Hey corremn, glad to see you back 
Good lucK!
Thanks Slashie. Roguelikes are never far from my mind, but too time poor. Happy new year.
RC 6
Super looking forward to this! Do you have a sense of a final version in the future? I.e. are you actively working toward an RC 7 or should I look at this as the final step?
On a side note, thought you might enjoy - I took a couple stabs at Sewer Jacks:
Hi, my idea is the game is finished, I am just cleaning/tidying it up before I release version 1.0. That does not mean I wont continue working on it from time to time.
Obviously I have to fix the key bug, but I think the game is done. (There is so much more I could do but that was why I started Warlocks Mountain, perhaps I should clean that up next as it is not in a playable state)
Thanks for playing SewerJacks, looks like a cool game

Seriously I have not seen that for ages, it blew my mind, look at home much work I put in to it. That game really needs a new release.
Funny thing about SewerJacks is that I have a completly unreleased version somewhere, with a tutorial! When I watch people play it, it is obvious that playing it like a roguelike will get you killed quickly.
Some simple rules:
Let enemies come to you (never let them get the first hit)
Dont get outnumbered.
Blitz should be used frequently, mostly to get into a good position or avoid bad ones. (ideal to close the gap quickly to attack enemies next to a wall.
Never get pushed into a corner and never fight from one, quickest way to die use blitz to re-position. (also avoid having a wall at your back)
And obviously try to push enemies into a corner or a wall.
(and by push I mean that most attacks will result in a knockback - knockbacks against walls turn into hits)
This game is really about positional strategy.
Man I could talk for hours about this game so I will shut up now

P.s here is my 9 year old video on Sewerjacks, and no, we didnt talk over our vidoes in those days.