« on: April 17, 2019, 09:08:54 PM »
https://www.labydx.com/index.html Win/Linux
What is it?
Lost Labyrinth is a coffeebreak dungeon crawling game!
Compared to other games of its kind it has the following features:
Relatively short gameplay (between 10-40 Minutes)
Very high replayability because everything is created at random!
Over 113 unique traits to choose from (every player needs another tactic!)
More than 266 unique magical spells, skills and abilities
No experience gain for killing monsters (only for reaching new levels!)
Classic roguelike graphics agumented with modern xBRZ algorithms for high resolution rendering
Smooth scrolling
Control with mouse and keyboard
Portable versions across Windows, Macintosh and Linux
Lost Labyrinth DX is a modern remake of the classic Lost Labyrinth dungeon-crawling roguelike. It aims to keep the unique feature rich mechanics of the original Lost Labyrinth game with new features and enhancements. The original game can be found at http://www.lostlabyrinth.com.
Lost Labyrinth was originally written in BlitzBasic and then ported to PureBasic. Now the game is completely rewritten from scratch in C++ and uses SDL2 along with new algorithms like xBRZ to scale old pixel graphics for modern HD screens. The game is now optimized for modern operating systems and hardware whithout all the legacy issues of the old game.
In addition the enhanced edition of the game features numerous new traits, spells, items, monsters and a lot of other new game content. Including everything from the Extended Edition of the original game! Lost Labyrinth DX is created by one of the developers of the original game and is completely free.
New Feature: New trait: High Magic (2 CP: Unlocks spells from the High Magic school of magic)
New Feature: New trait: Old Gods (1 CP: Gives +50 Cold Resistance and doubles Eye of Udjat bonus)
New Feature: New trait: Paladin (2 CP: Gives +40 Undead Lore, Fear Immunity and regain 1 life and mana on killing undead)
New Feature: New trait: Dragon Slayer (1 CP: Gives +40 Dragon Lore, Fear Immunity and awards gold on killing dragons)
New Feature: New trait: Step-Up (2 CP: Destroying enemies in melee combat does not end the turn)
New Feature: New trait: One-Eyed (-1 CP: Gives -5 Perception and halves ranged hit chance and ranged dodge)
New Feature: New trait: Shield Bash (1 CP: Block Chance is added to Melee damage bonus and can push enemies with melee)
New Feature: New trait: Blacksmithing (2 CP: Can repair weapons and armour plus enchant weapons with gems)
New Feature: New trait: Arachnophobia (-1 CP: Halves hit chance vs spiders and cannot sneak past them)
New Feature: New trait: Necrophobia (-2 CP: Halves hit chance vs undead and cannot sneak past them)
New Feature: Added remaining health and armour bars for enemies who are injured
New Feature: Added 10 new magical potion effects
New Feature: Added new Water Magic spell: Conjure Water Elemental
New Feature: Added 12 new unique magical effects for weapons (e.g glow in dark or dragon slaying)
New Feature: Added 14 magical weapons with special abilities
New Feature: Added 8 new randomizable weapons and 1 new magic robe
New Feature: Added a new monster: The Spellforged Golem
New Feature: Added a new room: The Forgotten Forge (repair items and Blacksmiths create a free weapon)
UPDATE: Active buff/debuff icons on top of creatures is now only drawn on monsters
UPDATE: Pick Pocket now displays visual cue of what item was stolen
UPDATE: Improved tooltips of various traits and spells
UPDATE: The Visions trait now gives +1 random Lore bonus on using the Sanctum (max once per level)
UPDATE: Reworked how damage resistances worked (resistances above 50 give logarithmic damage reduction up to 90%)
UPDATE: Spell Scrolls are now less likely to contain higher level magic
UPDATE: New and improved icons for various spells and abilities
UPDATE: The Fear spell will now also apply a debuff reducing attack, block and spell cast chance by 25%
UPDATE: Paralysis and Blindness will now also severely reduce the block chance with shields
UPDATE: Several monsters have now learned the Fear spell!
UPDATE: Goblin Shamans are now less likely to drop rare treasure
UPDATE: The Bravery spell now provides immunity against Fear
UPDATE: Added animation when grabbing items lying around on the floor
UPDATE: Players can now get stuck in Pit Traps without Climbing, Flying or Escape Artist (50% chance to escape)
UPDATE: Thaumaturugy no longer starts with Ancient or Legendary Wands, Staves or Rods.
UPDATE: Equipping items now costs 35 energy
UPDATE: Reduced damage taken from monsters who explode on death
UPDATE: Reduced damage taken from advanced pit traps
UPDATE: Selling equipment to a merchant will now also repair the item
UPDATE: Selling potions to a merchant will now identify what kind of potion you just sold
UPDATE: Curse of Seth and Mana Void now also affects summoned creatures
UPDATE: A message is now displayed if healing fails due to the Curse of Hex
UPDATE: Any active effects end at the start of your next turn instead of the end of your previous turn
UPDATE: Protection from Petrification can now be cast on friendlies and will also dispel any ongoing petrification
UPDATE: Reworked Petrification: No longer instant-death effect but skips your turns and deals damage over time.
UPDATE: Death Gaze is no longer an instant death effect, but instead deals 50% of max life in damage
UPDATE: Fire Lance deals less damage but also costs less mana
UPDATE: Ambushes will never happen more than once every 10 rounds
UPDATE: The Sturdy trait no longer reduces bleed damage to 0
UPDATE: Damage reduction now has a chance to reduce 1 damage to 0 (e.g 33% reduction has 1/3 chance to ignore damage)
UPDATE: Aura of Fire will now burn away sticky webs
UPDATE: Traits for current character is now displayed in the ability screen
UPDATE: Poison Protection spell now costs 3 mana instead of 5
UPDATE: Increased duration of various beneficial spells
UPDATE: Waterdrops now restore 20 instead of 10 hydration
UPDATE: Base carry capacity increased from 50 to 75
UPDATE: Base spell casting chance increased from 25 to 50
UPDATE: Weapons are now less likely to break
UPDATE: Rebalanced various low-level monsters to have less attack
FIX: Monsters spawning without full armour recovered
FIX: Fear will now scare away from the casters location instead of from the current tile we are standing on
FIX: Incorrect message displayed on Counter-Attack
FIX: Item description tooltips will now automatically resize if needed
FIX: Possible crash bug on exit
FIX: Negative perception no longer reduces light radius by less than 1 square
FIX: Some incorrect estimations for spell mana cost
FIX: Bug causing shovels to always have only 1 durability
FIX: Waterskin not losing durability when used
FIX: Numerous monsters not using their ranged abilities or spells
FIX: Transparency issues with various monster sprites
FIX: Non-flying creatures are now properly rendered when submerged in water
FIX: Rune traps having little or no effect when encountered at very low levels
FIX: Possible crash bug on triggering a rune trap
FIX: Crash bug on drinking a full mana restoration potion
FIX: Web throw animation not working
FIX: Fire Aura actually melts Ice Blocks now
FIX: Incorrect sorting in high score
FIX: Extra whitespace appearing on newlines
FIX: Bleeding damage now correctly bypasses armour
FIX: Summon Satyr destroying the tile it was cast on
FIX: Stutter in Second Wind animation
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 01:01:01 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training