Author Topic: Zorbus  (Read 84493 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #90 on: June 05, 2021, 06:24:29 AM »
Release 49   (05-Jun-2021)
  • Added some post-processing to the field of view -algorithm for better corner wall exploration.
  • Made some optimizations to autoexplore.
  • Fixed a bug where some throwable weapons without reach (hand axe, dagger, etc.) still could be thrown with the (R)-command when distance was 2, even if not of returning-type.
  • Distances to items in blocked areas are listed in red in level loot list. Blocked areas also drawn in red in the minimap of that screen.
  • Autotargeting for ranged attacks and talents (the red and yellow corners around creatures) tries first to target a non-summoned creature.
  • New setting: "Autoammo uses anchoring & withering", on by default. If this setting is enabled, autoammo uses anchoring and withering ammunition automatically. Anchoring is used against creatures that can blink away with a talent (usually spellcasters). Withering is used only against unique creatures.
  • Companions now use anchoring and withering ammunition automatically. So you can now give anchoring ammo to companions who will then shoot them at those annoying blinking spellcasters.
  • Companions won't go to blocked areas to pick up items.
  • Creatures summoned from traps set by the player won't get angry at player's companions.
  • Traps won't be created on containers that are automatically opened / peeked (empty barrels and cauldrons, or barrels and cauldrons with only bones or corpses in them).


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #91 on: June 25, 2021, 06:11:35 PM »

Release 50   (25-Jun-2021)
  • An alternate grid path for ranged targeting is now calculated and used if the first path is blocked. Also affects reach attacks and Charge-talent. Ranged attacks should now be symmetric, meaning that if creature A can target creature B, B can also target A. There are still some cases where you can see a creature but can't target it. Ranged attacks use Bresenham's line drawing routine to traverse grids, while the field of view algorithm does not.
  • New command: Continuous autoexplore, default key (CTRL) + (E). Keeps exploring until a hostile creature is seen, something is detected, a trap is sprung, or until the whole dungeon level is explored. Can not be used when in low Health (controlled with "Health flash percentage threshold" from the settings).
  • New command: Autopilot to next unlooted container, default key (CTRL) + (C). You can now autopilot to next unlooted container directly from the main game mode.
  • Autopilot-screen shows the contents of peeked containers when the cursor is on them.
  • Lidless / opened containers are automatically marked as peeked when an area is fully explored, unless the area has creatures that get gradually more hostile. Peeked means that you know the contents of the container.
  • Hopefully fixed a bug where the autopilot-screen displayed wrong amount of unlooted containers. (thanks to Mkok for mentioning)
  • Fixed a bug where encumbrance wasn't recalculated in all cases where items were picked up. (thanks to Nopenope for mentioning)
  • Die Hard talent now heals the same amount as Health Surge. (thanks to Mkok for mentioning)
  • Limited the amount of simultaneous similar sound effects when looting or dropping big amount of items, and in some other cases as well.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #92 on: July 24, 2021, 12:53:18 PM »
Release 51   (24-Jul-2021)
  • Not so much new stuff in this release, but had to make a full release after some structural changes to data files.
  • Fixed a bug where alternate paths to target were not properly calculated at distance 2 (affected reach attacks among others).
  • Resting does not start if creatures that get gradually hostile are seen.
  • You can now drop items from your or your companion's inventory when exchanging items.
  • Creatures with lightsources waiting in ambush no longer lit wall tiles until the ambush is sprung.
  • Lots of small tweaks.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #93 on: September 05, 2021, 11:15:03 PM »

Release 52   (06-Sep-2021)
  • Fixed a bug where animated skeletons would needlessly pick up several armors and shields. (thanks to Faeren for reporting)
  • Level-wide anchor/wither-effects are removed when you go to another dungeon level / Carillo. (thanks to nopenope for reporting)
  • Golems and clones are no longer counted as real recruits when maximum number of recruits based on Spirit-ability is determined. (thanks to nopenope for suggesting)
  • Holy Burst talent is disabled in quickslots and talents list if there are no evil creatures seen. Same for the wand.
  • Some devices, mostly wands, are disabled in quickslots and inventory if they can't be used (for example, a wand might affect seen hostiles, but is disabled if none is seen).
  • Health bars under creatures are now framed with black, making them stand out more. (thanks to Namsan for suggesting)
  • New setting: White Health bars under friendly creatures. If enabled, Health bars under friendly creatures are white instead of green. Might help to distinguish friendly creatures from hostile creatures if you are suffering from red-green color blindness. (thanks to Namsan for suggesting)
  • Clicking left mouse button on a distant hostile creature no longer throws a throwable weapon unless it's of returning-type.
  • Clicking left mouse button on a distant hostile creature now respects the "Attack marked auto swaps to shooting set" setting, meaning that if the setting is enabled, and passive weapon set has a shooting weapon, then weapon set is swapped.
  • Fixed several characters in in-game books and help texts, that caused odd characters in some non-English Windows-versions. (thanks to Namsan for reporting)
  • has a roguelike development related "book" in PDF-format called "Building Zorbus one brick at a time".
Big thanks to Maximum Break (Gidon) and Another Dying (Jay) for making YouTube let's play videos of the game!
Another Dying:
Maximum Break:


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #94 on: September 19, 2021, 05:59:09 PM »

Release 53   (19-Sep-2021)
  • New talent: Expert Trapper. Normally you can set traps to nearby tiles only, but with this talent you can set traps traps on tiles up to distance 3. Setting a trap never fails and takes only half the time it would normally take to set. Traps set by you are harder to avoid, and possible damage or duration is increased by 50%. You will also gain a +4 bonus to Disable-checks when disabling traps.
  • New talent: Expert Enchanter. Normally you can safely enchant an item with 3 enchantments, and every enchantment point above 3 decreases the enchantment chance by 15 percentage points. Plusses, extra elemental damage points, holy-/returning-/vampiric-properties, and on-hit effects count as enchantments. With this talent you can enchant items safely without any restrictions. Tieflings get this talent automatically.
  • New item: Elixir of Ability. Increases a random ability score. Only available in shops, restocked every now and then.
  • Non-unique armor, shields, and weapons in shops are a bit cheaper now.
  • Fixed a bug where companions would just drop a better item after you gave it to them through item exchange. Reminder: Companions won't change equipped items that are set by the player in companions' equipment lists. Ammunition is an exception.
  • Trap tweaks. Fixed a bug where no dialog was opened when you walked on a known floor trap that was on a tile with an opened door. You can now safely walk on floor traps set by you (the dialog is still opened). Reminder: in some situations you may want to intentionally spring a known trap, for example Animate, Confusion, Dismiss, Summon, or Anchoring traps. If you spring your own Animate or Summon trap, then the created creatures will be friendly towards you, and attack creatures that are hostile towards you. Animated creatures without a master will eventually turn hostile against everyone.
  • Fixed some grammar mistakes and typos.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #95 on: August 12, 2022, 11:58:13 AM »

Release 55   (12-Aug-2022)
  • Resting until healed took quite a while in late game when you had hundreds of Health points. Optimized to be at least a bit faster.
  • Companion tactics. You can now command a companion to prefer ranged tactics instead of the default tactics. Ranged tactics means that the companion tries to maintain distance to hostiles and use mostly ranged weapons. Default tactics uses both melee and ranged weapons, and wont't try to maintain distance to hostiles. Ranged tactics is indicated with a "R" letter on the companion image in the companion list. Default key for changing tactics is ALT + 1 - 9 (companion number) or ALT + 0 to change tactics of all companions.
  • You can use "ranged attack and retreat" tactics if you set behavior to REGROUP and tactics to RANGED on all characters. Can be very useful in some situations, like when retreating from a group of oozes that would otherwise destroy the party with their acid attacks.
  • Companions follow the player better in corridors. Companions no longer try to follow the player / chase enemies through unexplored areas.
  • New talent: "Seeker Shots". With this talent you can target anything that you see within your shooting weapon's range. There's a -3 modifier to attack per each obstacle in the line of fire. Can not be used with Dualshot or Multishot.
  • Tweaked autoammo a bit, so that regular or everlasting ammunition will be used against creatures with a "harmless" or "mostly harmless" challenge rating. There was a small bug in the previous implementation and it didn't take challenge rating into account, so autoammo would waste better ammo on harmless creatures. Autoammo can be toggled with CTRL + Q.
  • Hoopak can be used for reach attacks and shoot attacks. If the DPR of the shoot attack is higher than the DPR of a reach attack, then a shoot attack is made when distance to target is 2 (or at distance 1-2 if you have the "Close Combat Ranged" talent).
  • The area of effect of "Chain Lightning" talent and wand changed to "chain". Targets can now try to dodge the effect.
  • Dodging vs spell damage now takes the spellcaster's Magic-skill into account. The higher the caster's Magic-skill is, the more difficult the spell is to dodge.
  • Removed kick attack from playable character races. Unarmed fighting isn't really a thing for the player character, and previously punch + kick attacks in the beginning of the game were more powerful than most weapons.
  • You can see skill and talent progression when you mouse over the Mind-ability in the character sheet.
  • In-game Zorbupedia has a talent progression table in the talents info section.
  • Changed weapon enchantment a bit:
    • You can now safely enchant a weapon with 4 enchantments, and every enchantment point above 4 decreases the enchantment chance by 15 percentage points. Plusses, extra elemental damage points, holy-/returning-/vampiric-properties, and on-hit effects count as enchantments.
    • With the "Expert Enchanter" talent you can now safely enchant weapons with 9 enchantments. Every enchantment point above 9 decreases the enchantment chance by 15 percentage points. This talent enables armor enchanting without any restrictions.
    • You can no longer enchant a weapon with a "Scroll of (element) Weapon)" if the weapon already has that damage element.
  • New enchant scroll: Scroll of Returning Shield. You need the "Shield Bash" talent to throw a returning shield.
  • New item: Carillo Express Card. Included in the items from the "Silver Spoon" talent. With the card, you will automatically get discount from the regular shops in Carillo. The card has charges which can be used to teleport the party to the Carillo teleporter. The card vanishes once the charges run out.
  • New item: "Unearthed Arcana" book (Halaster's diary) has finally some content. Some new text added to "Dungeon Master's Guide" as well.
  • New item: Wand of Wind. Conjures forth a strong gust of wind, which extinguishes lightsources and disperses cloud effects in 15 tile radius. Environment lightsources (torches, braziers, etc.) and lightsources carried by creatures are affected. Creatures whose lightsources are extinguished won't be able to relight them for a small duration (10-15 rounds).
  • New item: Arrow of Extinguishing / Bullet of Extinguishing. Ammunition that can extinguish lightsources. Environment lightsources (torches, braziers, etc.) and lightsources carried by creatures can be targeted. A creature whose lightsource is extinguished won't be able to relight it for a small duration (10-15 rounds). If you have enabled autoammo then this ammunition will be automatically chosen when the target cursor is on an environment lightsource.
  • New character archetype (quickstart character type): "Noble". Has the "Silver Spoon" talent which includes the new Carillo Express card.
  • Small adjustments to character archetypes.
  • Some new monsters. The nastiest new one probably is the "Sentinel", which on a successful hit teleports the target to the most dangerous location on the level.
  • The magic lamp djinni's inventory has now ammunition and some random devices (wands, horns, figurines). The djinni's inventory is different on each summoning, so you might have only one chance to buy certain items.
  • Companion / monster AI tweaks.
  • Death splash animation on by defaut. If you want the old skull death animation, uncheck "Death splash animation" from the settings. Several new death splash animations added.
  • Fixed a bug where items from the "Silver Spoon" talent weren't always created.
  • Fixed a bug where the rising indicator text was rendered over a wrong creature tile.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the dungeon level was completely explored, but no XP award for exploration was given.
  • Lots of other small tweaks here and there.
  • Leaderboard has been reset. The previous leaderboard can be found here.
Finally wrote some text to Halaster's diary, you can read it online here. Spoilers obviously!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #96 on: September 04, 2022, 02:17:47 PM »


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Zorbus
« Reply #97 on: September 14, 2022, 05:15:51 PM »
The game is now available on Steam at

Release 56   (14-Sep-2022)
  • The game can now be found on Steam.
    • Steam version has currently 20 achievements:
    • You can take screenshots to game library with F12.
    • Possible future tournaments can be played with the Steam version only.
    • Steam overlay is not possible because the game doesn't use DirectX or OpenGL.
    • Changed some of the default keybindings:
    • Screenshot: from [CTRL] + [F5] to [F12].
    • Mapshot: from [CTRL] + [F6] to [CTRL] + [F12].
    • Quickslot manager: from [F12] to [CTRL] + [ENTER] or [DEL].
    • Item compare in inventory / shop: from [F12] to [INS] or [CTRL] + [BACKSPACE].
  • Tiefling's Fire Ray talent's damage changed to: fire: 2d4 + 1 per 2 levels. Difficulty to dodge the effect now scales with the tiefling's level.
  • Companions who are separated from the player behind unexplored tiles no longer group themselves around the player after autoexplore finishes.
  • Removed device use checks from wands. Now using wands is always successful.
  • Fixed a bug where some possessed creatures like dragons could not open doors. All possessed creatures can now open non-locked doors.
  • Elixir of Cloning is dimmed in inventory if you already have a clone in your party. Cloning chambers won't clone you if one already exists.
  • Effects from sitting on a throne and drinking from a well now last longer.
  • New item: Scroll of Darkvision. This scroll enchants the currently equipped armor to grant the wearer darkvision of 7 tiles.
  • Added darkvision-property to some of the existing items: Shadow Dragon Scale Armor, Night Club, Nightbringer.
  • Renamed "Kit of Dimensional Anchor trap" to "Kit of Anchoring trap", and changed the effect to target only the creature that sprung the trap (was a level-wide effect previously).
  • Renamed "Kit of Necrotic Field trap" to "Kit of Withering trap", and changed the effect to target only the creature that sprung the trap (was a level-wide effect previously).
  • New trapkits: Acid, Sonic Burst.
  • Fixed a bug in field of view postprocessing: sometimes it revealed wall torches of unexplored areas.
  • Some new content, lore, and dialogue added.