Author Topic: Green Eyed Monster [7DRL 2017][FAILED]  (Read 8075 times)


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Green Eyed Monster [7DRL 2017][FAILED]
« on: March 04, 2017, 10:30:55 AM »
Basically a super simplified Yandere Simulator. Make your way through school's first floor to the fourth, and don't forget to kill all the potential rivals, then Senpai will love you for sure.

My engine doesn't have most of the crucial features like map building, los, fov, etc yet, not to mention proper combat mechanics, so this is probably doomed to fail. But the process is the reward.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 09:20:22 PM by Maurog »


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Re: Green Eyed Monster [7DRL 2017]
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2017, 10:15:28 PM »
Okay, so this was day 1 I guess, let's summarize it.

I'm building on top of my engine which I began developing from my 7DRL 2016 little project, Snial Trial. During that year I refactored it a bit and added some features, so here is what this 7drl starts with:

* A base SDL2 setup, defining output areas, getting keyboard inputs and mouse events.
* Layouts, which define where areas should be and allow seamless window resizing.
* Text areas for feedback, grid which holds the map, and a minimap.
* Idle animations and death animations for my ASCII font characters :D

Here is the progress so far:
* Added camX and camY, so now I have a realmap of size 200x200, a grid of size 27x27 and a minimap of size 53x53 and everything scrolls the way it should.
* Proper player interaction with enemies and walls.
* Auras to make special enemies look special.

What's missing:
Everything else... mapgen, enemy ai, enemy descriptions, hit points, skills, fov, los, you name it, I don't have it.

Here is a sample of current status in horrible youtube resolution:


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Re: Green Eyed Monster [7DRL 2017]
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2017, 10:27:51 PM »
Hmm, day 2 update:

* Basic Architect class that will build a map out of blocks.
* Some sample blocks to see if it works. The blocks know their exits and match these exits accordingly with the other blocks.
* The blocks here are ones that build a square 7x7 room, a vertical 1x7 hallway and a horizontal 7x1 hallway and they all have four exits in their middle.
* The algorithm tracks all the exits, picks a random exit and a random block and tries to match them. If it can fit the block in there it carves a new room and marks the exit as green, otherwise it marks it as red and continues.

The results are predictable and a little boring:

Progress is very slow now due to job etc, but I plan to make the last three days count.


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Re: Green Eyed Monster [7DRL 2017]
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2017, 11:09:01 PM »
Some improvements to mapgen, it's starting to almost look passable now:

Weekend is on, so real development starts tomorrow. 3drl here we go!

EDIT: Nah, I can't do it. Simply not enough motivation. Maybe next year.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 09:21:16 PM by Maurog »


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Re: Green Eyed Monster [7DRL 2017][FAILED]
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2017, 10:28:59 PM »
Sorry to hear that! I liked what you had going with the animated ascii, looked great :)