Author Topic: 7drl BloodCrypt now at V1.06  (Read 4662 times)


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7drl BloodCrypt now at V1.06
« on: May 06, 2018, 11:04:46 AM »
OK, Just updated bloodcrypt to V1.06
This adds a new tutorial 4 complete floors to explore plus loads of new monsters traps, etc.

Check it out here:

And here is the Llst of changes:
Ver 1.06 changes

bed, bedding, coffin, wood, coffin-open, shelf, bones, cup, plate, magnifying glass,  models added
hovering over a monster brings up a magnifying glass
main menu alterations
new logo integrated into menu and map view
objects now activated. gold,  food,  etc can be properly dealt with,  picked up etc.
display speeded up with new object managment system
monster(3d) and ui(2d) graphics seperated
inhabit mode now shows axe and axe movement when attacking
initial magnify info panel added
monsters now have automatic info panel
things have automatic info panel - key, coins, food
new menu graphics with new logo
new tickbox graphics
infopanel  tickbox activated by mouse click or S or DownArrow (when highlighted)
when info panel is not shown - clicking when the magnifying glass is shown will give help text
null added to dressing
lightFX now has second grid added for more things
nulllight added to lightFX
initial work on getting hidden tiles to function correctly - sometimes they don't drop right
fixed nasty bug which prevented movement from one tile to another
monsters now spawn more regularly
monsters can't spawn on top of other monsters
initial trigger systems activated for some lighting
fire and big fire now cause damage if walked over
minor graphic glitch with direction arrow sorted
lots of testing :)
layout editor click on map moves to position
scrolls can now be picked up from off the floor by click next to them
books are now things - they can be picked up
fruit, cheese, ham can now be on things
monsters spawn more randomly - before they would always spawn. now they have a 0% chance of spawning
monsters will hit back when attacked
things can be picked up in front of you in inhabit mode
minor menu graphics tidy up
normal and inhabit movement now synchronised correctly
inhabit now has vertical 'breathing' added
internal tile data format changed to support multiple card decks
editor - now supports multiple card decks
initial level 3 sewer layout done
tracker sequence sound reset sorted
when escape (exit to menu) pressed map will also vanish if visible
map now renders fluid
map now shows correct details if been revealed - hidden parts are not shown
map now renders path
map now renders sewers correctly
dust particles launch when knight moves
gribmax has new graphics
gribmax now pops and spans dribbles
trapdoors now have popup info
modified main shader to darken things as they go up. this gives a better render effect for the lights
added some extra 3d position checking
scores now integrated
scores now saved
scores now shown in main menu
gold amount now linked direct to score
movement bug - where you couldn't move - initial code rework
transition from current floor to new floor code complete
gates now have closed mechanism
corrected internal floor jump systems
added floor up/down systems
you can now travel to different floors
corrected right bottom icon display issue
increased graphic fidelity
minor score table edit to prevent multiple identical scores
going up/down floors takes you out of inhabit mode
2x2 steps added to items
6 colored potions added to dressing
external map different carddeck support added
internal carddecks added to editor
spikes now operational along with hidden triggers
spikes added to main map - so you encounter them first
card decks now operational
initial blood sewer tiles complete
level not clearing bug (where completed level was still present) fixed
spike toggle when in inhabit mode corrected
enemy2 becomes a wurm
wurms added to the red sewer
enemy3 is a batusbat
bats added to red sewer
book icons added to GUI
tentacle added to monsters
fallOff map created for monsters to track movements
skeletons now track your movements and will always find you
optimized fallOff map - it only calculates 1 offset per frame. it means creatures further away might not move
additonal map tiles added so there is the opportunity to have a book at start - if found!
books now appear in gui. there are 6 kinds with one being random
each level now has a title and basic help text on what to do
2d graphics are now crisp
levels start faded to dark grey when title shows then color and lights are added
potions now appear in the gui. there are 6 kinds
pink potion is BIG
red potion is heal/hurt
green potion is immune
when big - you cant go through archways
fixed mouse over blocked movement bug
titles now show when you jump to a new floor - basic help on what to do
implemented splash screen into core windows
yellow potion is strength
initial scroll UI set up
correction to internal bitmapfont controls to correct alpha blending
5 helpful scrolls added to tutorial
more movement error checking added
quest buttons now start un-enabled
quest buttons now updated And saved/loaded correctly
available decks now 4 not 3
new monster wraith
new level ossuary
new mx2 logo added
corrected scores
added lots of coins
bone throne added
skeleton warriors added
ossuary starts with more bones!
corrected floor/level when saving/adding scores
skeleton king ole boney added!
new modified potion icons that actually show what the potion might do...