Author Topic: [coding] TomeNET needs your help to find a bug! :D  (Read 26742 times)


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Re: [coding] TomeNET needs your help to find a bug! :D
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2018, 10:11:44 AM »
Guys, lets continue brainstorm!

For now we need to understand how to fix 0, 16-31 glyphs! As 1-15 works for remapping (but actually they are 'system' commands), it has to be possible to make 16-31 work too!

Currently they got this values:

0 linked to 35 (#)

16 ┼ 253C 197
17 ◄ 25C4 17
18 ↕ 2195 18
19 ‼ 203C 19
20 ¶ 00B6 20
21 ┴ 2534 193
22 ┬ 252C 194
23 ┤ 2524 180
24 ↑ 2191 24
25 ├ 251C 195
26 → 2192 26
27 ← 2190 27
31 linked to 35 (#)

Symbols took from (but they are in wrong places)

GOGOGO! We can do it!

!!! We got an important update:

'Fony' ( developer Hukka noted that:

Anyway, this seems to be a bug in the game and not Fony. I've seen at least two people say that it's because "Fony relies on Unicode", but that makes no sense when it comes to bitmap fonts, and Fony only really uses Unicode to display various language translations in the user interface. Previous versions of Fony didn't even support Unicode in any way at all! Bitmap fonts have no concept of Unicode, nor does Fony when it's handling them. It's just 256 glyphs, one after another, bitmaps in a file.

Does it looks like it's not the problem of the font, but actually the problem in the TomeNET code? TomeNET source could be found:

Also Hukka said that soon he would create crossplatform opensource version of Fony! Great news :D
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 11:21:10 AM by tangar » — streams in English // — streams in Russian
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Re: [coding] TomeNET needs your help to find a bug! :D
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2018, 08:03:54 AM »
For now we need to understand how to fix 0, 16-31 glyphs! As 1-16 works for remapping (but actually they are 'system' commands), it has to be possible to make 16-31 work too!

My guess is it depends on that console window, how it's displaying fonts. In graphical versions it would be simply easier to use anything else than console, something like SDL2. That way you can use real bitmaps (rather than fonts) and forget everything about console. If you can't change how the console is displaying fonts then how are you going to make it work?


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Re: [coding] TomeNET needs your help to find a bug! :D
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2018, 11:14:01 AM »
Font is much better than bitmaps in case of TomeNET. Regular tilesets wouldn't be good idea to use cause TomeNET is real-time and you need to react at stuff fast... It's very different game in compare to all other roguelikes... So my tileset based at text glyphs is better in terms of 'reading game situation' - font could be painted with different colors (with flickering patterns!) which helps to recognize monsters fast, it's actually help identify monsters on the map and give the player improved situation awareness. TomeNET got more monsters than some other games combined - over 1100 monsters and many 'ego monster' types; a lot of bosses among them. Imagine how much stuff you need to draw and to _remember_ while you play real-time. Glyphs are 100500 times better :D

So, back to business! We need to understand why 1-15 glyphs works and 16-31 aren't. Please lets discuss this matter, this particular bug, but not ideas about rewriting whole game.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 11:20:45 AM by tangar » — streams in English // — streams in Russian
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Re: [coding] TomeNET needs your help to find a bug! :D
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2018, 08:27:24 AM »
We need to understand why 1-15 glyphs works and 16-31 aren't.

I just told you my theory about the console implementation. I'm starting to get an impression that you guys aren't programmers at all.

mushroom patch

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Re: [coding] TomeNET needs your help to find a bug! :D
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2018, 03:14:05 PM »
I am surprised to see that this code panhandling thread continues a month later.

@getter77: PWMangband seems to have licensing issues as well. I recall the developer of that variant calling tomenet "unplayable" 10 years ago, which shows at least some of the critical perspective lacking here. It seems to be closer to vanilla angband than tomenet, which of course brings in the issues of vanilla that tomenet has addressed. From what I can tell, PWMangband doesn't address the conversion of offline game time to online real time or its interactions with the instantaneous nature of angband effects.

As to tangar's posturing about tomenet being the hardest game around, he has not tried my version of nethack where monsters do quadruple damage. I don't care how many weeks you think about your next move, quad damage is quad damage. Of course, given the complexity of mushroom patch hack, I wouldn't expect a large following. None of you normal damage scrubs can handle the intensity of my perfect version of nethack.