Author Topic: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!  (Read 123287 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Day seven of the develop-a-thon, this is it, it's finally over! this one includes a bunch of new content including 18 billion giant faces, and some blackmarket improvements


More than 2 giants per person added this update, just saying!

* Added 18'869'184'000 new giants faces (was 17 billion, now 36 billion)


I had never noticed before just how bad this screens text and layout was, now it's been reworked a bit!

* Added new text introduction to the independent kingdom screen
* Added diplomats face to the introduction screen
* Reworked the layout of the intro screen


Lots of new suffixes and hero names for your world!

* Made 10 suffixes more dynamic
* Added new name suffix 'the Twisted' (+5 battlescore) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Earcutter' (+11 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Toecutter' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Bloodaxe' (+36 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Boneaxe' (+30 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Skullaxe' (+40 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Half-Axe' (+10 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Hardaxe' (+15 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Stoneaxe' (+12 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Longaxe' (+17 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe-Wielder' (+20 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe Tosser' (+32 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe-Swinger' (+21 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe' (+39 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)


The slavers post was added a while back but it was lacking, now it's been reworked and is far more up to scratch with the rest of the game!

* Added new dynamic screen for hiring slaves (including 5 dynamic graphics)
* Rewrote hiring slaves text
* Added skug the post owners face to the hire screen
* Fixed slave fight freedom text bug
* Added new screen for not having enough gold to hire slaves
* Added new screen for asking to hire more slaves than there are


Lots of new origin stories for champions

* Added 'Smuggler' hero origin story
* Added 'Mine and mine alone' hero origin story
* Added 'village guard' hero origin story
* Added 'kings guard' hero origin story
* Added 'Bashed on head' hero origin story
* Added 'Militia ambush' hero origin story
* Added 'Militia Warband' hero origin story
* Added 'Tavern Brawler' hero origin story


In one of my playthroughs I was not allowed in due to the blackmarket leader being a king-hater, I wanted to ask questions and complain so now you can!

* Added new screen for not being allowed into blackmarket with guard graphic
* Added ability to ask why you are being blocked from entry
* Added ability to demand entry when blocked

Here's what that looks like -


More bugfixes courtesy of Defender's giant helpful list and one from Ursur

* Fixed Touching the goblinstone ruined it and spawned a camp of savages bug (credit Ursur)
* Fixed the hall of zoology (credit Defender)
* Fixed demon warder text (credit Defender)
* Fixed grammar issues in demonic encounter
* Fixed blackwall tavern dialogue text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Blackmarket prison text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Doomstone brotherhood rule six bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Blackmarket fight pit text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed mine talk dialogue bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed slum pit dialogue bug


Some new little things and tweaks!

* Added 3 new slum pit dialogues
* Rewrote Gar'gallock tavern text (credit Defender)
* Added new colonisation and destruction of goblinstone event (credit Ursur)
* Added dynamic trumpet sound to the fight pit battle of two champions (credit Defender)
* Made gold road theft event 1.5x rarer by default, 9x rarer for 90+ public opinion, 4x rarer for 70+ public op, 2x rarer for 30+ public op (credit Ursur)

Thank you everyone who's been suggesting ideas, commenting, and supporting me! When I told a friend of this challenge in a pub last week I was told it would be harder than I thought, and it was! it's been a lot of work but I'm glad it's been done, some of the stuff that's come out of this weeks series of updates has definitely improved the game and I've loved the input from everyone!

This will most likely not be the last time Warsim get's a Develop-a-thon! :)


  • Rogueliker
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Another little update I've done since the end of the Develop-a-thon, this one has a couple of nice features in it like the new knight 2 hero system and the new independent crown system.


You can hire any number of heroes each turn to take up one of the five spots, but not your own tough knights, not anymore, now when you enter the list of heroes to recruit to the positions you will notice a new option. The new option allows you to bring forth a random knight of yours and declare them a champion, thanks /u/animalsbite for the suggestion!

Here's the trial choice screen -

* Added ability to turn knight to hero on recruit hero screen (needs to do a trial to be promoted)
* Added ability to give knight the trial 'Find a rock atop mount Saaroth' (hard, reward: public opinion)
* Added ability to give knight the trial 'Find a random artifact' (finds a random artifact, reward: gold value of the random artifact)
* Added ability to give knight the trial 'Brawl another hero' (reward: knight gains 5+ battlescore if he wins)
* Added ability to bypass trial for a modest public opinion loss
* Added ability to hold a ceremony (costs 100 gold) for the new champion
* Added ability to proceed without ceremony for a modest public opinion loss
* Added new knight heroes will have Aslona helmets in their face graphic
* Added new knight heroes will have a special uniquely modified origin story including their journey as a knight to a hero
* Added 5 different pre-set knight suffixes for the champions


Added a new slime creature warsim's system!

* 266'823 new slime based races available in the game! (now 75 million total races)
* Added New Race 'Slime Folk'
* Added New Race 'Slimemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Slimes'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Slimes'
* Added New Race 'Half-Slimes'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Slimes'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Slimes'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Slimes'
* Added New Race 'Slimelings'
* Added new kingdom type 'Slimedom'
* Added new creature 'Slime'


* Added new name suffix 'the Facebreaker' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Facemelter' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Facecleaver' (+31 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Facemasher' (+32 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Facecrusher' (+33 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Facestealer' (+40 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Face-Eater' (+49 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Facecarver' (+31 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Fleshsculptor' (+39 battlescore) (credit Defender)


After adding the new knight to hero system which uses hero origin stories I thought adding another big burst of them would be good!

* Added 'Used Wolf-hide coat seller' hero origin story
* Added 'still an adventurer' hero origin story
* Added 'Grandparents farm' hero origin story
* Added 'Slave friend' hero origin story
* Added 'Assaulted Recruiter' hero origin story
* Added 'Village kid tournament' hero origin story
* Added 'wouldnt you like to know' hero origin story
* Added 'caravan guard scrappy' hero origin story
* Added 'boring village guard life' hero origin story
* Added 'Village guard burned village' hero origin story


I was playing around in the game the otherday and saw the sorry state of the crowns screen, it seemed more like an afterthought than anything interesting, I've updated the screen to vary depending on the personality of the kingdoms leader with each description and screen being more interesting than the solo default one that existed before

Here's an example of the dung crown screen -

* Rewrote classic viewing crown screen (now used for friendly and neutral leaders)
* Fixed crown screen bypassing ascii filter
* Added new screen for mercantile leaders crown (pay to see it)
* Added new screen for strange leaders crown (stored in dung)
* Added new screen for stupid leaders crown (on the ground)
* Added new feature for hostile leaders (not letting you view crown at all)
* Fixed crown screen text colour not being white


A bunch more dialogues to keep things interesting!

* Added 3 scorpion pit dialogues
* Added 3 artifact market dialogues
* Added 3 mining dialogues
* Added 3 slum pit dialogues
* Added 3 generic blackmarket dialogues
* Added 3 Ice Watch Tavern dialogues
* Added 3 generic goblinwood tavern dialogues


* Fixed extra word bug in one of the under attack dialogues in prebattle
* Fixed Gorge race prefix game breaking bug
* Fixed dog kicking encounter text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed declaring new date text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed declaring new date intro text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed ascii filter not working for wheel of wealth in the Blackmarket (credit Defender)
* Fixed kingdom menu issue for ascii free version screen reading (credit Defender)
* Fixed numerous text bugs in history guild speaking to teachers (credit Defender)
* Fixed independent kingdom messenger throne room encounter text spacing bug
* Fixed missing gold gain notification in some throne room gold gift encounters
* Fixed missing line and bad layout in destroying slavers fort text
* Fixed fort northwatch description screen textwrap bug


* Rewrote destroying slavers fort text
* Reworked all exploration text for ascii disabled version of warsim (credit Defender)


  • Rogueliker
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Check out this new article written on Warsim's 75 million races,


  • Rogueliker
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There's been lots going on recently but I've managed to squeeze a new update out, a couple of cool things in this one!


On suggestion of u/Dtyn8, I've added a fat double chinned wealthy goblin to goblinwood, to make things more interesting

Here he is -

* Added Gmek's manor to merchant district in goblinwood
* Added once per turn ability to ask for gold from Gmek
* Added 7 dialogues to Gmek the Rich


To commemorate my bike incident Dtyn8 suggested an awesome little nod to it in the exploration screen!

* Added new exploration encounter 'white milestone' (+1 exploration chance) (credit u/Dtyn8)


This part of the pre-battle screens wasn't up to scratch, now it fits with the rest of the stuff and is dynamic instead of being the same fixed text each time!

* Fixed line and text colour bug with troop assignement text
* Added 5 dynamic different texts for troop assignement screen


Just a couple of Miner improvements, get it, instead of minor! I'll show myself out...

* Fixed Monfort mine tribute missing indicator text
* Added new screen for capturing monfort mine
* Added new screen for buying monfort mine
* Added new screen for trying to buy monfort mine but not having the gold
* Added ability to talk to monfort mine master and ask questions (5 dialogues)


Basically at this point it the more obscure this number gets the more varied the faces should be, now you can completely guarentee that any goblin you ever see in the game with a proc gen face will never be seen again by another player... ever

* Added 3'593'375'723'520 new goblin faces (was 26.9 trillion, now 30.5 trillion)


Passed through these screens and saw they weren't all up to scratch, now they all have graphics and are laid out better!

* Added new graphic to goblin clans diplomacy screen
* Reworked goblin diplomacy screen text
* Fixed colour issues with text colour and missing line in goblin clans diplomacy
* Added new graphic to minor bandits diplomacy screen
* Reworked minor bandits screen text
* Fixed colour issues with text colour and missing line in minor bandits diplomacy
* Added new graphic for refugee screen in diplomacy
* Fixed colour issue with individual refugee diplomacy screen


* Added new name suffix 'the Accident-Prone' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Moonborn' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Moonshine' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Moonlove' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Rivers' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Old-Hero' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Once-Heroic' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Once-Champion' (+11 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Once-Known' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Once-Known' (+4 battlescore) (can be randomized to make 50+ variants)
* Added new name suffix 'the Once-Famed' (+4 battlescore) (can be randomized to make 50+ variants)
* Added new name suffix 'the Once-King' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Once-God' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Twice-Heroic' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Twice-Known' (+6 battlescore) (can be randomized to make 50+ variants)
* Added new name suffix 'the Twice-King' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Roof Hopper' (+9 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Skytoucher' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Soultoucher' (+21 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bloodtoucher' (+16 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Skulltoucher' (+17 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bonetoucher' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bladetoucher' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Corpsetoucher' (+2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Deathtoucher' (+49 battlescore)


Now these races will each have a bunch of new names to keep things fresh, weather it's Tree-Thrower for giants or Dracuul for vampires!

* Added 3 Abominations names
* Added 3 Giants names
* Added 3 Godlings names
* Added 3 Protofolk names
* Added 3 Zombie names
* Added 3 Vampire names
* Added 3 Kobold names
* Added 3 Cthuul names
* Added 3 Demon names
* Added 3 Imp names
* Added 3 gnome names
* Added 3 goblin names
* Added 3 orc names
* Added 3 Lich names
* Added 3 Ent names
* Added 3 Dwarf names
* Added 3 Human names


* Fixed throne room event guest layout and screen clear bug
* Fixed demon throne room advice bug (credit u/Ceasar15)
* Fixed coinflipper blackmarket money cleared text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed coinflipper grammar issues
* Fixed your have x troops blackmarket text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed weaker guy gets luck text bug (credit Defender)


* Slightly reworked layout of adding new troops to blackmarket garrison


  • Rogueliker
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Hey Guys,

So in the last month Warsim has undergone a ton of development

A month ago we had the gender choice update as well as 246 other features, we've had a develop-a-thon that saw 50 new features added each day for a week which included a custom character creator and tons of other features.

We saw the goblin slaver update and the addition of spontaneous tournaments in the Arena. We saw the race selection update allowing for massively custom gameworlds.

We saw weird stuff like over 100 thousand new helmets like these added to the game

And we had the goblin update adding over 3 trillion new goblin faces among other features!

To celebrate tons of improvement and addition to the game I'm doing a 30% off sale, I think the game is already fairly cheap for what you get but I want to entice as many people who are on the fence into trying it as possible, this game is a project of passion that has been in development for years and I want as many RPG fans to give this as chance as possible!

- 30% OFF on steam and

If you have the game already but think a friend might like it let them know!


Huw Millward (Solo developer of Warsim)


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So let me start by saying this is one of my favourite additions to Warsim in a long time!


The let the people drink aspect of the update is the meat of this, this is a major content update adding a new area of the game that includes lots of random events and interesting things, it adds a whole new dimension to the taverns of the world and a whole new way to explore them!

To summarise, you can drink one of many drinks in various taverns with you getting drunker as they go on. Events can happen while you drink such as throwing up, getting into fights, talking to people, tons of random and weird events and so on.

There is also the chance you passout or blackout if too drunk, this also results in additional random events!

I wrote a huge number of Wiki pages over on the Warsim wiki to explain the detail of the drinking system, check it out here -

There's a page for every tavern, bartender, drink, and event!

* Added new massive drinking system in game with tons of drinks, encounters and events
* Added 2 new dialogues to Borwyn the Skullstomper
* Rewrote lots of Rusty Dagger inn text to fit running joke of 'Me no speak human'
* Added Blackmarket Pubcrawl
* Added new dialogue to Karald in the Ox Head Tavern
* Rewrote Ogloob intro text
* Added new ogloob screen for viewing full bar
* Added new dialogue to Nugmeek of the silver staff tavern
* Added Blackmarket Pubcrawl sign in Dragon's Kneecap Tavern (dynamic based on goblin law)
* Added 2 new option of dialogue with Ogloob in Blackrow Tavern
* Added 3 new options of dialouge with Eswin Elf-Hater in Dragon's Kneecap Tavern
* Updated Ogloob the ogres graphic in Blackrow
* Rewrote 12 dice game intro text in Blackrow Tavern
* Fixed text colour issue with dice game 12 in Blackrow Tavern
* Added sound effects to dice game 12 in Blackrow Tavern

Some screenshots from this:



The brawl pit was in need of a little bit of a rework, now it's nicer!

* Added new graphic and screens for betting in brawl pit and fighters pit
* Added new screen and graphic for brawl pit
* Fixed colour issue with victory screen in brawl pit
* Fixed ability to choose a number other than 1 or 2 when choosing a fighter to bet on in brawl pit
* Added screen to stop player betting more gold than they have in brawl pit
* Added screen to stop player betting more gold than max bet in brawl pit
* Reworked brawl pit victory screen text length
* Added new bet gold notification text to victory screen in brawl pit


The odds of getting a ghost kingdom are fairly small but even so it didn't make any sense that diplomacy worked the same for invisible ghosts as it does for others, now that's changed

* Added new screen for diplomacy with ghost kingdom if you have seer stone
* Added new screen for diplomacy with ghost kingdom without stone
* Added ability to sacrfice to speak to ghost kingdom if they're evil
* Added ability to learn about ghost kingdom
* Added new sound 'ghost laugh' to the game


Now this has been reworked as it was super outdated and didn't even have a screen, I'm happy with how it's displayed now!

* Added new graphics for Black Bank unpaid
* Reworked dialougue for Black Bank unpaid
* Added new option to Black Bank unpaid resolution screen
* Added dynamic screens and sound effects to Black Bank unpaid
* Added dynamic system to pay from both gold and bank if you need to combine them


A couple of improvements to the Blackmarket, the main improvements to it still come from the Let the people drink aspect of the update.

* Added 2 new random intro texts during century celebration festival
* Added new alterate intro text for blackmarket ruled by decorator
* Added 3 new random intro texts for Owned Blackmarket
* Added 3 new random intro texts for Unowned Blackmarket
* Fixed Blackmarket intro typo
* Fixed Blackmarket intro grammar issues on multiple texts
* Fixed wordwrap issue for Ogloob in Blackrow Tavern


Some name ideas courtesy of /u/elrinne, /u/lady-valkyrie and /u/Dtyn8!

* Added 13 new female character names (thanks to u/lady-valkyrie & u/elrinne)
* Added 2 new giant names (Bone-Chomper & Stone-Smasher) (credit u/Dtyn8)


A metric ton of bugfixes including some nasty stuff!

* Fixed save crash bug (due to goblin slave update) (credit u/timedonutheart)
* Fixed diplomacy skip after making peace with strange leader
* Fixed ability to use dots in your name (causing save game invalidation) (credit u/blackskies4646)
* Fixed race packs not containing certain races
* Fixed blogroki race description bug
* Fixed challenge grand champion text bug
* Fixed heart of the world stab text bugs
* Fixed Fjori text bugs (credit Defender)
* Fixed celebratory soldiers encounter text colour
* Fixed kindom spelling error (Credit Bones)
* Fixed goblin berserkers not showing up in troop counts (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Nugmeek dialouge word wrap
* Fixed Nugmeek story being a massive block and split it between 3 screens
* Fixed Karalds dialogue wrap in the Ox head
* Fixed Karalds grammar issues in Ox head
* Fixed Xeelor (demon head in ox head tavern) name typo
* Fixed cloaked man Blackrow tavern shown in description when not there
* Fixed Baiaa leaders refering to you as King regardless of what you chose title
* Fixed Demon Warder refering to you as King regardless of title (credit Bones)
* Fixed wordwrap for Doran the dim and Diran the Old in three blades Inn
* Fixed layout of Diran the old's story into 2 screens
* Fixed outlawed mercenary screen colour and exit issues (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed missing reference to foreign merc hall in outlawed merc screen (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed missing splitline in rewarding pickpocket group screen
* Fixed missing moneyloss indicator to pickpocket group paid screen
* Fixed 'he ones again' text bug in gnome heist


* Added screen for touching the heart of the world
* Reworked Mushroom men into Shroomlings race (credit u/Pokemonerd25)
* Added looted tag to menu when Blackmarket treasury is looted
* Added ability to upgrade throne room from it's own screen (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Updated fullscreen screen
* Reworked main warsim screen for Ascii free version


  • Rogueliker
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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2019, 04:34:17 PM »


I was planning on working more on let the people drink additions but I got carried away, fixed the vomit hole graphic to be a bit better though!

* Altered vomit hole graphic to be bigger


Having a recent look at the knightly orders screen it was a little strange compared to other menus, I decided to update it again and have added lots of new screens and sounds where there previously were none. You can rename your knightly order (thanks u/TheGamingDictator) and now the leader of the knightly order has a face, a full plated armour image mixed with whatever procedurally generated helmet you have.

* Added new screen with sounds for forming knightly order
* Added new screen and graphic for introduction to leader of new knightly order (with sounds)
* Fixed wrong colour used for knightly order hall graphic on some screens
* Reworked knightly order name screen
* Reworked knightly order screen and split into 3 sub screens
* Added ability to rename knightly order (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added ability to speak to knightly order leader about orders directly


A few tweaks to tournaments, now the npc initiated tournaments have speeches before them!

* Added new screen for tournaments held in arena (not started by you)
* Added screen with speech from arena owner now includes their face
* Fixed 'an 16-man tournament' text bug (Credit 71)


I ended up with a refugee camp in my test world and noticed the whole system was a bit lacking, So I spent quite a large portion of the day working on completely evolving the camps and making them much more dynamic, now there are better screens for actions with them as well as a large personality based system where you can speak to the leaders of the camps. Refugee camps are more likely to appear in game when a kingdom is destroyed than before and they include a ton of depth that wasn't there before. I would say this system has recieved a massive evolution.

* Added troop tree screen to refugee camps
* Fixed refugee camp screen kicking you off after viewing a camp
* Added new cheat code 7049 (turns each kingdom into refugee camp)
* Added new sound effect for destroying the last of a refugee camp
* Added troop tree screen to refugee camps
* Added ability to ask independent leader of refugee camp 5 different questions
* Added 15 dialogues for friendly leaders in refugee camp (dynamic)
* Added 15 dialogues for hostile leaders in refugee camp (dynamic)
* Added 15 dialogues for Mercantile leaders in refugee camp (dynamic)
* Added 15 dialogues for Stupid leaders in refugee camp (dynamic)
* Added 15 dialogues for Neutral leaders in refugee camp (dynamic)
* Added 15 dialogues for Strange leaders in refugee camp (dynamic)
* Added dynamic screen for not having enough gold to hire refugees
* Added sound effect to unable to hire refugees screen
* Added new different refugee camp screen for savage hostile kingdom
* Added new different refugee camp screen for savage kingdom
* Added ability for taking all troops from savage refugee camp if diplomat skill 120+
* Added chance that refugee leader heads out to travel the world after you hire his people
* Added chance that refugee leader joins your army as elite unit after you hire his people
* Added chance that refugee leader offers to become a champion (if space) after you hire his people
* Added dynamic screen for not having enough land to re-establish refugees
* Added dynamic screen from leader for re-estblishing refugees
* Added re-establishing kingdom of a friendly or stupid leader will make them your vassal
* Added new reworked screen for re-establishing refugee kingdom
* Added savage leaders who's units are hired will always join you as an elite unit of their ex-kingdom
* Added ability for helping re-establish kingdom in savage refugee camp if diplomat skill 180+
* Made refugee camps forming a 50/50 chance instead of 1 in 3 chance


A few improvements to the custom game screens, you now have an extra option to have the world explored a little but not fully and your chosen race pack will be shown before you continue on with your chosen game set up.

* Added ability to have the first region of each direction pre-discovered in custom game (credit defender)
* Added tag showing which race pack is active during custom game set up screen (credit Defender)
* Fixed text issues with exploration screen in custom game settings


A couple of little bugfixes and issues resolved! Thanks gaming dictator for the bug reports!

* Fixed grammar issues with no diplomat screen
* Fixed text wrap and colour issues with no diplomat screen
* Fixed goblin law screen showing false relation increase with dead goblin kingdoms (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed destroyed demon totem text wrap
* Fixed long since destroyed when only just destroyed description for demon totems (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


Lots of uncatagorised stuff, now timed games will have the remaining number of years indicated (should have been in game way sooner), I've replaced the ingame changelogs with a message from me instead, and you can now upgrade the prison from within the prison screen instead of just in the upgrades screen.

* Added indicator of remaining years on a timed game (credit LextheMighty & 71)
* Removed changelogs from games files as irrelevant now
* Added thank you note to players in extras screen
* Added ability to upgrade prison from inside prison screen (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


* [Some of the random full armour helmets found in Knightly orders](
* [Hero of the refugees](
* [Vomit hole improved](
* [Leader of a dead kingdom as your champion](
* [Savage refugees](


  • Rogueliker
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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2019, 08:17:51 PM »

The Barracks troop upgrade screens were abysmal and low-effort, now they have all been reworked and upgraded with graphics and a new sound effect.

* Added new screen for not having enough gold to upgrade goblins to berserkers
* Added new screen for not having enough goblins to upgrade to berserkers
* Added new screen and graphic for goblin to berserker main screen
* Added new screen and graphic for converting a goblin to berserker (with new text)
* Added new sound effect for troop conversion
* Added new costs to upgrading bandits and goblins in barracks
* Made training ground graphic smaller and worse looking
* Made grand barracks graphic bigger and more grand
* Added new screen for not having enough gold to upgrade bandits to soldiers
* Added new screen for not having enough bandits to upgrade to soldiers
* Added new screen and graphic for bandits to soldiers main screen
* Added new screen and graphic for converting a bandits to soldiers (with new text)
* Added new screen for not having enough gold to upgrade goblins to soldiers
* Added new screen for not having enough goblins to upgrade to soldiers
* Added new screen and graphic for goblins to soldiers main screen
* Added new screen and graphic for converting a goblins to soldiers (with new text)
* Added new screen for not having enough gold to upgrade bandits to peasants
* Added new screen for not having enough bandits to upgrade to peasants
* Added new screen and graphic for bandits to peasants main screen
* Added new screen and graphic for converting a bandits to peasants (with new text)
* Added new screen for not having enough gold to upgrade soldiers to knights
* Added new screen for not having enough soldiers to upgrade to knights
* Added new screen and graphic for soldiers to knights main screen
* Added new screen and graphic for converting a soldiers to knights (with new text)


Because tavern dialogues are used in the most common drinking encounters I've decided to expand on them and add more dialogues related to the new alcohol system, now people will complain or praise their respective drinks!

* Added 5 new generic tavern dialogues and rumours
* Added 5 new icewatch tavern dialogues
* Added 5 universal goblin tavern dialogues
* Added 5 universal Blackmarket tavern dialogues
* Added 5 Blackrow Tavern dialogues
* Added 5 Dragon's Kneecap Tavern Dialogues
* Added 5 Thickblood tavern dialogues


Firing staff has always been a screenless part of the game, you click the button and they're gone without a word from them, now your staff will have parting words pooled from a big load of possible farewells and goodbyes

* Added new system for random responses when firing your staff (credit Defender)
* Added 5 generic firing dialouges
* Added 5 diplomat firing dialogues
* Added 5 Spymaster firing dialogues
* Added 5 Jester firing dialogues
* Added 5 General firing dialogues
* Added 5 Steward firing dialogues
* Added 5 gamemaster firing dialogues
* Added 5 Bard firing dialogues


Defender suggested having a sound effect for prospecting, when I went to put it in I noticed just how bad the prospecting 'screen' was, it was a single line of badly formatted text, so now there are new graphics and screens.

* Added new graphic for prospecting in mines
* Added new sound effect for prospecting in mines (credit Defender)
* Fixed prospecting text-wrap bug
* Rewrote mine prospecting text layout
* Made prospecting 50/50 instead of 1 in 3 chance
* Reworked not enough gold for prospecting message
* Fixed Hlok mine prospecting and collapsing options not showing if unfilled
* Added gold loss indicator to prospecting


I noticed the refugee camp title line was a little too short and RTT on informed me about the games loading bar appearing in the ascii-less version of Warsim so now both have been fixed!

* Fixed refugee camp title line being too short
* Fixed loading bar appearing in ascii-disabled warsim (credit Rtt)


* [Bandits renouncing banditry in the Barracks](
* [Some of the Ex-Diplomat speeches](
* [How berserkers are made in the Barracks](
* [New Grand Barracks Screen](
* [New prospecting screen](


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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2019, 09:35:32 AM »
Hey guys I'm a few hours late on posting the changelog but I put the update live last night, I was just out drinking and didn't have enough time to put the changelog everywhere, still another update due tonight aswell!


The main bulk of this update is expansions on the let the people drink update, while adding to the tavern dialogues I discovered I'd actually missed a tavern off when I was adding drinking to each tavern, the Lone Arrow tavern found in the far west in Huntsman's Rest had no ability to drink, I added 2 new drinks one of which gives you the ability to hit bullseye each time in the Huntsman's Archery, there are also new sound effects, bugfixes and tons of new dialogues for the various taverns across the world.

* Added ability to drink in Lone Arrow Tavern
* Added new drink 'Sap of the forest' (25 gold) to Lone Arrow tavern
* Added Sap puke event
* Added 4 random sap drinking events
* Added 5 new dialogues to lone arrow tavern
* Fixed lone arrow tavern dialogues not appearing in the tavern
* Added sap of the forest makes you perfect at archery in hunter's rest
* Added new sound effect for goblin hitting head in bar
* Added new sound effect for goblin dropping tray of drinks in bar
* Added 5 universal Northern tavern dialogues
* Added 5 Pitside Tavern dialogues
* Added 5 universal Artifact Market tavern dialogues
* Added 5 silverstaff tavern dialogues
* Added 5 three blades inn dialogues
* Added 5 new rusty dagger inn dialogues
* Added 5 new humans toe tavern dialogues
* Fixed punching staring goblin drunk event broken


Kind of a belated follow up to the let the people drink update, some more drunk name suffixes for characters in your world!

* Added new name suffix 'the Ale-Gobbler' (+13 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ale-Chugger' (+11 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ale-Slammer' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Aleblood' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Blackout-Drunk' (-30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mead-Guzzler' (+9 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Alebreath' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Aleblood' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Meadblood' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Meadblood' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Boozeblood' (+3 battlescore)


u/TheGamingDictator from reddit suggested a number of name suffixes, some of them were added directly others were inspired by his suggestions like all the tooth names

* Added new name suffix 'the Unready' (-5 battlescore)  (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'Lionheart' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Longshanks' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Redtooth' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Blacktooth' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Bloodtooth' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Sharptooth' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Greentooth' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Stonetooth' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Glasstooth' (+7 battlescore)


Quite a few bugs solved, thanks for bob and u/theGamingDictator for the help!

* Fixed Arena 32 man tournaments being broken (Lots of people reported this so it's hard to credit any one person)
* Fixed fires celebration grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed barracks grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed explorers guild grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed that the other banks text bug (credit Bob)
* Fixed train soldiers bandit text bug   
* Fixed 0 option bug with training units
* Fixed training grounds description bug
* Fixed cancelled celebration missing space bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Parade celebration grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed pre-battle spy report text colour
* Fixed battle retreat text colour


* [New drink](
* [Puking new drink](


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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2019, 08:45:46 PM »


A while ago the goblin settlement upgrade was added, something you can grow from a goblin hut all the way up to a megacity, well many people wanted it expanded and now it has been. Now once you have a goblin hut you can visit it in the other buildings tab on the main screen and upgrade it through there, each of the 20 or so different tiers has it's own graphic so you can watch the settlement grow before you!

* Added new system for goblin settlement (new screen in other buildings)
* Added ability to upgrade goblin settlement within the screen
* Added 20 different graphics for the stages of the goblin settlement


A suggestion by RTT which is a good one, took a bit of work but I've got it sorted, now you can go through and type the name of a save file you want to delete to clear it and all its extra files away, helps if like me you have lots of different saves and test saves that get a little much, now spring cleaning is easy!

* Added ability to delete saves (credit RTT)


For those who don't know, Bookrage has been involved in the Warsim community for quite some time over on (specifically this thread) and has come up with I would say somewhere in the range of 500+ ideas over the years, frequently dropping a big list of concepts and ideas whenever I was brainstorming with things like the race system or name prefixes, some notable members of the Warsim community have been featured in the game and Defender suggested that Bookrage be added, why not! Now you'll find a place called Raging Book Shop in Blackrow where you'll find him!

* Added Raging Book Shop to Blackrow in Blackmarket
* Added Bookrage from as a character (Defenders Idea)


Added 8 jokes that can appear being said by in game jesters and comedians

* Added yes knight joke (Level 1 joke) (credit u/Dtyn8)
* Added No good knight joke (Level 1 joke) (credit u/Dtyn8)
* Added fat knight joke (Level 1 joke)
* Added meat eater knight joke (Level 1 joke)
* Added cursed turnip man joke (Level 1 joke)
* Added peasant and a knight on a bridge joke (level 3 joke)
* Added knight in cannibal village joke (level 1 joke)
* Added Footless knight joke (level 2 joke)


Tons of new name suffixes, starting with tooth related ones but then I branched out, the best one is the Warmaker with +45 battlescore, my thought was if this character can make wars happen they are a probably tough, the weakest is the overdramatic with -10 battlescore!

* Added new name suffix 'Beartooth' (+16 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Wolftooth' (+14 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Dogtooth' (+4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Curvetooth' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Bucktooth' (-1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Ogretooth' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Glowtooth' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Squaretooth' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Lifestealer' (+41 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wallbreaker' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Boulder' (+30 battlescore) (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Tombstone' (+21 battlescore) (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Warforger' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Warchaser' (+34 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Warmaker' (+45 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Overdramatic' (-10. battlescore) (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes)


A couple of additional origin stories, I will keep adding these because eventually we will get to the point where it'll be more or less unique and each hero will have a completely different origin story to the next

* Added 'Assaulted jester' hero origin story
* Added 'My past? No' hero origin story
* Added 'Sweet roll seller' hero origin story
* Added 'Adventuring writer' hero origin story
* Added 'Adventurer cliff village' hero origin story


Lots of bugs fixed this time thanks mostly to defender and thegamingdictator, so thanks guys!

* Fixed ability to rehire mercenary group by selecting option one when they are hired (credit Defender)
* Fixed wordwrap of demon worshipper encounter
* Fixed demon worshipper throne room grammar bug
* Fixed Recruiter to knight text pause error (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Recruiter to knight text wordwrap bug
* Fixed Knight to recruiter text wordwrap bug
* Fixed hired into king's service grand champion hall of fame text replaced with retired into (whatever title you have ie queen/dude/king/blah)
* Fixed krut and erak showing numbers next to them when destroyed unlike other menu items (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Asking how much gold is needed in slums kicks you all the way out of the donation menu (credit Defender)
* Fixed slums donation menu grammar bug
* Fixed monfort mine reference to king instead of dynamic chosen title when getting tribute


A couple of new things here, now any hiring has a marching sound as well as some other barracks related tweaks!

* Updated Barracks upgrade text in kingdom upgrades screen
* Removed false note of ability to upgrade units directly on training grounds text
* Added new marching sound for hiring troops from main hire screen
* Added indicator of how much gold you have and cost of upgrade to barracks and grand barracks troop upgrade menus (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


Bookrage -

Deleting a save game screen -

Progression of the goblin settlement -

How to find the delete a save screen -

The new raging book shop -


  • Rogueliker
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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2019, 09:47:03 PM »


I wanted another wholesome event in game and opted for the friendly goblins of the western settlement of Goblinwood, now provided you have all the positive goblin laws and stances. The goblinwood jamboree contains music, feasting, lots of chatter, a drinking contest against a bunch of goblins and random events, so be nice to goblins and head west!

* Added Goblinwood Jamboree (a goblinwood festival every 10 years if you have goblin celebration active and ban goblin slavery and have discovered goblinwood)
* Added goblin trumpet sound effect
* Added new description for goblinwood intro during jamboree
* Added goblin jamboree messenger end of turn event
* Added two goblin guard intro to castle Kolok
* Added 5 dynamic text intros for Bgax the guard captain
* Added 5 dynamic text intos for Geks the advisor
* Added 5 dynamic text intos for the king
* Added 5 dynamic text intos for Gmek the rich
* Added 3 dynamic texts for celebration start toast by king
* Added a toast by Bgax
* Added a toast by Gmek
* Added 2 dynamic texts for no toast
* Added dynamic applause response to toasts (but always a toast if the king speaks)
* Added goblinwood chariot song
* Added Chef goblin screen
* Added random feast meal system (gives you one of 4 different foods)
* Added 3 random reactions to eating mystery meat covered in Rteka seeds
* Added 3 random reactions to eating mystery meat on it's own
* Added 3 random reactions to eating rat meat skewers
* Added 3 random reactions to eating dog meat on the bone
* Added option to join or ignore goblin drinking competition (100 gold prize)
* Added dynamic system of drinking, quiting or drinking automatically
* Added drinking competition with dynamic eventualities for winning, losing or no winners
* Added dynamic graphic for the round of the drinking contest
* Added goblin glass window small sound effect
* Added goblin fall through window random jamboree event
* Added bgax breaks up brawl random jamboree event
* Added king donates gold to poor random jamboree event
* Added nobles donate gold to king random jamboree event
* Added 5 new warriors random jamboree event
* Added assassination attempt random jamboree event
* Added goblin hits head random jamboree event
* Added 3 random end of the night text descriptions
* Added 3 random sends offs from Geks the advisor


Another 5 new suffixes for the people of your gameworld!

* Added new name suffix 'the Firebringer' (-25 battlescore) (credit Catrin)
* Added new name suffix 'the Joker' (-1 battlescore) (credit Catrin)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mouse-eater' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mouse Heart' (-3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mouse-like' (-5 battlescore)


Still think the tavern dialogues could be added to so a few more! only the ones with very few unique dialogues like Ogloobs

* Added 5 dialogues to Blackrow tavern
* Added 5 dialogues to thickblood tavern
* Added 5 dialogues to Three blades inn
* Added 5 dialogues to silver staff tavern


A couple of little bugs found as well as a big crash bug thanks to u/ablack667

* Fixed crash when entering settings menu (credit u/ablack667)
* Fixed worst than rat meat text bug in goblinwood meat shop
* Fixed Eswin elfhater drunk event problems


A few things that didn't fit anywhere else!

* Added 15 new female names to female name generator
* Added joke to mine dialogues
* Added new child pickpocket name suffix 'the Ickle'


- Invite to the Jamboree -
- A pair of goblin guards -
- Goblin Trumpeteers -
- Celebrating Goblinwood -
- A goblin shanty -
- A goblin chef -
- Mystery meat -
- A round of drinking in Goblinwood -
- Winning the drinking contest -
- End of the Jamboree -


  • Rogueliker
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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2019, 03:59:07 PM »

Now I'm going to be real, today has mostly been smaller tweaks and fixes as opposed to a giant new event feature like yesterday as it took me from 8am til about 11pm to get finished, still lots of little things which improve the game and more planned tomorrow!


A couple of new name suffixes thanks to u/theGamingDictator, I'm surprised we didn't have the Brave as a suffix already but now we do!

* Added new name suffix 'the Brave' (+29 battlescore) (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes)  (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new name suffix 'the Impaler' (+39 battlescore) (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new name suffix 'the Walker' (+5 battlescore) (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new name suffix 'the Braver' (+34 battlescore) (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes) (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bravest' (+37 battlescore) (can mix to make 50+ other suffixes) (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


A few tweaks on yesterdays large update that I overlooked!

* Added 2 new alt dialogues for Gmek the rich announcing the drinking competition
* Fixed goblinwood celebration settlement graphic not showing in district screens
* Fixed goblinwood invites for celebrations after the initial celebration not going out


While passing through here on a report of a grammar bug I noticed how sorry looking the book buying screens were, now each book has it's own book graphic and a special screen with sound effects for when you do buy the books!

* Fixed 4 Aehlans rare tomes grammar bugs  (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new sound effect to buying books from Aehlans
* Added new book graphic and buying screen for 'The Centaar'
* Added new book graphic and buying screen for 'Blackmarket management'
* Added new book graphic and buying screen for 'Legend of the iron hills'
* Added new book graphic and buying screen for 'Zeberfan the magic man'
* Added new book graphic and buying screen for 'The Black Bank of Azrukh'


Same as Aehlans, another few tweaks and fixes for an overlooked part of the Blackmarket!

* Fixed seer of minds grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed seer of minds conversation grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new screen for seer of minds refusal to see you
* Added new screen for seer of minds too broke for a reading


Title pun, Another nice find by u/TheGamingDictator on reddit, It's an oversight in allowing mines to be prospected in when dead but no code to then tell the game the mine is working again after telling it the mine is dead, now this is fixed and a new screen has been put there to show this event happening!

* Fixed unable to resume mining after discovering new vein of ore in a dead mine (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added screen for mining operations kickstarting again for each of mines (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


Tons of bugfixes today thanks to u/TheGamingDictator's giant bug report recently!

* Fixed 4 counts arms ruins text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed bug with hiring refugees if only one refugee group left freezing game
* Fixed bug with gifting land to refugees if only one refugee group left freezing game
* Fixed ruined goblinstone colonised by savages doesn't show as savage owned in explore screen
* Fixed green sap drink text bug (credit Pakoito)
* Fixed Ogloob tavern event grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Coastman buys drink tavern event grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed coin lodged in bar grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed tolerable but quick drinking grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed weaker than youd expect drinking grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Ogloobs ale with an eye in it grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Icewraith brew grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Royal bank capitalisation and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 4 prison texts having grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Blackmarket intro capitalisation bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Blackmarket slums intro capitalisation bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 hiring Blackmarket capitalisation and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Old wizards tower (and celebration variant) capitalisation and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed ruined slaver post in blackmarket capitalisation bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Chelobs well intro screen grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed slums ruin grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed bandit group 1 owned building in slums grammar bug and wordspacing (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 4 slums watchtower grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 11 Niklas bug hunter text and layout bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 10 Leafburner text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 11 Dockrow intro description text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Black Opal grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed no ship docked in Dockrow grammar bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 8 Docked ship text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


New book covers -


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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2019, 10:58:19 PM »

This was supposed to be 50 features but as it's a send off I've broken the rules a bit and gone a lot further on this update than I intended, 100s and 100s of bugfixes and tons of little featurettes, the crowning feature being naming your kingdom finally!


Something I've been wanting to do for a very long time, it has been requested by so many players I've lost count, now you can name your kingdom anything you want not just Aslona. I've tried to scrub the game of references to Aslona if you are playing custom but I guarentee I've missed loads so if you find any in your Non-Aslona playthroughs share them with me and I'll sort them out!

* Added the ability to select your own kingdom name at game start
* Added the ability to generate a custom kingdom name at game start
* Added ability to rename your kingdom in the other laws screen


The wishing well has been improved a lot more in it's layout and function!

* Added throwing your last coin into the well significantly increases odds of getting a wish
* Fixed menu option for throwing a coin into the magic well still showing if you have no gold
* Fixed 25 Wishing well text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Reworked text layout of Wishing Well (new gold loss indication and new text for successful wishes)


Was passing through the Blackrow slaver and found ways to improve it a little bit in how it's laid out.

* Added new screen for not having enough gold for Blackrow Tavern slaver
* Added new screen for asking for too many men Blackrow tavern slaver
* Added new screen for buying slaves from Blackrow tavern slaver
* Fixed Blackrow tavern slaver hire screen text bugs


Was fixing some monument of kings bugs and noticed the destruction screen was a little lacking, now it's improved!

* Fixed 6 Monument of kings text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Rewrote text for destroying monument of kings
* Added destruction sound effect to Monument of Kings


Now you can see your gold in more screens in the Blackmarket, it's annoying not knowing your gold when you're trying to buy things!

* Added new layout for hiring goblin scum from the market (including seeing your current gold)
* Added kingdom stats bar to each blackmarket district main screen and district selection screen
* Added new layout for hiring slavers from slums slaver post (including seeing your current gold)


Now the slum gold system is far more logical and has better layout and a new option!

* Fixed slum gold donation screen doesn't close when you donate enough gold
* Added new indicator of exactly how much gold is needed for the slums on the main donation screen
* Added ability to donate exactly the amount of gold needed to upgrade the slums


That's Gaming Dictator, an absolute metric ton of bugfixes!

* Fixed Name selection screen bug option to make your own name there twice
* Fixed Demon hunters ruins text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 3 Abandoned building Blackrow text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 7 Oval Sign building text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 4 Ruined house #2 Blackrow text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 10 House marked 'x' text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 6 Black alley text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Burned shacks text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 11 Blackrow intro text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Blackrow tavern intro text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 13 Ogloob the Ogre text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Stargazer statue text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 10 Blackmarket Herald Office text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 8 Repairmans lodge text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Grand Gallion layout bug
* Fixed Eswin elf-hater dialogue tag bug
* Fixed 'raise' instead of 'raze' text bug in guildrow ((credit u/llevus)
* Fixed 9 Zoology hall text and grammar bugs
* Fixed 10 Deyan master of Zoology text and grammar bugs
* Fixed 27 Noreg year two history guild text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 30 history guild year two exam text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 18 history guild year three exam text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 year four history guild text and grammar bugs  (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 14 history guild year four exam text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed graduating history guild text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 28 History guild year one exam text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed problems with lesson 2 of the history guild text (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 history guild intro text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 58 Hermaeus year one history guild text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 11 Aerondiir text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 4 East Dock Company text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 3 Black wall text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 15 Goblin Hall of Heroes text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 27 Hatmaker's Emporium Text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Hatmaker's Shop being referred to as Emporium before upgrade (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 10 Dockrow watchtower text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 3 Dockrow abandoned building text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 9 Mags kitchen text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Damaged house text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 9 Blackmarket leader statue text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 6 Guild intro description text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 2 Dragon's Kneecap Tavern Intro text bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 4 Eswin Elfhater text bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Dragon wench knight text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Wild Skalds intro text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 47 Guildrow musicians guild text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 8 Blackmarket Treasury text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Shipbuilders Guild text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed 8 Bron the Shipbuilder text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed hiring slaves from slums slaver post missing screen clear bug
* Fixed 2 text and grammar bugs with destroying the eastern trade post (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed missing sound effect for looting traders post
* Fixed 3 scorpion pit text and grammar bugs (credit u/TheGamingDictator)


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Re: 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' The best management rpg you've never heard of!
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2019, 11:40:13 AM »
Alright so let me start by saying, this week has been interesting and troublesome to say the least. I have come into multiple problems and setbacks with my laptop and I'm awaiting a new keyboard after some keys got accidentally destroyed, there have also been some other issues I'm trying to solve so the workpace hasn't been where I've wanted it to be...

...However, I'm still super excited to bring this update which breathes a bit of life into an area that was flat and devoid of any depth for so long, it wasn't planned but after visiting the minor bandit code to put in the ability to hire the groups directly as a bandit king (thanks to a suggestion by Defender) I saw just how shallow the whole system was and decided to put and end to it.


**New kinds of bandit leaders**

So this system was somewhat modelled on how the Goblin Slaver update was done, meaning there are numerous different traits available each having a different effect on how the leader acts. There are 10 different personalities total, some are similar like recruiter and expert recruiter, and some allow for special abilities like Mercenary captain or Land merchant.

* **Recruiter** (Double units each year)
* **Hordevassal** (Supports Phenor's Bandit Horde if it's active)   
* **Brutal Trainer** (Half recruits, Men have +60% stats (120 battlescore bandits and 200 battlescore Warlords)
* **Expert Robbers** (Take more gold)
* **Honest Men** (No robbery)
* **Expert Recruiter** (Triple units each year) (option to sell them your bandits, at 10 gold each)
* **Merry Men** (Doesn't rob as much gold, and never robs you if it means you have nothing)
* **Moneygrubber** (+20% Gold gain from rents and robberies)
* **Mercenary Captain** (Option to buy bandits from him, Occasionally runs merc contract events)
* **Land Merchant** (Sells any lands above the one they have, if they have only one land he invades automatically)

So you'll now see a group a honest men who won't rob anyone, right next to a bandit group with an expert recruiter growing in number fast only to be replaced by a brutal trainer who turns that large army into a feared unit where a warlord could kill one of your knights with ease.

* Added expert robbers take twice the gold
* Added moneygrubber leaders gain 20% extra rental gold each turn
* Added honest men don't rob anyone
* Added land grab factions always invade when attacking and on only one land
* Added updated battlescore for brutal trainer units (125 and 200)
* Added merry men dont' rob you if it would leave you broke
* Added moneygrubbers gain +20% of normal stolen gold
* Added recruiter leaders get double units each turn
* Added brutal trainers get half units each turn
* Added expert recruiters get triple units each turn

**New stuff you can do with minor bandit groups**

This update hasn't just changed what they can do, but also what you can do with them. Now you can view additional stats, you can talk to the leader directly, you can speak to random local bandits and if you have the 'Bandit King' backstory you can actually attempt to hire the group with a chance of gaining it's leader as a personal champion whom you can send to the Arena/to run a fort/etc. It's also now possible for you to try and have your diplomat broker a truce with a group instead of just paying gold, but there are risks!

* Added ability to buy land from land merchant bandit leader (if truced)
* Added ability to buy men from merc captain leaders (if truced)
* Added ability to sell men to expert recruiter leaders (if truced)
* Added ability to view all stats for bandit leaders
* Added ability to hire bandit group if you are the bandit king and (public op lower than 20 or group is merry men or honest men) (credit Defender)
* Added ability to speak to random bandit (25 dialogues)
* Added 36 unique dialogues (4 for each bandit leader type)
* Added ability for bandit group leader to join you as a knight if his group is assimilated with you
* Added ability for bandit group leader to head off into the world if his group is assimilated with you
* Added ability for bandit group leader to join you as a champion if his group is assimilated with you
* Added dynamic refusal from bandit group leader if you ask them to join
* Added ability for diplomat to broker truce with the bandits
* Added ability for diplomat to be killed brokering truce with bandits

**New bandit leader random events**

Now there are several events with at least one for each trait that can happen at the end of a turn, and some pre-existing bandit events have been improved upon.

* Added rival group join event for recruiter bandit leaders
* Added successful robberies event for expert robbery bandits
* Added new potion merchant raid event
* Added new old artifact seller raid event
* Added robbed nobles for village event for merry men bandit leaders
* Added defend village and gain recruits for honest men bandit leaders
* Added impassioned speech event for expert recruiter bandit leaders
* Added call for the bandit horde event for hordevassal bandit leaders
* Added half men to horde event for hordevassal bandit leaders
* Added brutal training regime event for brutal trainer leaders
* Added land capture event for land merchant leaders
* Added merc contract event for merc leaders
* Added 1 in 3 chance event for successful scam to double gold for moneygrubber bandit leaders

**Minor bandit bugs and tweaks**

A couple of bugs and tweaks done during the development, also a little cheat code for testing different types of bandit leader!

* Reworked the hire attack screen
* Fixed bandit group 5 giving all of their end of turn gold to bandit group 1
* Fixed capitalisation bug in minor bandit group screen
* Reworked layout of minor bandit screen
* Merged minor bandit code and made it 5x more efficient
* Added secret code 69 in bandit group choice screen which spawns a random set of bandit leaders


Some bug fixes suggested by you guys! and one I found

* Fixed Flag of Aslona reference (credit u/Dargonsploof)
* Fixed broken bluetrii screen (credit HisShadow)
* Fixed hirelings unable to be ignored or trap doored (credit HisSHadow)
* Fixed hiring more units than intended (credit HisShadow)
* Fixed niklas text line bug


* - New screen with a hostile group
* - Diplomat convinces bandits to a truce
* - New menu for a truced group
* - Viewing the troop tree
* - Talking to a minor bandit leader
* - Selling units to an expert recruiter leader


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Huw Millward (Solo developer of Warsim)