« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2017, 12:05:50 PM »
Previous savegames are not compatible.
The latest features do not add a whole lot of new content but put together they seem to bring enough interesting gameplay changes to the table to merit their own release, so there you go.
Perhaps I should have given some kind of Halloween theme to the release or something since it seems to be all the rage at the moment, maybe adding jack-o-lanterns to the background or something, but instead I decided to shudder at the idea.
Change Log:
* Latent Doom System: A series of initially harmless events that will get more dangerous and frequent as more territories of the colony are destroyed, eventually spiraling out of control and potentially destroying the entire colony.
* Playable Emperors/Empresses: Proclaiming yourself one does not end the game, instead giving you absolute power over voting proposals, the power to banish other aristocrats at whim as well as giving you taxes revenues and the ability to economically plunder the colony for your own benefit. You'll also get an Imperial Palace as homebase, which you can rebuild if destroyed as long as you remain in power. Abdicating is also an option.
* Social Context: A new social context will come into effect after each game cycle, altering the rules of the game sometimes drastically and sometimes insignificantly, changing what others wear, the costs of living or what the player is allowed to do or not. Up to 3 of these social contexts can be combined in any given cycle. They can be seen in the Current Affairs information screen.
* Stock Exchange: You can now buy and sell mainland holdings from the Investments menu. Their price fluctuates along with the target territory's Economy value allowing you to buy low and sell high, as well as earning dividends. These holdings have a chance of being available to you in following cycles if the territory's Instability is low and it is controlled by an allied lobby.
* Advanced Start: You now have the chance to start with 3 social contexts already in effect and without the mini-tutorial tips.
* Feyfolk can grant new powers, such as fey visions and your own empire.
* Units, aristocrats and lovers, especially long-lasting ones, can now sometimes become resentful when you break contact with them and cause Local Tension to increase.
* Investing blindly in local ventures that haven't been tried before is still as risky, but more profitable.
* Decoys are now called Ruses.
* 22 initial social contexts.
* 10 initial latent dooms.
* 1 new relic.
* 6 new units.
* Several bug fixes and tweaks.

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training