Game Discussion > Early Dev

City of the Damned

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Hah, it's much better experience now :) Congrats for quick fix. How could I switch between tilesets? +-, [ctrl]+-, [shift]+- doesn't work, but I see both small and big tiles in data folder.

If I could suggest one another improvement - using SDL with bitmaps has own flaws (like lack of built-in cofigurables for - exactly - tiles size / resolution). I'd encourage to add multiple fonts, from really small 8x8 to really large, like 32x32 (if square) or, for example, 17x36, and make possible to choose font even out of game (like, in cfg file).

> How could I switch between tilesets? +-, [ctrl]+-, [shift]+- doesn't work, but I see both small and big tiles in data folder.

Right now, you can't, I'm afraid. I indeed have a plan to make it possible but that requires some more work.

As for font changes, the idea is also cool, I think I'll add it alongside the tile switch option, but that will require a bit of a rewrite know. Too many things depend on the current fixed font size, it seems.

Released version 1.0.2

 - Added new buildings to the city generator: Warehouse, Library
 - Added option to choose tiles to options.cfg
 - Added options.cfg where you can specify various game options. For now, you can only choose the size of tiles
 - Removed ability to attack members of you own faction (except demons). You can still attack allied faction though.
 - Introduced new terrain types: Cabinet, Crate, Bookshelf. Added it to appropriate buildings.

Released version 1.0.3

- Linux 32-bit binary packages added
- Added Soldiers to the city. Soldiers arrive to help humans towards the end of the battle, are opposed to both angels and demons and will shoot them if they see their true form
- Added Satanists to the city. They are allied with demons and are able to call them for free and curse enemies with inaccuracy
- Added a new command 'm' to view the full message log
- Priests can now pray. Prayers may sometimes lead to smiting all enemies in priest's sight for minor damage or granting all allies divine protection. Divine protection prevents the next attack or harmful effect from application
- Upgraded city generation and added variety to some bulding types
- The City now has maximum 1 church, 1 warehouse, 1 prison, 1 library and 1 satanist's lair
- Fixed bug with the time label becoming red while it's still player's turn

I'll check it later. It's not just remake anymore :)


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