Be careful that feature creep doesn't kill your project. I did that once.
It looks like it may soon be twice. I started adding a chatbot, so now you can talk to enemies about creatures they've seen and get a response according to how they feel about it (which doesn't ever really change, or mean anything important). Now, for some reason, enemies no longer move, attack, or die when you hit them. Oh, and the player changes color while he walks. That was on purpose, though, to test a status system that I wasn't really sure I needed.
I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, since I didn't plan anything before I started. I mean
Right now I have two options:
a - Make a proper plan, then rip out all the useless crap I added and try to redesign things to fit the new plan.
b - Nuke it from orbit and plan a new project.
Option 'a' will make it so the time spend typing all this code wasn't completely wasted, but option 'b' allows me to consider easier development paths.
At any rate, this whole "I'll figure it out when I get to it. If I even want to implement it, that is" strategy isn't working.