueliker
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Hey guys for anyone who wants to follow along with Warsim outside of the thread we've just opened a discord server for Warsim

Keep up with the changelogs, leave bug reports or suggestions, see our dumb memes or new letsplays!

The more the merrier :)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 04:23:19 PM by huw2k8 »


  • Rogueliker
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Hey Everyone,

So this update is primarily focusedt on the Times Up update, an update focusing on massively expanding what happens when a game on a timer ends with the time running out thanks to suggestions by Antonios and Josh771. That's not all though, there are mountains of other things changed and added, 57 player suggestions and bug reports, a new hidden tavern, new throne room encounters, lots of new locations and events and tons more!

HOW YOU DIED (21 features)

An important part of what happens after you rule, is how it came to an end. Now there are a bunch of possible ways you can vacate the realm of the living, chosen at random.

* Added a system to choose random deaths based on how long your reigned each with sound effects
* Added peaceful sleep death outcome
* Added quarter of a millenium sleep death outcome (credit u/ColonelKepler)
* Added heart attack death outcome
* Added Evading death outcome
* Added Your time has come death outcome
* Added Snapped toe death outcome (credit u/ColonelKepler)
* Added Stubbed toe death outcome
* Added heat wave death outcome
* Added falling roof tile death outcome
* Added freezing death outcome
* Added poison snake death outcome
* Added decapitation death outcome
* Added poison death outcome
* Added immortality test death outcome (credit u/ColonelKepler)
* Added fifty daggers death outcome
* Added ancient disease death outcome
* Added drowning death outcome
* Added stroke death outcome
* Added fragile neck death outcome (credit u/ColonelKepler)
* Added neck massage death outcome

Anyways Imma HEAD OUT -

Damned Roof Tiles -

Stroke you say? -

ALL HAIL THE NEW KING (46 features)

You can't rule forever, but who takes your place. Prepare for a large number of possible replacements, and many a wild tale of how they got there!

* Added 2/3 chance new ruler is decided by tournament of strength if it's your origin story
* Added 2/3 chance new ruler is demonic servant if you are a demonic ruler
* Added the ability for new ruler to be an escaped slave (if you have slaves)
* Added the ability for new ruler to be a prominent guard
* Added the ability for new ruler to be an obscure relative of yours
* Added the ability for new ruler to be a dog
* Added the ability for new ruler to be the leader of the militia (only if militia is active)
* Added the ability for new ruler to be a usurper
* Added the ability for new ruler to be your spymaster (if you have one)
* Added the ability for new ruler to be your diplomat (if you have one)
* Added the ability for new ruler to be your jester (if you have one)
* Added the ability for new ruler to be your general (if you have one)
* Added the ability for new ruler to be your steward (if you have one)
* Added 1/3 chance new ruler is selected by a coin flip if your origin is taking the throne via a coin flip
* Added mercenary attack new ruler origin story
* Added forged letter new ruler origin story
* Added usurper new ruler origin story
* Added massive divisions and chaos new ruler origin story
* Added civil war and weakness new ruler origin story
* Added staff member's claim new ruler origin story
* Added old staff law new ruler origin story
* Added coerce bribe and bully new ruler origin story
* Added strength challenge new ruler origin story
* Added dog reincarnation new ruler origin story
* Added dog at the door new ruler origin story
* Added staff member council slaughter new ruler origin story
* Added staff member rival slaughter new ruler origin story
* Added council rule new ruler origin story
* Added high council abolish throne new ruler origin story
* Added militia takeover new ruler origin story
* Added excellent case for candidacy new ruler origin story
* Added distant relative new ruler origin story
* Added strength challenge massacre new ruler origin story
* Added court of poison new ruler origin story
* Added day of cloaks and daggers new ruler origin story
* Added court invasion new ruler origin story
* Added peoples revolt new ruler origin story
* Added open door new ruler origin story
* Added obscure blood new ruler origin story
* Added arm wrestle new ruler origin story
* Added strength challenge poison new ruler origin story
* Added staff member thugs vs council new ruler origin story
* Added staff member thugs vs rival new ruler origin story
* Added spin the blade new ruler origin story
* Added flip the coin in your honour new ruler origin story
* Added coin flip frustration new ruler origin story

All hail king dog -

Ghoryn Pikener is King?! -

The tournament of kings -

TIME TO MOURN (2 features)

Do you people love you? Are you despised as a villain... now you can find out, in death!

* Added 5 different graphics for grave stone based on public opinion
* Added 21 different possible outcomes for how the public react to your death

They love me... they love me not -

HOW DID IT GO (39 features)

Just because they successfully took over the throne, doesn't mean they can successfully run a kingdom. There are many ways it can go, good or bad, and dependent on how you left the realm.

* Added good outcome for Dog ruler
* Added bad outcome for Dog ruler
* Added transitional justice slaver ruler outcome
* Added ex-slaves paradox ruler outcome
* Added ensalve the rich ruler outcome
* Added bitter slaver war ruler outcome
* Added peasant council rags to riches outcome
* Added peasant council golden age outcome
* Added peasant council age of liberty outcome
* Added peasant council corruption and abandonment outcome
* Added peasant council royal morph outcome
* Added peasant council greedy divide outcome
* Added demon servant firery hellscape outcome
* Added demon servant civil rebellion outcome
* Added 1 land ruler shrinking realm outcome
* Added 1 land ruler personal money pot outcome
* Added 1 land ruler desperation outcome
* Added 1 land ruler the balance of duty outcome
* Added 1 land ruler rise from the ashes outcome
* Added 2-3 land ruler despotic and oppresive outcome
* Added 2-3 land ruler neglectful monarch outcome
* Added 2-3 land ruler comfort and peace outcome
* Added 2-3 land ruler root of corruption outcome
* Added 2-3 land ruler prosperous renovation outcome
* Added 4-10 land ruler corruption and revolts outcome
* Added 4-10 land ruler Chaoticly neutral rule outcome
* Added 4-10 land ruler saved by the council outcome
* Added 4-10 land ruler wealth gap reduction outcome
* Added 4-10 land ruler expert council outcome
* Added 11-25 land ruler dictator and local resistance outcome
* Added 11-25 land ruler unoteworthy ruler outcome
* Added 11-25 land ruler lavish life outcome
* Added 11-25 land ruler mega city outcome
* Added 11-25 land ruler two extremes outcome
* Added 26+ land ruler tool of oppression outcome
* Added 26+ land ruler dens of villany and regional councils outcome
* Added 26+ land ruler prosperity for the people outcome
* Added 26+ land ruler high emperor of the world outcome
* Added 26+ land ruler mighty empire outcome

A rollercoaster ride of a reign -

The central city! -


The final act of the new replacement ruler, how do they handle the demons... that is if the demon horde exists, if you have the horde disabled or defeated them yourself then the new ruler doesn't have to worry.

* Added 3 possible outcomes if your replacement is a demon agent and demon horde attacks
* Added 3 possible outcomes if you have the demon shield artifact and the demon horde rises up
* Added intro screen if demon horde rises up after your death
* Added system to estimate your armies strength to fight the horde
* Added system that modifies your armies strength for the better or worse depending on how well your replacement ruler ruled
* Added battle system against demons
* Added 2 outcomes for outmatching demon strength and winning
* Added 2 outcomes for outmatching demon strength and losing
* Added outcome for equal strength to horde and winning
* Added outcome for equal strength to horde and losing
* Added 3 outcomes for outmatched by demon strength and winning
* Added 3 outcomes for outmatched by demon strength and losing

Your successor meets the Demonic horde you failed to destroy -

Victory! -


This is stuff that doesn't fit in any other category above.

* Added the ability to retire from ruling via the throne room to get a game finish (credit Defender)
* Reworked the end of game times up screen to give option to view how it went or not
* Reworked the end of game times up screen text
* Added 11 new possible texts depending on your final score
* Reworked the play on screen and added new text

Want to see how the realm existed after you died? -

If you choose to play on beyond the timer running out... it was all a dream? -

THE HELMSMITH (6 features)

For a while now you've been able to get your helmet redesigned via the throne room or your general, I've now added a new location in the Blackmarket's Fighter's District called the Helmsmith, here you can get a new helmet design made any time, I've also added over 800 thousand new possible helmets!

* Added a new building to the Fighter's District of the Blackmarket 'The Helmsmith'
* Added ability to speak to the Helmsmith (7 dialogues)
* Added ability to have a random helmet forged for your kingdom (100 gold)
* Added ability to have a helmet forget based on the Helmsmith's personal helmet
* Added 853,248 new randomly generated helmet designs (was 346k now 1.2 mil)
* Made getting helm design made via General cost (150 gold instead of 100)

Meet the Helmsmith -

QUESTIN' WHO ASKIN? (10 features)

Terrible title, but after a series of suggestions by u/TheSoundBoard, I've added a number of new possible questing knight outcomes include some less than positive ones!

* Added 2/3 chance of public opinion loss for hiring incompetent questing knights
* Added extra text to questing knight screen better explaining how they work
* Added questing knight quest - Finds two bandit horde bandits fighting on the road and convinces them to join you instead (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest - Finds two rebel soldiers left for dead after being branded traitors and convinces them to join you (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest - Dinds a battle between mercs and bandits and turns the tide -1 bandit level +2 public opinion (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest fail - Fell from a tree while confronting bandits(credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest fail - Hit on the head by a troll who took pity (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest fail - Lost everything in a gambling den (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest fail - Bought some magic beans that were actually dirty rocks (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Added questing knight quest fail - Got too drunk (credit u/TheSoundBoard)

NEW NAME PREFIXES (3 features)

A couple of new peasant orientated name prefixes, beware Torgo the Carrot Cutter!

* Added new name suffix 'The Turnip Puller' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Carrot Cutter' (-3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Spud Thrower' (+1 battlescore)


After a bug report by u/TheSoundBoard pointing out that once owning the Blackmarket there were no more bandits for hire. I looked into and decided to add a new system while I was at it, so now alongside several bugfixes theres a new system where depending on how high your public opinion is, less and less bandits will appear for hire each year.

* Added New section of Blackmarket Herald Newspaper reporting new bandits for hire from the slums
* Added New section of Blackmarket Herald Newspaper reporting new bandits for hire from the market in general when you own the market
* Added system to generated new Blackmarket mercenaries based on your public opinion (lower the opinion the more recruits)
* Reworked Blackmarket bandit merc hire screen to show effect of public opinion on recruitment (if market owned)
* Added 75+ public opinion grants between 1-3 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added 50+ public opinion grants between 1-5 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added 25+ public opinion grants between 1-8 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added 0+ public opinion grants between 1-10 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added -25+ public opinion grants between 1-12 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added -50+ public opinion grants between 1-15 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added -75+ public opinion grants between 1-18 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Added 76 or lower public opinion grants between 1-20 new bandit mercs per year in owned market
* Fixed Blackmarket bandit hiring screen no bandits message
* Fixed Blackmarket bandits for hire being miscounted as bandit guards in recruitment mention in Blackmarket Herald newspaper

Hiring Blackmarket bandits when you have a high public opinion (when you own the market) -

Hiring Blackmarket bandits when you have a low public opinion (when you own the market) -

THE HOLY LAND (15 features)

The holy land, a new hidden area added to the game with a few interesting things to do. Good luck finding it!

* Added secret entrance hidden in the gameworld
* Added clue to getting into secret entrance hidden near it
* Added bard to the secret area with a newly recorded song
* Added dynamic intro system to secret area with each of the 5 options having consequences
* Added ability to be permanently blocked from the secret area
* Added secret area entrance after blocked scene
* Added ability to buy ale in secret area
* Added ale prices in secret area vary depending on intro (1 gold, 2 gold, 3 gold)
* Added ability to get ale for free
* Added ability to hire bandits from secret area
* Added bandit hire cost varies depending on intro (35 gold, 40 gold, 45 gold, 20 gold)
* Added brawls in secret area
* Added 15 random dialogues for locals
* Added new character Bentha the Bad (and 10 dialogues)
* Added new character Schwee the Tenfoot Tall (and 6 dialogues)

The new Tavern -

Meeting a new character of consquence -


Was playtesting and noticed the Adventurer's Quarter of the Artifact Market looking a little scarce so I've added two additional locations there.

* Added Adventurer's Quarter Merc Post (random foreign merc units for hire)
* Added New location Gralkar the Nameteller (tell you your name)
* Added 3 random dialogues for Gralkar when spoken to

The Adventurer's Quarter looking a little more busy -

What's my name? -


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While playtesting I noticed that asking about the wider realm was absent in council meetings, so I figured I'd add the ability, little did I realise how much I'd have to write, 3 different possible comments, from the 5 staff members, about the 4 different world regions... oof

* Added new category of options in council meetings
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Spymasters about the North
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Jesters about the North
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Diplomats about the North
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Stewards about the North
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Generals about the North
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Spymasters about the East
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Jesters about the East
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Diplomats about the East
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Stewards about the East
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Generals about the East
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Spymasters about the South
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Jesters about the South
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Diplomats about the South
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Stewards about the South
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Generals about the South
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Spymasters about the West
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Jesters about the West
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Diplomats about the West
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Stewards about the West
* Added 3 possible dialogues from Generals about the West

This was a real trawl to add in, now you can ask about the different regions -


After a suggestion for a little feature by u/TheSoundBoard I came across a number of issues with the mine, I ended up improving and fixing as many as I could.

* Fixed 3 text bugs in Monfort mine descriptions
* Fixed missing screen for trying to talk to mine guards if monfort mine owned by rival group
* Added new screen for trying to put peasants in monfort mine but not having enough peasants
* Added new graphic for various levels of miners being added or removed
* Fixed monfort mine line graphic being too short
* Removed useless screens from prospecting
* Fixed 6 text bugs in prospecting screens
* Fixed 0 peasants added to the mine screen
* Fixed monfort mine peasant withdrawal bug
* Added new screen for trying to remove more peasants than you have stored
* Added mention of how many peasants join you when you collapse monfort mine instead of generic text
* Fixed two text bugs in dried up monfort mine screen
* Reworked collapsed monfort mine screen
* Added random number of Harlaw miners join smallhaven population if you buy the mine (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Reduced mine sound effect volume


Always happy to add more to the throne room, quite a few throne room bugs fixed and a bunch of new encounters and additions to existing ones.

* Added new song for encounter where drunk man sings terrible song
* Added new drunk throne room encounter 'More drunk than normal'
* Added new drunk throne room encounter 'Day of drunkness'
* Added new drunk throne room encounter 'Excuse to get drunk'
* Added new drunk throne room encounter 'Pukes into hands'
* Added new drunk throne room encounter 'Drunk army joiner'
* Added 4 new alternate outcomes to hiring foreign unit into your army in the throne room
* Added urine trouble joke from throne room wall peeing event happens only once
* Added urine trouble event follow up if throne room wall peeing happens twice
* Added urine trouble event follow up if throne room wall peeing happens for a third time
* Added throne room tip on stewards when entering for the first time (Credit YES YES YES)
* Added alternate throne room tip on stewards for games where you start with a low level throne room
* Fixed 4 text bugs in man marrying carrot encounter and reactions
* Fixed 2 text bugs in accepting foreign unit into your army via the throne room
* Fixed fallen brothers throne room encounter blocked from appearing and instead showing blank text (credit JimmyL)
* Fixed bug with soldier's mother donation throne room encounter incorrectly showing 500 and 50 gold payments instead of 200 and 20 (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with beating throne room gambler out of all his gold
* Fixed missing gold loss indicator when giving gold to gambler beggar in throne room (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed abomination trap door event refers to last throne room visitor prior to abomination (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed demon worshipper encounter reactions refer to the last throne room visitor prior to them (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing line in abomination imprisonment encounter
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Abomination throne room encounters
* Fixed there is a great ruler throne room poem typo (credit Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Added missing indicator for musicians guild relation change when hiring bard in throne room
* Fixed 7 text bugs with execution reaction in throne room
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Blackmarket mercenary throne room encounter
* Fixed issue with gold loss not being shown when hiring troops in Blackmarket mercenary throne room encounter
* Fixed crown of mai option missing if you stop accepting visitors to the throne room
* Fixed harlaw mining company seller throne room encounter trap door option not working
* Made knight isn't seen or heard from again outcome to questing knight 25% more rare
* Fixed refusing silver tongues services in throne room generates them a brand new face


Thanks to TJTheSoundBoard mentioning an issue with trial by combat not showing prisoners gained if you refuse the trial, I ended up finding several issues and reworking the system a bit.

* Added new graphic for trial by combat introduction
* Added new screen for choosing to refuse trial by combat
* Fixed refusal of trial by combat not showing prisoner loss (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed some trial by combat outcomes being blocked
* Made soldiers and knights fighting for you in the trial by combat labelled better to clear confusion (instead of knight vs knight, knight vs your knight)

NEW KINGDOM TYPES (6 features)

I came across a new noble title I hadn't seen before which led me to discover some new, and remember some that weren't yet in game.

* Added new kingdom type 'Kingdom' with ruler 'Kindins' and lord 'Warlord' available for any civ level (based on term used by the Goths in 4th century meaning judge, but described the position as "super-royal judge")
* Added new kingdom type 'Realm' with ruler 'Shophet' and lord 'Hakham' available for civ level 4 and above (Old term used by several Semitic languages meaning Judge or community leader, Hakham meaning wise or skillful man)
* Added new kingdom type 'Kingdom' with ruler 'Qore' and lord 'Warlord' available for Civ level 4 or above (ancient title for the king of Kush)
* Added new kingdom type 'Hegemony' with ruler 'Hegemon' and lord 'Lord' available for Civ level 4 or above (ancient greek term referring to dominant city state over other city states)
* Added new kingdom type 'Kingdom' with ruler 'Zilath' and lord 'Warlord' available for Civ level 4 or above (Etruscan term for the annual magistrate rulers)
* Added new kingdom type 'Empire' with ruler 'Basileus' and lord 'Lord' available for Civ level 4 or above (greek term that signified king or emperor)

BUGFIXES (45 features)

An astounding number of bugfixes here, thanks mostly to player suggestions and reports, thanks everyone especially u/TJTheSoundBoard, doing the lords work!

* Fixed issue with using name unity law blocking you from being able to use any evil laws (credit u/skullxghost220)
* Fixed text bug in songwood graveyard
* Fixed set your origin cheat guide showing incorrect numbers for certain origins and not showing new slave revolt leader origin
* Fixed text bug issue with cave beast
* Fixed ability to send knight soldier or peasant to fight cave beast even if you don't have the unit
* Fixed 2 bugs in gnome insult texts showing broken characters
* Fixed 2 titan's skull text bugs (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 'exist' miswritten as 'exit' in custom game text (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Blackmarket Herld recruitment text
* Fixed Blackmarket Sudden death gambler in the central district not gaining new gold after a year ends when running out (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text layout and grammar issues with closed prison screens
* Fixed musicians guild tribute being incorrectly displayed as scorpion fighters pit income causing duplicate (credit u/TheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text colour bug in prison upgrades screen (credit Finderpath)
* Fixed 6 grammar bugs with arena intro text (credit Cat)
* Fixed text bug in silver cat statue description (credit Cat)
* Fixed Miner dialogue text bug (Credit Cat)
* Fixed bard imprisonment missing a line (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed boy turning into old man and rewarding you encounter incorrectly referring to all characters as king regardless of title choice (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed duplicate gold road guardians payment appearing in wage report in end of turn (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed duplicate mercenary group wage reporting in end of turn report (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed duplicate mercenary group quitting reporting in end of turn report (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed all peasants or soldiers deserting you encounters blocking full desertion
* Fixed rebels deserting and joining you encounter partially blocked from happening
* Fixed Hyruk the Moneygrubber not giving you 2 gold coins post quest bonus (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed court musician skill not changed by 495 cheat code (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed spymaster wants to quit encounter not showing correct gold loss or staff loss indicators (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Spymaster accepting offer to remain with you
* Fixed general wants to quit encounter not showing correct gold loss or staff loss indicators (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with general accepting offer to remain with you
* Fixed text bug with general refusing offer to remain with you
* Fixed hiring mercenaries from Darkdale mistakenly showed post purchase text as if you hired the 3rd unit available from the foreign merc hall instead
* Fixed tributes and taxes section spacing issue if player doesn't receive any harvest income
* Fixed issue with Assurak demon worshippers not being tracked properly in save games (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with Lava pit sacrfices not being tracked properly in save games (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed graphic for tavern brawl introductions
* Fixed Rihhm relation bug not showing any peasants gained when recruiting from village
* Fixed Blackrow tavern slaver missing space in text
* Fixed you a bloodied man text bug in random event entering fighters district blackmarket (credit Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Fixed Goblinwood Jamboree event happens infinitely if you leave and come back to goblinwood on the year it happens (credit u/thebestroll)
* Fixed Goblinwood Jamboree doesn't happen if you meet Goblinwood on the year of the event, now new screen added letting you know of the event and inviting you to it
* Fixed bank interest rate being shown incorrectly as 100x less than it gives (credit Trafulgoth)
* Fixed graphic error where knights would wear hats and a floating helmet above, now knights just wear helmets
* Fixed bug where watching tournaments held by the arena owner if not you would earn you gold (Credit Defender and Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Fixed broken joke text for witch trial joke
* Fixed text bug with musicians guild tribute text (credit u/TheGamingDictator and Night_Shift_Sleepy)

EVERYTHING ELSE (24 features)

A ton of different stuff I couldn't fit in any other category here, new kingdom names, now the demon horde will totally destroy land and not have it terraformable to avoid a pretty easy solution to surviving the demon attacks, a new celebration year option, and tons more!

* Added new Orc name 'Ploozdug' (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Reworked Diplomacy menu to display diplomatic relations and reworked colours (credit u/monermoo)
* Added 31 new kingdom names 'Jerrdonia, Jekkan, Jykivia, Jylondria, Jekkora, Felmeth, Ahmerrad, Almerrad, Bariyye, Calradia, Calandria, Cyrantaar, Curon, Curaw, Halmar, Ichamur, Maevend, Narra, Praven, Suno, Shariz, Shazaar, Sargoth, Khudan, Tihr, Tulga, Veluca, Wercheg, Jelkala, Yalen, Wargard'
* Made demon horde destruction of land completely ruins the land and does not turn it into a terraformable barren land
* Added 5 new witch names 'Flemeth, Tamitha, Winnifred, Hagna, Hagtha'
* Added ability to set custom celebrations to happen every 4-years (previously 2,3,5,10 etc) (credit u/themitchnz)
* Added missing set of graphics to shutting down prison screen from within prison menu
* Added new picture on cat wall of fame in Darkdale cat tavern (credit Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Added indicator of +1 musicians guild relation when entering during century festival special event
* Reworked musicians guild relation system to be properly capped at 100 and -100 and added new indicators or max and lowest when relation changed (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Reworked rebel desertion encounters to explain the reason for desertion is due to the size of the rebel army (credit u/Verminterested)
* Reworked rebels deserting to join you encounter to explain the reason for desertion is due to the size of your army (credit u/Verminterested)
* Added failed enlistment attempt text instead of 'You enlist 0 Peasants'
* Added failed enlistment attempt text instead of 'You enlist 0 Soldiers'
* Added indicator of Smallhaven population drop when you recruit local peasants
* Added indicator of slums population drop when you recruit slum scum
* Reworked slums scum hire screen to better display entering zero
* Added indicator of Rihhm population drop when you recruit from Rihhm
* Added indicator of Arasuk population drop when you recruit from Arasuk
* Added indicator of Shaian population drop when you recruit from Shaian
* Removed Aslona reference in Wall of love in Love cult camp (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new human name 'Trafulgoth' (credit Trafulgoth)
* Reworked Blackmarket treasury looted text (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)

A new cat worthy of note -


So now I will begin planning combat update basics and get myself prepared to dive back in to the earlier version of the new combat update code I got working on last year, It's been a long time coming and there's a lot of work to do but I'm going to try my best!

Thank you so much for all the continued support and patience

Hope everyone is doing ok and surviving! :)




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Hey Everyone,

So this update has come about while I've been planning the combat stuff, I've been given an ungodly amount of bug reports by a diligent Warsim community member known as TJtheSoundBoard and u/TheSoundBoard on reddit. Getting the bugs sorted is always important so I've been trawling through them and caught/added new things along the way. I hope you guys like it!


TJ made a suggestion that terraforming should have a chance to reveal loot, now you can get all sorts of stuff.

* Added chance of discovering a chest of loot in the ground when ordering land to be terraformed (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added rare chance of discovering pile of 2-7 bluetrii fruit in the ground when ordering land to be terraformed (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added rare chance of discovering a chest of 20-5000 gold coins in the ground when ordering land to be terraformed (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added rare chance of discovering a chaos orb in the ground when ordering land to be terraformed (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)


There are several variants for the 'Sons for hire' type encounter in the throne room, after ending up here due to a bug report by TJ I ended up expanding the reactions to be unique depending on the variant.

* Added sound effect for boys enlisting or forced enlisting throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in boys for enlistment in throne room encounters (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'boys for hire' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'unchallenging work lads' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'too many sons' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'orphan sale' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'village elder decree' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'no good bastards' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'two problems' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'militia like deal' throne room encounter
* Added new reaction for forced enlistment and hiring in 'strong lineage man' throne room encounter


I've tried to expand these trips a little bit, some extra encounters and some polish on the ones currently there.

* Added trip themes for Mushroom trips (mixed, good, bad)
* Made some trip encounters specifically only appear during good/bad or mixed trips
* Fixed issues with many trip encounter graphics sizes
* Fixed 15 text bugs with trip encounter texts
* Rewrote several trip encounter texts
* Added 'I think I feel happy' trip encounter
* Added 'Where's my hand' trip encounter
* Added 'Floating head' trip encounter
* Added 'Watching eye' trip encounter
* Added 'Loving eye' trip encounter
* Added 'Character revelation' trip encounter
* Added 'Wiggle your face' trip encounter
* Added 'Words...' trip encounter


Just a few new additions to the best houseparty in Darkdale

* Added second followup reaction to Myck being offered ale twice at a party at Nairos
* Added new nairo event 'hello my good friend'
* Added new nairo event 'if you're thirsty'
* Added new nairo event 'an encore, of course'
* Added new nairo event 'it's got a kick'
* Added new nairo event 'Two words'


TJ mentioned that when banning slavery in the Blackmarket, the previously enslaved people seemingly evapourate... now they are accounted for, and the system in-general has been expanded.

* Added new screen when banning slavery in the Blackmarket (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added random number of free Blackmarket slaves join slums population (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added remaining freed slaves in Blackmarket become scum for hire in the slums (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new screen when legalizing slavery in the Blackmarket (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added +3 public opinion gain for banning Blackmarket slavery
* Added -5 public opinion loss when legalizing slavery


A lot of people were asking for more follow up throne room encounters that progress over time, while testing I found a good candidate for this, giving a gambling man a small sum of gold. Now there are several potential things that could happen if the gambler gets lucky!

* Added 1 in 3 chance that man asking for gold to gamble with returns later in the throne room
* Added gambler made something of themselves throne room encounter (gambling gold granted follow up)
* Added small fortune throne room encounter (gambling gold granted follow up)
* Added return what you gave me throne room encounter (gambling gold granted follow up)


TJ mentioned that the Blackmarket orb seller should be able to also buy orbs, I've given him a little overhaul to fit with this, he sells them for 10k but buys them for 5k.

* Added ability to sell chaos orbs to Blackmarket orb seller (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Rewrote orb buying screen and text to allow for multiple orbs
* Removed useless screen for not having the gold to buy an orb from the orb seller
* Fixed being booted out of menu for orb seller when buying an orb
* Made it so that orb seller has 1 in 15 chance per year of gaining a new orb


TJ rightfully pointed out that as Darkdales ruler, removing a few of the smaller local businesses should have some effect... so now it does.

* Added closing Kaff's legitimate goods reducing Darkdale tax by 1% (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added closing goblin slap stall reduces Darkdale tax by 0.1% (credit TJTheSoundBoard)

SLEEPY'S STALL (10 features)

A homage to a good friend, find this strange new character in Darkdale's market district!

* Added new location 'Sleepy's Stall' to Darkdale Market District
* Added the ability to pay sleepy to pet cats
* Added the ability to pay sleepy to light coloured candles (15 types)
* Added the ability to pay sleepy to drink an ale
* Added special screen for sleepy getting too drunk
* Added ability to talk to sleepy (10 dialogues)
* Added ability to shut down sleepys stall if you run Darkdale
* Added closing sleepy's stall reduces Darkdale tax by 0.2%
* Added ability to find sleepy again in a secret location if he's been removed from Darkdale
* Added ability to talk to sleepy after Darkdale removal (6 dialogues)

A NEW CHEAT (1 features)

A hillarious suggestion that I had to put in.

* Added new cheat code '2020' that causes plague (credit Minty and Defender)

NEW NAME PREFIXES (31 features)

A heap of new character name suffixes inspired mostly by a member of the Warsim discord with the name Titan of War, now we've got all the titans.

* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of War' (+60 battlescore) (Credit Titan of War)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan' (+49 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Speed' (+45 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Strength' (+52 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Mercy' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Death' (+62 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Love' (+60 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Hate' (+59 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Loss' (+44 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Murder' (+61 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Bones' (+60 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Blood' (+60 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Sleep' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Swords' (+49 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Steel' (+52 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Shields' (+42 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Skulls' (+61 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Wit' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Pain' (+59 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Evil' (+60 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Good' (+60 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Gold' (+55 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Iron' (+49 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Sacrifice' (+45 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Day' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan of Night' (+40 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Meatflesh' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated)
* Added new name suffix 'The Stocker' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Combatant' (+12 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated)
* Added new name suffix 'The Candle-Lighter' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Treejumper' (+10 battlescore)


A handful of new possible names thanks to Warsim Patreon supporter Joe! Thank you a bunch for the support :)

* Added new Dwarf name 'Borek' (Credit Joe Benavides)
* Added new Human name 'Borkrid (Credit Joe Benavides)
* Added new Lich name 'Gal'berik (Credit Joe Benavides)


TJ suggested that the hirable throne room gnome insult entertainers should be different if you've discovered the cave gnomes, it's a good idea and now it's in!

* Added discovering cave gnome village gives alternate insult battle hirable entertainers from throne room  who cost 5x less (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added 3 alternate dialogues for cave gnome insult warrior entertainers


After a suggestion of having the hirable entertainers from the arrange entertainment section of the throne room refuse to come if your relation to the musicians guild is too low, I've decided to expand the idea to include an opposite effect if you have a really high relation.

* Added hireable musicial solo entertainers are free if you have 100+ relation to musicians guild
* Added hireable musicial solo entertainers refuse to visit you if you have -100 relation to musicians guild (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added 2 new descriptions to musicial entertainer category screen depending on relation to musicians guild

GOLD INDICATION (65 features)

There are still areas where you spend gold that it isn't clear how much you have, this is another attempt at sorting that out AND MY GOD trawling the throne room encounters was a pain.

* Added missing current gold indicator to champion market in Darkdale
* Added missing currnet gold indicator to history guild if you haven't registered
* Added missing gold indicator to child wants coin throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to unit for hire throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to broken fence complaint throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to favourite chicken killed throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to stolen apple throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to chicken killed throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to stolen coin throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to orc-lover throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to bedded throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to kicked the front door in throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to burned down farm over an apple throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to smelly wheat throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to apple tree chopped down throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to flower trampler throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to burn the village throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to he called me ugly throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to fled from a fight throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to punched my wife throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to chop the tree throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to robbed chamber pot throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to punched my snout throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to stick vs teeth throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to lost bet throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to borrowed and not returned throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to tricked out of a bag of gold throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to kicked in the balls throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to rocks and the kids throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to banner wearer angry man throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to goblin wants coin throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to hungry old man throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to old hag throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to man and sons throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to orphans for hire throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to village elders men of age throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to strong lineage throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to small goblin tribe for hire throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to chaos orb seller throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to stray cat throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to cattleless farmer throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to mother of dead soldier throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to slavers for hire throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to diplomat wants to leave throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to spymaster wants to leave throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to general wants to leave throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to farmer needs patrol throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to visiting bard throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to slum gold collector throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to gambler needs gold throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)


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* Added missing gold indicator to warrior sword repair throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to knight wants to join order throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to knights want to join order throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to sick mother throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to coastal explorer trade route cost throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to acrobat throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to juggler throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to slave buyer throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to cursed frog man throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to goblin language trainer throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to anoint the grand champion throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to helmet designer throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to seer's services throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to ogre wants gold throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added missing gold indicator to vampire hunter's dues throne room encounter (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)

BUGFIXES (140 features)

Well... this is one of the meatiest bugfix sections I've had in recent memory... thanks a lot TJ!

* Fixed personal champions who challenge arena grand champion and win get a new random face (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with monster pit music not stopping if music is disabled (credit Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Fixed goblin complaint in throne room text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed quit to desktop not working on forced ending (credit Minty)
* Fixed ability to use dots in monster names causing save game invalidation (Credit Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Fixed 10 text bugs for high wage soldiers showing 'due to your high wages pair of soldiers join' text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with magical explosion encounter 'An and unexplainable magical explosion' text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed exploration tutorial text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed vassal tutorial text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed diplomacy tutorial typo 'made' instead of 'make'  (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed diplomacy tutorial text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed defensive combat tutorial text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed gold coin in the well text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed music disabled and reset incorrect music issue (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in miner texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed throne room tutorial text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Blackmarket leader who are you text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed mercenary tutorial text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed military tutorial text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed spacing bug in western region tutorial (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed gnome insult text error issue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed demon worshipper becoming a demon event not correctly showing as positive if you are a demon servant (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed peasants becoming demon worshippers not correctly showing as positive if you are demon servant (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed duplicate report of peasants becoming demon worshippers (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed man and sons throne room encounter incorrectly referring to player as lord regardless of lordly title (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Phenor defeated screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed not able to leave large rocky cavern until cave beast is killed (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed a queen will do as he does text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 22 text and layout bugs in Cave gnome screens
* Fixed maze gnome reference to you as he regardless of gender (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Blackmarket trade rejection screen incorrect gender referenced (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed slavery advice piece incorrectly referring to player as king regardless of ruler title (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 35 text and grammar issues in Northern History lesson texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed life of death text bug with vampire hunter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in vampire hunter dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with frog in throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed sending the tall green man through a trap door instead shows the previous throne room visitor going down (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed all faces are ugly throne room reaction citing incorrect ruler title (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with many encounter reactions in throne room missing lines when showing +1 prisoner notifications (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed double public opinion change outcome from broken throne room reaction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed wild vampire killed encounter not actually removing 1 wild vampire from the population (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed no option to send slave soldier asking for promotion through a trap door (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed soldier imprisoned fights and is killed still showing +1 prisoner (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed the goblin stone location name bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Hek Plon note at strange statue encounter text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in strange statue generic text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed painting hung up in throne room not being saved once you load a save (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed I am monster text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed unfinished master hunter text for trade caravans (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed knight giving you 100 gold sound effect issue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed paying for helmet design in throne room sound effect issue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed waste of gold text shown with weak goblin ale even if you didn't pay for it (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with sleeping with skeletons throne room encounter
* Fixed sleepign with skeletons second layer of throne room encounter missing trap door option
* Fixed 7 text bugs with the Oldest tree in Wildwood (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Old Northern carving (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Shadow assassins text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with generic tavern dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 errors with cartographer's guild name text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Niklas the Bug Hunter's dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with Dockrow company owning elf (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing word in Doomstone fragment selling screen (Credit Defender)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Goblin Hall of Heroes text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Abandoned house text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with Dockrow random dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 texts bugs with sewer mural screens (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed sewer mutant dialogue bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Pargo trade arms text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed chaos orb in sewer wall text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed monument of kings text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Attacking Harlaw mining company not cancelling their tribute to you (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed doomstone worshipper text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Bookrage text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Notes of a formerly angry man (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 Blackmarket locals dialogue typos (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with fighters pit intros in Blackmarket (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Fighter's Pit patron text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed animal fight pit upgraded description text bug (credit Arnold18)
* Fixed brawl pit winner shows as both winner and loser when you own pit sometimes (Credit Arnold18)
* Fixed text bug with Gwyn dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Axe bucket ruins text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with spear centre ruins text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Sharpest dagger ruins text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Nezale the nose's dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed speak to random local in the fighter's district option not working (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Blackmarket tours texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed exlixir stall text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with cheatsellers text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Bookseller's stall (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed freeing slave acussed of killing his master instead kills him (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue where entering extremely high bet in Arena breaks the game (credit Worksb64)
* Fixed mushroom stall text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed newspaper stall text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with abandoned house (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with celebration clock text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Blackmarket guard post text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 issues with central district visitors text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issues with mystery and wonder screen text (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed issues with long story origin text (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed issues with gambler king intro text (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed issue with demonic king origin text (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed issue with bandit king origin text (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Baiaa laws screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with VoidArmy not staying active in game and jumping between save files (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed brawls still happening in the holy land regardless of special Blackmarket changes (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Blackmarket owned mercenary recruitment rates shown even when you don't own the market (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Demon horde uprising happens after your death even if you destroyed the Horde (credit Elfien)
* Fixed demonic citadel text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with knight peasant training text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with ex-slave joiner encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed jesters son encounter referencing king regardless of you title (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed wording of goblin god scepre relation changes (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed nomadic knight text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed goblin gift giver encounter text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed throne room blessing reaction text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 15 questing knight send off text bugs
* Fixed knight not returning text issue
* Fixed 2 text bugs in friend of slave encounters
* Fixed tutorial and intro ceremony demonic staff not having red faces (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Pikener introduction screen for demon king doesn't have red face (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed diplomat has no red face in independent kingdoms diplomacy (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed diplomat has no red face in minor bandit diplomacy (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in grand champion anointing event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in crowd celebration of grand champion knighting event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed reference to king in gold down the stream throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed mannequin text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Kingdom of Krut victory screen blocked by bug and giving out alternate Krut revivial victory screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 chopped gift tree text bugs (credit AlChestBreach)
* Fixed issue with being unable to speak to Rihhm leader at all with no screen or indicator why
* Fixed text bug with smallhaven elder refusal to speak screen
* Fixed pit to arena upgrade text bug (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Pigsy the champion dialogue text bug (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Pigsy the champion origin text bug (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed knight quest mercenary liberation text bug (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed slave release screen text bug (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Beyond insane mode (difficult screen option 16#) had incorrect background difficulty modifier (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Plains race suffix description text bug (Credit llevus)
* Fixed Darkdale taxes not showing up in kingdom reports (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Smallhaven trade post text bug
* Fixed 15 text and spacing bugs in secret place dialogues

EVERYTHING ELSE (24 features)

Everything I couldn't fit in other sections is now here, quite a few changes, tweaks, and additions!

* Made randomly generated name prefixes twice as common
* Added new option to smash all chaos orbs instead of one by one (Credit felipemiguel051)
* Added new indicator of orb or orbs lost in chaos orb smashing screens
* Added indicator of Blackmarket toll gold being added to the treasury (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new text for Koova when asked about the Demon gate if it's ruined (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Removed no coins to throw in the well uneeded screen
* Replaced 12 references of King with ruler in advice texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added second page of information to throne room introduction explaining steward traits (credit YES YES YES)
* Removed defunct demon hat display system from demon warder throne room encounters (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Rewrote release him outcome for sleeping with skeletons (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new text blocking options if the player is unable to afford to watch performances in the magic threatre (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Rewrote fighter's district in Blackmarket intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Reworked taxes and subsidies screen options to be clearer (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Rewrote faints to the floor throne room reaction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Made knight isn't seen or heard from again outcome 25% more rare when sending questing knights
* Removed 5 gold entry fee for watching beast fights (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added indicator of tribute on main screen of huntsman's rest (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added indicators of trade starting and stopping with huntsman's rest when asked or cancelled (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added 2 new loadtips (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Made smallhaven elder refuse to talk to you if relation is -5 not -1
* Added new indicator of trade deal with Blackmarket (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Made Rihhm and Smallhaven trade and tribute texts exactly the same (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added a new screen for beating throne room sudden death game master for all his money (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Rewrote several secret place dialogues


* Terraforming got me this lovely pot -
* A trove of gold -
* Dwarvern amulet... oh it's fake -
* 100 relation to the musicians guild -
* A friendly orc visitor -
* -100 relation to the guild -
* Sleepy's stall -
* The man himself -
* A fat cat -
* Slavery is banned -
* Orb trader -


Well, I'm still in the early phases of the combat update planning and have some remnant bug reports to also work through so I'll keep trudging forward. Thank you everyone for the continued support and to those sharing ideas and reporting bugs, it's all helpful.




  • Rogueliker
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Hey Everyone,

Once again we've got another bug purge of an update thanks almost entirely to user reports, There are still a few more reports to get through but I'm tearing through them as fast as I can, always good to get these bugs squashed. There are also a few smaller features and a ton of new name suffixes!


When exploring the south it's possible to come upon a wild Oooh snake, if you have a monster pit you could even capture and fight it. Now any captured snakes can be sold to the sanctuary for 1000 gold each!

* Added the ability to sell captured Ooooh snakes to the Ooooh snake sanctuary for 1000 gold (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)


After some discussion about public opinion at the end of each turn I have added a whole new section to the end of turn report showing any and all good and bad public opinion change caused by turn report events. I've also added several additional public opinion drops from more hostile policies and laws so a player can't so easily gain high public opinion while doing evil things.

* Added new section of end of turn report for public opinion changes (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Added ability to block or shorten public opinion report in custom reports
* Altered all public opinion mentions in end of turn events
* Added 1/3 chance public opinion can drop by 1 at end of turn if forceful enlistment active
* Added public opinion drops by 2 per turn if overzealous arrests active
* Added public opinion drops by 2 per turn if prisons closed
* Added public opinion drops by 1 per turn if forgiving outlaw policy active
* Added public opinion drops by 10 per turn if slave kingdom active
* Added public opinion drops by 2 per turn if curfew active
* Added public opinion drops by 5 per turn if demonic kingdom active


Tundra C from our steam community pointed out it would be cool to have some negative discoveries when terraforming instead of just good ones.

* Added terraforming empty chest discovery (credit Tundra C)
* Added terraforming pile of corpses discovery (credit Tundra C)


Went through the unconquerable lands texts and screens and gave them some improvements, to find them have all independent kingdoms dead and then visit the exploration screen!

* Removed useless you are victorious screen when winning battles in Unconquerable lands
* Slightly edited Unconquerable Lands intro text
* Added new screen for defeating the Greathills
* Added new screen for Assimiliating the Greathills
* Fixed 3 Text bugs in unconqeurable lands troop count texts
* Fixed 4 Text bugs in Greathills intro text (Credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs in Everblaze intro text
* Added new screen for defeating Everblaze
* Remade Wolfclans graphic
* Added new screen for defeating Wolfclans

NEW CHEAT (1 feature)

I needed it for testing but figured some people may use it, now you can enter 7072 to get 100 extra barren lands in your game.

* Added new cheat code 7072 (adds 100 new barren lands)

NEW NAME SUFFIXES (88 features)

A big pile of new name suffxies entirely suggested by players, some really good ones here and quite a few negatively impactful ones.

* Added new name suffix 'the Unfettered' (+40 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Undeterred' (+20 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unerring' (+30 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unfazed' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Gregarious' (+16 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unamused' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bemused' (+3 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Stocky' (+32 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Illegitimate' (-10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mute' (+0 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Deaf' (-6 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Stern' (+10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Maimed' (-25 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Infested' (-10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Infester' (+10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Corrupt' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Thrall' (-10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Untrustworthy' (-2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Starving' (-15 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Infected' (-20 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Inexperienced' (-5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Sinful' (+3 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Sanctimonious' (+1 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Complacent' (-2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Undefeated' (+65 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Vain' (+1 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Prideful' (+3 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Virtuous' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Selective' (-2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cautious' (+2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Passive' (+0 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Redeemed' (+10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Rash' (+9 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Deficient' (-12 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Excessive' (+3 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Excess' (+6 battlescore) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Benevolent' (+1 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Malevolent' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Stingy' (-2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Temperate' (+10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Generous' (+2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Truthful' (+1 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Witty' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Determined' (+15 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Comedic' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Tragic' (-5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Disfigured' (-15 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Beggar' (-10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Questionable' (-6 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Lacking' (-14 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Malformed' (-16 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Deformed' (-17 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the One-armed' (-14 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Limp-wristed' (-14 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Waste of Space' (-10 battlescore) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Waste or Air' (-10 battlescore) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bound' (+2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unbound' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Unimaginative' (-1 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Boastful' (+2 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Scrawny' (-5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Lithe' (+4 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Gaunt' (-6 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Anemic' (-10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Two Left Feet' (-14 battlescore) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Uncoordinated' (-13 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Grieving' (-5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Failure' (-19 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Failing' (-7 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Disappointed' (-4 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Disappointment' (-18 battlescore) (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new name suffix 'the Beefy' (+35 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Decrepit' (-30 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Begrudged' (-4 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Fancy' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Fantastic' (+45 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Grumbler' (+1 battlescore) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Skunk' (+3 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dismal' (-5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Chunky' (+5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ravenous' (+10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Large' (+11 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ominous' (+30 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Randomscholar)
* Added new name suffix 'The Blind' (-10 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Taukki)
* Added new name suffix 'The Unremarkable' (-5 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Taukki)
* Added new name suffix 'The Loathed' (-3 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/Taukki)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wimpy' (-15 battlescore) (can be further randomly generated) (credit u/robophile-ta)
* Added new name suffix 'The Loved One' (+10 battlescore) (credit u/Jean287)

BUGFIXES (211 features)

I don't even know what to say about this section... so many bugs. At least they are all fixed now. Thanks again to all the people who reported these, especially TJTheSoundBoard who has been relentlessly testing and reporting bugs unlike I've ever seen before. I appreciate it a lot because it makes the game better for everyone so thanks mate!

* Fixed issue with custom celebration names able to break save files (credit BlindIrl)
* Fixed Expense gold not being saved and shown in reports when game is reloaded (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Battles the player has been invovled in not shown in reports when game is reloaded (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Slaves burned during celebratory fires actually reduces number of peasants not slaves (and can cause minus peasants) (credit Night_Shift_Sleepy)
* Fixed 1111 cheat cancelling cheat counting as a cheat used (credit Kear Darkfire)
* Fixed incorrect figures and bank calculations shown in interest explained book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed disbanding knights has knight graphic without kingdom symbol (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed disbanding peasants showing knight not peasant (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed disbanding goblins showing knight not goblin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed disbanding bandits showing knight not bandit (credit TJTheSoundBoard)


  • Rogueliker
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  • Posts: 240
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* Fixed disbanding soldiers showing knight not soldier (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Global bandit level going over 100 (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug western history teacher rejecting help cause you're in southern history class
* Fixed 4 text bugs with trade deal ending sacrifice event
* Fixed text bug with Gambling den clear out screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Nugmeek dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Silver Staff description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Dragon Wench Knight intro screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Dragon beaten by knight screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in the Bandit Horde book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in The Rebellion book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in the Goblin Kingdoms book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 9 text bugs in Lost Artifacts book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Black Bank book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 9 text bugs in Hunter's tales volume 1 (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed King reference instead of correct title in hunter's tales (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Fool King Bardon book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in The One-eye goblin book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Demonic Invasions book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 13 text bugs with King of Ants and lions book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Zod of the Southern Rim (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed many text bugs with Zeberfan the Magic Man (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed reference to king in Faradal the Just and Noble book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in tales of a travelling bard (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Humour section book category description text bugs  (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Reference section book category description text bugs  (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in The Little Dwarf Book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in the God of Goblins book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in the Black Book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Southern Travel Guide (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 12 text bugs in Western Travel guide (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Travel section book category description text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Fiction section book category description text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Biography section book category description text bugs  (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text bugs in Northern Travel Guide (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 11 text bugs in Near North guide (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs in Dragon's Kneecap guide section (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Silver staff tavern guide section (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Fighting coastman guide section (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 bank interest explained book text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in arena betting guide book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in 23 reasons not to visit the north book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in titans of the footpath (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Knightly order founding text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed knightly order hall text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed single knight joining knightly order text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Business section of personal library text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Arena subsidies book text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed tavern guide text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed western history teacher tip text bug
* Fixed 6 text bugs in history class restart season text
* Fixed text bug in teacher origin text
* Fixed 9 text bugs in teacher questions
* Fixed Fixed bandit completely infested blurb text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Fixed bandit dialogue goblin freedom text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Fixed Thickblood tavern bandit recommendation text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Fixed text bug in screen when buying land from bandits (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with mushroom encounters being just blank lines
* Fixed Bandit war orders declaration screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed bandit refusal of orders text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed bandit goal text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed farmer's pitchfork bandit story text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with goblin slaver question blurb (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed rebels defeat screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 Phenor origin story text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed several bandit peace gold text bugs (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in bandit abandonment screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Krut description text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed krut king origin text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed krut totem text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Erak description text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Krut Bannerwall text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Krut king greeting screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed prisoner let us out text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed old croll prisoner text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed prison upgrades text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed prison description text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed upgraded prison description text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed prison labour yard text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed explorer's guild intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Dunak guild master text bug in dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed recruiters conversion screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Training grounds to barracks upgrade double screen issue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Barracks to grand barracks upgrade double screen issue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Extra broken line in barracks screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed I have need of you text bug with champion for hire (Credit Widy)
* Fixed withered heart loot item description (Credit Widy)
* Fixed Arena tutorial text bug (Credit Widy)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in silver staff tavern artifact market dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Artifact market conspiracy text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in mystical wares comment (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 Issues and inconsistencies in History of the North in the Tower of Histories (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in History of the South in the Tower of Histories (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in History of the East in the Tower of Histories(credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in History of the West in the Tower of Histories(credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in History of the Ancient lands in the Tower of Histories  (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in History of the Midlands in the Tower of Histories(credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in museum of forbidden arts intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with severed orc ear in forbidden arts museum (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with demon head in forbidden arts museum (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Arshams tower of histories questions
* Fixed text bug with tower of the changelings intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with guildmaster of the changelings tower (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Diran the Old's Dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Doran the Dim's dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Hyruk the Moneygrubber (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed giant skull hyruk quest text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed artifact market champion's post text bug when empty (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Darkdale champion market text bug when empty (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Artifactmarket bladesinger lyrics (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Black Keep description screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Artifact market Northern Watchtower (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Artifact market Southern Watchtower (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Artifact market Western Watchtower (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Artifact market Eastern Watchtower (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Old library intro screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Near North intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Farrad desert intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Lost Jungle intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs with Dunelands intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs with Parched Lands intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Incorrect spacing with Oasis intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Oasis Intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs with the Drylands intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 Text bugs with South coast intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs with Denland intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs with Songwood intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 Text bugs with Wildwood intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs with Darkmarsh intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 7 Text bugs with plague box description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Issues with one of the regional location texts having a smaller text box than others
* Fixed Text bug with Plague box purchase text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Golden Telescope description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Golden Telescope purchase text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with friend of the fearful description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with friend of the fearful purchase text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Western Artifact shop introduction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs with Fragment of Denland stone description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in stone of talents purchase text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Mystical wares shop introduction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Horn of Demons description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Demon Shield description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in Dumble Staff description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Dumble Staff purchase text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Doomstone Fragment description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Bjorn's Artifacts of the North shop introduction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Gauntlet of Frost description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in Ancient pig song book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 Text bugs in Orcish Warrior book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs in O Great Coastal King book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 Text bugs in Great Wall book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 Text bugs in Pirate Wars book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in The Swamplands book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 Text bugs in The coastal kings of old book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text bugs in Kullak book (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text issues in Militia recruitment screen (credit Minty)
* Fixed selling troops text bug (credit Widy)
* Fixed Retirement screen option text bug (credit Widy)
* Fixed 5 Text bugs in Bandit King Blackmarket Den intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs in Blackmarket riches and mystery throne room visitor (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs in Blackmarket Oppressor throne room visitor
* Fixed Text bug in Blackmarket a place of Darkness throne room visitor
* Fixed 4 Text bugs in victory screen over independent kingdom (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Darkdale reclusive ruler text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Musicians guild tribute relation change display bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Musicians guild tribute cancelling relation change display bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs in Goblin Spearmen Blackmarket Den guards
* Fixed Text bug in Necromancer Blackmarket Den intro
* Fixed 4 text bugs with feeding monster pit creatures (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Darkdale Taxes incorrectly shown as Blackmarket Trade Tax (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Violent drunk neighbour throne room encounter text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 11 text bugs with farmer dispute intros (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs in merc firing screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Knight goblet quest text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Changeling payment text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Humans Toe Tavern visit option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Uktak village description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs on friendly Uktak village description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 7 text bugs with Bank Destruction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 incorrect references to king title and gender in Bank destruction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Rihhm trade able to happen without trade post (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Smallhaven trade able to happen without trade post (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Smallhaven trade post options not changing relation with smallhaven like arranging trade via village elder does (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text colour issue for militia disbanding screen
* Fixed 2 text bugs and hardcoded reference to player being King regardless of chosen title to Militia disbanding screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Blackmarket shutting down soldiers for hire incorrectly being shown as peasants (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Cartographer's guild destruction screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Incorrect title line for Cartographer's guild destruction screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 7 text bugs in Rihhm Enslavement screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Rihhm being pillaged
* Fixed missing screen for Rihhm village villagers defeat your attack
* Fixed 6 text bugs with Smallhaven enslavement screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing screen for Smallhaven village villagers defeat your attack
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Northwatch army defending Thickblood tavern (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Demonic main menu load game option
* Fixed Brawlers pit being destroyed not showing as destroyed on explore screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Being allowed back into goblinwood if you still have goblin slavery (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Goblinwood free goblins option adding new goblins to the population doesn't remove them from the goblin slavers supply, if reallowing slavery in the same year the goblins were still there
* Fixed text bugs in Arena destruction screen
* Fixed Ability to initiate gambling tax and arena subsidy after arena is destroyed (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Arena related laws not being cancelled when destroying the arena

EVERYTHING ELSE (7 features)

A few misc things here that couldn't fit anywhere else

* Added new indicators of cost for hiring staff (credit Wereserepent)
* Added text blocking outcome if new staff are too expensive to hire (credit Wereserepent)
* Made 'Visit local tavern' option show the taverns name 'The Ox Head Tavern' (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added link to the new discord in the community links section (Credit Giolitti)
* Reworked first option of tower of histories questions with Arsham the All Knowing (Credit Widy)
* Added indicators of which troops have turned into what when using the stone of talents artifact
* Added loan interest growing to the end of turn reports (credit TJTheSoundBoard)


I'm in the process of reading over old and new combat update code and writing myself a little guide for working through it, I'm also planning to continue trudging through bug reports throughout the week. Thank you everyone for the continued support!




  • Rogueliker
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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #100 on: February 22, 2021, 06:07:58 PM »
Warsim (Bugmountain 2 Electric Boogaloo, 129 features)

Hey Everyone,

A fair load of new content and again a ton of fixes thanks to player suggestions, Still mostly TJTheSoundBoard (A bug reporting machine) on discord. I've also been working on the combat update properly finally.

NEW NAME SUFFIXES (27 features)

Warsim got some awesome new reviews recently and some of the usernames of the reviewers caught my eye, Watercloak and Gloryfire seemed like awesome suffixes heroes could have, like Dargo Firecloak, or Gorbo Corpsefire. I got a bit carried away with variants but hey, new content!

* Added new name suffix 'Watercloak' (+24 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Firecloak' (+24 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Icecloak' (+24 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Rockcloak' (+20 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Stormcloak' (+23 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Windcloak' (+15 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Steelcloak' (+21 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Silvercloak' (+21 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Ironcloak' (+21 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Goldcloak' (+21 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Redcloak' (+17 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Greencloak' (+14 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Bluecloak' (+16 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Blackcloak' (+20 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Whitecloak' (+14 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Greycloak' (+15 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Purplecloak' (+21 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Dreamcloak' (+21 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Raincloak' (+15 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Suncloak' (+20 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Mooncloak' (+19 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Sandcloak' (+11 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Rivercloak' (+10 battlescore) (credit Watercloak)
* Added new name suffix 'Gloryfire' (+28 battlescore) (credit Gloryfire21)
* Added new name suffix 'Dreamfire' (+24 battlescore) (credit Gloryfire21)
* Added new name suffix 'Greatfire' (+30 battlescore) (credit Gloryfire21)
* Added new name suffix 'Corpsefire' (+29 battlescore) (credit Gloryfire21)

NEW CHEATS (3 features)

A few good recently suggested cheat ideas, now in the game!

* Added new cheat (469) add 10k new peasants to the militia (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added new cheat (1000) set public opinion to anything (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Updated in-game cheat list (111) to include all recently added cheats


There were a few issues with how the prison overflowing events were written and a bug with escapees not actually escaping, now all sorted!

* Reworked prison overflowing so guards free prisoners end of turn event to show bandit level change and number of troops freed
* Reworked prison overflowing so executions end of turn event to show number of executed bandits
* Fixed prison escape end of turn event not removing escaped prisoners from total prison population
* Reworked prison overflowing prison break end of turn event to show number of escaped bandits
* Reworked major prison revolt end of turn event to show number of escaped bandits


In a report TJ mentioned that despite having a low public opinion knights were coming to quest for him in the throne room, checking the code I could see that regardless of public opinion questing knight encounters would pop up in the throne room. After some thought I've added a new system that will change how frequently these encounters are shown up, only appearing as frequent as they do currently if you have 100 public opinion, otherwise they will become a lot rarer.

* Questing knight encounters are 1/40 odds of happening if public opinion is below 0
* Questing knight encounters are 1/20 odds of happening if public opinion is below 10
* Questing knight encounters are 1/15 odds of happening if public opinion is below 20
* Questing knight encounters are 1/10 odds of happening if public opinion is below 40
* Questing knight encounters are 1/6 odds of happening if public opinion is below 60
* Questing knight encounters are 1/3 odds of happening if public opinion is below 100
* Questing knight encounters are 1/1 odds of happening if public opinion is 100 (same as currently)

NEW NAMES (2 features)

A new suggestion for a pair of gnomes names as well as another review username inspired set of human names, thanks Calasnetski!

* Added new human names 'Calas, Calasan, Calasar, Calsaro, Calsanar, Calasaar, Calantir, Calantias' (credit Calasnetski)
* Added new gnome names 'Gromble-Grimble and Grimble-Gromble' (credit Cat)


Occasionally when destroyed, independent kingdoms will form refugee camps that can be interacted with through diplomacy. When destroying them previously you got nothing. Now destroying them results in some loot, the final possessions of the damned.

* Added between 1-7 loot chests discoverable when destroying independent kingdom refugee camps
* Fixed refugee camp screen still open even if all camps are destroyed
* Fixed ability to enter refugee camp number when option not displayed to go there when it's empty

Gimme that sweet imp loot -


For a lot of throne room encounters involving goblins, if you ban goblin slavery you just have a blocked out option saying you can't enslave them as goblin slavery is banned... but what about jail? Now this blocked out option will be replaced by the to the dungeons option allowing you to jail them goblins as you please!

* Added new system with modified versions of goblin enslaved reactions for goblins being arrested
* Added ability to imprison goblin wants coin throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison goblin chieftain and tribe throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison goblin speaking goblin tongue throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison gold coin giving goblin throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison goblin calls you bad ruler throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison Pee pee goblin throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison green skin mining company throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison goblin gold deposit throne room visitor instead of enslaving
* Added ability to imprison goblin communicator throne room visitor instead of enslaving


BUGFIXES (70 features)

70 more bugs cleared, thanks for the reports guys!

* Fixed Bank interest being given incorrectly (credit NotFox)
* Fixed crazy bug that allowed negative numbers to be bet in Arena where if you bet on the loser you would win the bet amount (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed negative bet bug with tournament betting (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with attacking slavers fort twice if any slave soldiers are present (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with Destroying snowfolk village kicking you out of exploration screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with Destroying Fort Kullak kicking you out of exploration screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with Destroying Uktak Village kicking you out of exploration screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Monfort Mine exploration screen name not changing when destroyed by player (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Gorthmek new captain screen
* Fixed text bug in Fort YourKingdom new captain screen
* Fixed text bug in Fort Kullak new captain screen
* Fixed text bug in Fort Northwatch new captain screen
* Fixed issue with Krut destruction showing a blank screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing line in invasion victory screens (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 16 man tournament option being blocked incorrectly regardless of if player can afford it (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Goblin slavery blocked out option not appearing in throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in goblin urinating on throne room floor (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 references to king in celebration dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed taur races text bug in race description (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 7 text bugs with musicians guild intro texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed many issues with Nairo name being mispelt in game (credit AstralMouse)
* Fixed issue with Southern Nomad Mercs joining you against the demons not returning as mercs if refused
* Fixed issue with Koova not being present in final fight against nomads after joining you to fight demons once (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with negative southern nomad merc populations due to bug
* Fixed text bug with agreeing to knight payrise
* Fixed outcome of refusal/exeuction/imprisonment of knight in payrise encounter skipped (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in knight execution in payrise encounter
* Fixed 2 text bugs in trio of knights desertion outcome
* Fixed 7 text bugs in knight payrise rejection outcomes
* Fixed 2 text bugs with soldier wage rise dismissal
* Fixed 2 text bugs with soldier wage rise arrest
* Fixed 7 text bugs in soldier payrise rejection outcomes
* Fixed missing troop loss and deserter gain indicators in knight pay rise negative outcomes
* Fixed missing +1 prisoner indicator when jailing love cultist (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing +1 prisoner indicator when jailing abomination (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in leader of collapsed kingdom tower suicide outcome (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug on destroyed kingdom screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with insane mode introduction (credit AstralMouse)
* Fixed text bug with Demonic intro with General (credit AstralMouse)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs with Bongles the Great dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs with Gribble dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Local gnome slug meat dialogue text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Damar dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Dengier dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 Text bugs with Lemour dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Nemak dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug with Thundil dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Thundil building description text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Nerego Mapmakers description text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed and reworked independent unit re-establish kingdom encounter text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with independent re-establish aftermath text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text issues with not guilty and guilty texts in throne room (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in travelling sudden death player text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 11 text bugs in various sudden death rules texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in dying father's joke throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in laugh before he dies joke throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in joke encounter response screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 40 text bugs with knight quest outcomes and stories (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs with silver tongue outcome (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Assigning 3rd champion to Fort Gorthmek not leaving the champion assignment screen
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Slavers for hire throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Slavers hired reaction text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 7 text bugs with Best beard throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Bluetrii seller throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in arms in the air throne room reaction (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in two travelling knight encounters options (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with ugliest throne room visitor encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with goblin mining venture outcome screens (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Goblin jailing resulting in slavery (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed goblin calls you bad king instead of chosen title

EVERYTHING ELSE (2 features)

A good point by NotFox, when instating a hero to a fortress you can't compare or see their battlescores to know who is the best choice, now you can.

* Added new indicator of battlescore of your champions when choosing who to rule a fort for you (credit NotFox)
* Added new indicator of battlescore of your champions when choosing who to rule a Darkdale for you (credit NotFox)

Now you can see the strength of your fort ruling candidates -


I'm currently spending most days now working through my combat update work and spending off days working on clearing bug reports. Since jumping back into combat update stuff I've added a new system for testing battles and fixed a number of bugs with my last build of the new combat update stuff, namely an issue where random units would appear in battles they weren't supposed to be in and issues with the way event text was written for events where the player was under attack.

I'm slowly but surely working my way in and hopefully can keep the momentum up and start getting the combat stuff to a point where it can be partially released while I finish it off. I still estimate it to be potentially months and months of work and as it progresses these updates may slow down or stop temporarily... anything to finally get this bloody update out though.

Waffling aside, I hope everyone is good, Thanks for reading and supporting the game!




  • Rogueliker
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Warsim (Bugpurge update, 119 features)

Hey Everyone,

Another update with fixes to some annoying grand tournament bugs, a handful of new content, and mountains of general bugfixes thanks mostly to TJ!


A pretty major pair of issues affecting Arena tournaments is now cleared!

* Added gold gain notification when winning tournament
* Fixed betting on Grand Tournament winner doesn't reward you for the win (credit Roqwer & NotFox)
* Fixed issue with skipping every fight in an arena tournament breaking the arena (credit Notfox)

NEW NAME SUFFIXES (3 features)

More new name prefixes!

* Added new name suffix 'The Fable Weaver' (+15 battlescore) (credit FableWeaver)
* Added new name suffix 'the Pillar of Eternity' (+59 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Pillar of Shame' (-5 battlescore)

KINGDOM NAMES (1 feature)

A pile of new kingdom names for yourself and other kingdoms in the world to pool from.

* Added 10 new kingdom names

BETTER ADVICE (6 features)

A massive sweep through the Warsim advice texts to improve them.

* Fixed 50+ bugs in Generic advice dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 50+ bugs in Gargallock advice dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 30+ bugs in High general advice dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 30+ bugs in Spymaster advice dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 30+ bugs in Steward advice dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 30+ bugs in Diplomat advice dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)

BUGFIXES (100 features)

* Fixed Staff quitting reason refers incorrectly to player as king regardless of choice of title
* Fixed 'A queen will do as he does' incorrect text and rewrote it (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Pee pee death screen correct face colour (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with juggling jester screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with throne room slaver (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issues with extra line appearing when refusing bad gold from farmer (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issues with dead knight being counted as a new live prisoner when killed during arrest (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with boys fleeing throne room (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed duplicate questing knights produced by questing knight encounter
* Fixed knight isn't heard from again still grants one questing knight
* Fixed 6 text bugs with visiting knight encounter
* Fixed Missing indicator of questing knight when requesting a knight quest to prove themselves (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Missing indicator of questing pair of knights in throne room (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in You are the great one throne room encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed You're welcome screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in arena victory crowd text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Loyal warrior tournament event not in public opinion section of end of turn report (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in empty chest terraform reward (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in gold chest terraform reward
* Fixed text bug in bluetrii terraform reward
* Fixed text bug in Nairo's vase text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Flobert's dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed screen bug when telling steward to jail all throne room visitors or stop jailing them (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 32 text bugs in Arena pre-battle announcement text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 45 text bugs in Baiaa Dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed sound not resetting when kicking guards out of Nairo's party as Darkdale ruler (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed animal fight pit intro text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed owned slavers fort slave soldier withdrawal screen text bug (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Custom rebel scenario screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with custom bandit scenario screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 issues with scenario screen text bugs in testing screens
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Demon custom option screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in choose races custom screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in character naming screen text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with shadow assassin intro origin text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs throne room introduction text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text bugs in army breakdown introduction screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in financial breakdown introduction screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with died of old age origin text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in generals greeting text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in mad king origin intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in mad king general intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in rebellion origin for old age king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in rebellion origin for assassinated king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in rebellion origin for mad king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in rebellion origin for gambler origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in rebellion origin for bandit king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in rebellion origin for demonic ruler origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in rebellion origin for village elder origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in rebellion origin for slaver army origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for old age king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for assassinated king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for mad king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for gambler king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for bandit king origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for demonic origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for village elder origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for slaver army origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Faradal the Kinslayers backstory for crown of mai origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed about the rebels section for slaver army origin games not showing properly (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed about Faradal the Kinslayer section for slaver army origin games not showing properly (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Mad King's dungeon room menu option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in mad king chamber intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 20+ text bugs in mad king dialogues and variants (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Mad king description text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in mad king execution option menu (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Mad king execution screens (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in gambler ruler origin intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with gambler ruler generals intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 Text bugs and 2 incorrect title references in demonic intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text bugs in generals demonic origin intro texts and variants (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Assurak Camp Master intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Assurak camp master dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 15 text bugs with assurak locals dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with peasant totem sacrifice (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text bugs with demon totem intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 10 text bugs with demon totem destruction text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with totem sacrifice option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with mystic hut intro screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in mystic hut man demonic intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs mystic hut demonic reward text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in non demonic mystic hut interaction
* Fixed 4 text bugs with coin of fate flip outcome text
* Fixed 7 text bugs in various coin of fate arrest outcome texts
* Fixed 4 text bugs with demon agent brings demon outcomes
* Fixed text bug with attacking territory intro
* Fixed 2 text bugs with chanting pre-battle event
* Fixed 2 text bugs with laughter pre-battle event
* Fixed 2 text bugs with crying pre-battle event
* Fixed barely civil text incorrect showed Barley civil
* Fixed 11 text bugs in gibbering monk demon overlord intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in gibbering monk intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in gibbering monk destroyed text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in house marked x locked screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in demon summoner demon overlord text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in demon summoner normal text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in demon summoner demon gain screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in demon summoning event text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in sword from the stone intro event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in arena burn down origin story (credit TJTheSoundBoard)

EVERYTHING ELSE (6 features)

* Reworked Goblin cheiftain encounter text and fixed some issues with it
* Added new alternate encounter text for goblin chief throne room encounter if you have goblin slavery active
* Rewrote kingdom naming screen text
* Rewrote custom theme music menu option to explain it can be changed in game (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Rewrote time limit screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Made independent kingdom debug mode re-roll options show you the current race and kingdom names

- New debug (399 cheat) screen allowing the re-roll of kingdoms in your world but showing them -


I've been cracking on with the combat update for quite a while now and things are going well. I'm currently in the process of creating special events for different races and groups when starting in battle. Demigods might levatate down to the battlefield, goblins might arrive and throw a volley of stones, zombies might scream and shamble forward, Draconians might shoot fire at their enemies, and witches might cast some kind of spell to weaken their opponents. There are so far about 60 different events unique to different races with plans for at least 100+ more relating to certain prefixes.

Here are some screenshots of new events

- Those must be some sharp pebbles -
- How rude -
- I ain't afraid of no many-eyed ghosts -
- So magic is your game eh? -
- I'd run if I saw Iron Shadow Giants on the horizon -

It's a big pile of work but I'd very much like the game to interact specially with different prefixes and race types as I think the more it does the more unique each batch of random kingdoms you get will become. Still very early days on the combat stuff but I'm happy to be making progress into it.

Cheers and hope everyone is ok!



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Warsim (Bugs Glorious Bugs, 175 features)

Hey Everyone,

This is another update focused on bug squashing with a hint of some other new content and features!

NEW NAME SUFFIXES (23 features)

Another bunch of name suffixes to keep things fresh! 3140 of them now.

* Added new name suffix 'the Fatal Weirdo' (+12 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'Snaggletooth' (-3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Realm Breaker' (+71 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'Bladestorm' (+56 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Fate Breaker' (+46 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mind Weaver' (+21 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mountain Breaker' (+15 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Face Smasher' (+29 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'Eye Piercer' (+21 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'Shadow Dancer' (+29 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'Skull Splitter' (+31 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cheek Slapper' (-1 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Stone Grinder' (+6 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Archon of Rage' (+19 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Archon of Wrath' (+17 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Titan Chaser' (+47 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'Unbridled Hatred' (+21 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ancient Wanderer' (+55 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Star Breaker' (+42 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Life Leecher' (+10 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Pebble Tosser' (+1 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the King Killer' (+42 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new name suffix 'the Tavern Wrecker' (+3 battlescore) (Credit FatalWeirdo)


Found some missing screens while checking the Brawl Pit's management side, now they've been added!

* Added new screen for hiring Brawl Pit fighters
* Added new screen for converting units into brawl pit fighters
* Fixed 10 text bugs in brawl pit hire and recruitment screens
* Added gold indicator to Brawl Pit screens (credit TJTheSoundBoard)

New screen for troops being converted to Brawl Pit units -

NEW NAMES (4 features)

A bunch of new name suggestions

* Added 3 new vampire names 'Lucius, Lanius, Vulpes' (credit TheMightyOrctaur)
* Added 3 new human names 'Aaron, Aharon, Robert' (credit TheMightyOrctaur)
* Added 11 new human names 'Xion, Aelorn, Alarach, Ourin, Zeljin, Kaelin, Ledren, Aakhi, Tael'Jarn, Akradon, Talin, Aengrin' (credit FatalWeirdo)
* Added new demon name 'Xelor' (credit FatalWeirdo)


TJ pointed out several areas that lacked indication of how much gold you have, I've patched them all!

* Added gold indicator to Uktak village main screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Speaking to Uktak village elder (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Grabtork the Swindler's screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Dapplogk's cup game (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Bridge troll toll screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Berserker merc hire screen in Goblinwood (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Camp of love main screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Upgradable owned Fort Northwatch (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Northwatch buying screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Fort Kullak unowned main screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Slaver fort master text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Seer of Minds (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Black Opal Ship pay for show screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Aehlan's shop (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Goblin Hall of Heroes (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Slum's Slaver Post (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Blackrow Tavern Slaver (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Burned Shacks during shadow assassin quest (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Blackmarket Bandit Hire screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Fighter's Pit main screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Blackmarket Management screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Second trade quarter of the Artifact market (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Adventurer's quarter of the Artifact Market (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Added gold indicator to Darkdale jester's society (credit TJTheSoundBoard)

BUGFIXES (115 features)

Another horrendous list of bugs that have been fixed... I've never seen such bugreporting dedication as TJ, it's been hard work but with each of these updates large swathes of the game are being fixed up so I'm glad to be doing it.

* Fixed 2 text bugs in national tradedy generals intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in slaver army origin intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in pleading general text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in arena champion origin story intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in slave revolt origin intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Ex-slave revolt text indicator issue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Slave revolt generals text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in crown of mai intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in growing up screen in crown of mai origin (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Mountain of Mai discovery (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in mountain climb text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in hidden cavern discovery text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs and 2 incorrect gender references in Crown of Mai final screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in generals crown of mai screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed issue with slaver wall upgrade text skipping too fast (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in fight pit upgrade screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 25 text bugs in goblinwood jail dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 28 text bugs in goblinwood drum school dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 89 text bugs in fort gorthmek dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs with demon horde rising dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with demon worshipper dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Drylands nomads demon camp (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Koova the Demon dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in nomad pike screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Diplomat faction relation screen shows incorrect skin colour for demonic diplomat (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in steward has no reports screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in steward report screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed generals face not red as demon general during attack screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed generals face not red as demon general when you are being attacked (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in demon rising event text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in pest group rising text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 7 text bugs in demon horde description screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing line and text colour issues for demon horde description screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Blackmarket goblin ruler trade deal acceptance (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed incorrectly labelled demon battlescore in ingame battlescore wiki (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Blackmarket slums intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 299 (+100k peasants) cheat code not adding 100k but setting total to 100k (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in main menu merc companies option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in main menu other kingdoms option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 15 text bugs with tutorial text main menu option display (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Mad King's revenge end of turn event
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Blackmarket slums 10k donation (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed incorrect reference to ruler being a king regardless of chosen title in Blackmarket 10k donation screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in patch of sand farrad desert (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with main screen for Blackmarket docked ship 'Queen's revenge' (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Queen's revenge menu option in Blackmarket (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Laughing Lion ships orb not being labelled clearly as a chaos orb (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Jackdaw Blackmarket ship main text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Long Serpent ship main text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Witchers joining you end of turn event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in soldiers fleeing from demon horde event text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in group of peasants flee to join bandit horde event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in all your peasants flee to join bandit horde event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in group of peasants has become demon worshippers event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in demon army rising end of turn event when you're a demon servant (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in demon army rising end of turn event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in noble donates troops to the Rebels event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Roving band of outlaws join the Rebels event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Assurak camp new peasants text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in militia disband end of turn event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in demon ritual conversion event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in bandit group capturing new territory event (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in rival warchief bandit battle event text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with Darkdale instant vassal screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Smallhaven elder greeting text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in gift tree description text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in gift tree item getting screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in gift tree gold gain screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 200 text bugs in Gibbering Monk actions (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed Text bug in Gibbering Monk forehead encounter (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in stealing Gibbering Monk's basket (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs with wagon man trading company intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in wagon man trade end text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in wagon man trade start text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in wagon man dialogue intro screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in wagon man who are you dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with wagon man dialogue option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug with wagon man hat dialogue (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text colour issue with executing demon worshipper (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in league of darkness formation screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in league of good formation screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Blackmarket slums goblin watchtower (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in slums watchtower text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in Dockrow Watchtower text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 8 text bugs in Dockrow goblin watchtower text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Skug slaver intro (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed text bug in slaver's post location option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in slaver's post intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in magic theatre main screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed option to upgrade animal fight pit not x'ed out when unable to afford (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with owned animal fight pit main text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with unowned animal fight pit main text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with slaver's fort slave selling (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs with slaver's fort slave soldier selling (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 4 text bugs in slums donation screen (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Dragon's kneecap drink buying texts (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in Dragon's Kneecap intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Dragon's Kneecap century festival intro text (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed missing screen for giving soiled drunk man new clothes (credit 5H0)
* Fixed missing screen for laughing at soiled clothes man (credit 5H0)
* Fixed missing screen for drunk removed from court (credit 5H0)
* Fixed 7 text bugs in soiled drunk man texts (credit 5H0)
* Fixed 30 incorrect references to the Blackmarket in Brawl and Fighter's Pit dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed 120 text bugs in Brawl Pit and Fighter's Pit dialogues (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed bug with marie elena bluetrii qunantities (credit TheBlindSaiyan)
* Fixed missing sound effect for buying bluetrii from Marie Elena
* Fixed missing screen for marie elena buying
* Fixed 2 text bugs in not enough gold to buy fruit from marie elena
* Fixed missing screen when asking about quantity purchase requirements on marie elena
* Fixed missing screen for nothing for sale on marie elena
* Fixed issue with parade end of turn text missing a space (credit EH0)
* Fixed buying Monfort from throne room doesn't send miners to Smallhaven (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Fixed monster stalking the land no militia to protect people event not appearing in the public opinion section of turn report
* Fixed camp of love hire option not blocked out when you can't afford it
* Fixed text bug in Skug Intro text

EVERYTHING ELSE (5 features)

A handful of other stuff

* Added new screen and sound effect for building slaver fort walls upgrade
* Added new screen and sound effect for building slaver fort second wall upgrade
* Reworked slums how much gold needed option (credit TJTheSoundBoard)
* Made it much easier to find the Black Opal ship available to see the show
* Tweaked Black Opal ship graphic


I'm working on the sounds for the Combat updates battle approach system and have done the vast majority at this point. Will soon be writing up my next batch of events and writing up a new system I've got concepts of for allowing lots of dynamic pre-battle events.




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Hey everyone,

I recently went looking through steam data and was blown away when I realised just how many countries Warsim
is being played in. Considering how niche it is what I found was amazing.

So perhaps unsurprisingly the biggest country for Warsim copies sold is the USA accounting for more than half of all copies (Thanks mates!)

The top 10 countries for Warsim sales are:

USA - 11.6K copies
UK - 7.3K copies
Canada - 1.5k copies
Germany - 1.3k copies
Australia - 935 copies
Sweden - 403 copies
France - 381 copies
Netherlands - 327 copies
Poland - 369 copies
Finland - 259 copies

Already mind blowing!

What really blows my mind is how many different countries and regions there are where there are active Warsim players.

Each of the below countries Warsim has sold between 1-250 copies

Honduras, Morocco, Ghana, Guadeloupe, Montenegro, Mongolia, Bolivia, Algeria, Albania, El Salvador, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Moldova, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Bangladesh, Oman, Venezuela, Palestine, French Polynesia, Nepal, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Andorra, Macedonia, New Caledonia, Cyprus, Jamacia, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Jersey, Kazakhstan, Brunei, Macau, Pakistan, Qatar, Guernsey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Paraguay, Jordan, Malta, Peru, Costa Rica, Isle of Man, Guam, Bahrain, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Luxembourg, Belarus, Uruguay, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Faroe Islands, Vietnam, Latvia, Taiwan, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, India, Lithuania, Hong Kong, Israel, Malaysia, Indonesia, Chile, Ukraine, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa, Greece, Argentina, South Korea, Estonia, Phillipines, Iceland, Turkey, Hungary, Portugal, Czechia, Romania, Japan, Singapore, China, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Brazil, New Zealand, Spain, Austria, Russia, and Norway... And breathe.

Here's a map with all countries Warsim has sold copies in marked in blue -

The fact that the game is even played by one person from anywhere already makes me feel complete. Thank you all wherever you are, for playing and supporting the game, it means a lot to this small little indie dev in Wales.

All the best
