Author Topic: Hireling is ready to retire [7DRLC2017] - work in progress  (Read 5203 times)


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Hireling is ready to retire [7DRLC2017] - work in progress
« on: March 05, 2017, 03:18:24 PM »
Hello guys.

My entry for 7drl 2017 is going to be somewhat difficult for me. I resigned from old, well known architecture of my roguelikes, and I changed language from Python to Go. It is one of the reason why I decided to make IF / roguelike crossover; making IF, in terms of display, is very simple task, so I think it's good choice for writing game in recently learnt programming language. For educational reasons, I'm going to open source this game, despite shame of shitty-spaghetti code. I hope it makes sense, due very small amount of games written on Go. Also, it's first time I'm targetting for multiplatform - Windows, Linux, OSX for sure; maybe some other platform, but I can't guarantee that, for example, freebsd build will work flawless.

The main idea for gameplay is earning money for dungeon diving. Player is old mercenary who spent all his hard-earned fortune on women or alcohol, and need to gather money for retirement. 5 / 10 (depends on available time for development) level dungeon, simple random generated quests, some enemies to slain and loot to, well, loot.

More info on I'll write small quick-updates on my facebook page