Author Topic: ArchiveRL - building the ultimate Roguelike Archive (v1.0 released)  (Read 13158 times)


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V0.7 "Happy New Year (Of Hachi)"

-added MISC & VARIANT sections
-updated BETA+STABLE/DOS/SOURCE sections
-further reorganised and simplified
-Stats: 1038 archives - 10.4 Gigabytes - 677 games - 620 individual ones - 361 sources 

This is now a fairly complete package, ie everything-but-the-7DRLs. And non-Windows platform exclusives. And some games I missed. Oh well. Coming in the next editions.

Hosted at Individual downloads are now also available

Detailed readme:


Up till now this project has been mostly an individual effort, only announced on Roguetemple forums and plagued by slow pace due to IRL debuffs. However, it now reached a major completion stage, where it makes sense to publicize it more widely and ask for rogulike community's assistance. 

Here's what  would be most appreciated:
-simple "bug reporting" - despite thorough examination there are bound to be mistakes: spelling errors, archive/files/directory problems, doc-file mismatches and so on.
-trying to find & rescue games from the MISSING doc ( MISSING.ods)
-testing the games: I've personally tried quite lot of them - but not all, and mostly on x64 Windows
-any historical and informational error corrections and contributions
-adding more games/sources/docs/info/etc
-compiling sources that have no corresponding binaries
-building either Linux or Mac side of this archive.
-providing feedback regarding structure and methodology of this project

Please read the ARL README or check the website for more details regarding this section.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 05:09:00 AM by akeley »


  • Rogueliker
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Re: ArchiveRL - building the ultimate Roguelike Archive (v0.8 released)
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2018, 11:56:22 AM »
v0.8 "Meimei"

-new PLATFORM directory : all the roguelikes not available on Windows and exclusive to other systems (68 new archives)
-some games were updated since the 0.7 release
-new games were added to previous sections
-ability to browse the collection on and pick individual games

Full changelog:


  • Rogueliker
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Re: ArchiveRL - building the ultimate Roguelike Archive (v1.0 released)
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2018, 05:08:25 AM »
V1.0 "中壢 Blues" released 7th Dec 2018

-added the XDRL directory which contains "competition" roguelikes
-updated other directories
-stats: 1942 archives - 21.9 Gigabytes - 1520 games - 1473 individual ones - ~500(?) sources 

Full changelog: changelog v1.0.txt
« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 05:10:25 AM by akeley »