Author Topic: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.3.0 Loot 'Em Up) $  (Read 9336 times)


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Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.3.0 Loot 'Em Up) $
« on: September 09, 2016, 02:38:34 PM » $19.99 Win/Mac/Linux

Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander is a retro space strategy RPG with base building, deep tactical combat, crew management and emergent storytelling.

The Game
On the edge of Terran space lies Halcyon 6, a derelict starbase left behind by a mysterious precursor race. Your mission is to reclaim the derelict station and rebuild it.
A mysterious alien force is making a beeline towards Earth and this starbase is the best chance for the New Terran Federation to establish new alliances, research new technologies and otherwise figure out a way to stop the impending invasion.

Using only the resources you can salvage from the derelict station and gathered from nearby star systems, it’s up to you to rebuild the starbase to lead the Terran Republic’s scientific research, exploration and diplomatic efforts on the edge of known space.

Halcyon 6 is a passion project who’s design is inspired by our years spent playing classic games like Star Control, Master of Orion, X-COM, Civilization and new classics like FTL.
Base Building: spend resources to build station facilities (rooms) to enhance your production and technological capabilities, or build ships to help you control more territory
Exploration: assign your fleets to nearby star clusters, where they can handle emerging enemy threats, do missions for alien factions or secure bonus resources
Crew Management: assign crew to station facilities to greatly improve their output efficiency, or to ships where they can contribute in unique ways to combat, missions and events
Deep Tactical Combat: fight tactical ship or ground battles to resolve hostile events, create a foothold in the sector and ultimately defeat the enemy mothership!
Story Events: based on game criteria like rooms-built, alien diplomacy scores or officer traits/skills, the game will produce story events (often with multiple choice outcomes) that can lead to combat, time-related applied bonuses/negatives, officer attribute changes or any number of crazy in-game stories.
Project Goals
Unlimited Replayability: Each playthrough has players dealing with a new randomly generated derelict station, surrounding galaxy, crew recruits, and alien factions

Motley Crew: Each crew member has unlimited potential for acquiring unique behaviours, traits and abilities, for better or for worse. Making the best use of your dysfunctional crew will be one of the keys to success. Who should be your main Science Officer? The insomniac that works insane hours but has an addictive personality or the agoraphobic mad genius?

Encounters of the Weird Kind: There are 6 alien factions in Halcyon 6 and they are all quite different with varying objectives and personalities. Only your wit and your crew’s skills will help you navigate the diplomatic waters to gain them as key allies or valuable trading partners.

Odds are this will become quite a Kickstarter success story not unlike Darkest Dungeon managed as they tackle their stretch goal and backer reward content from here once the launch settles.   8)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 01:33:10 AM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.0.0.2 ARRP'ish) $
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2016, 07:06:10 PM »
v1.0.0.2 ARRP'ish  8)

Hello explorers!

As we mentioned in our recent Dev Transmission, it's been an amazing week for us and we're humbled by the reception that Halcyon 6 has received! Our whole team has been SO excited watching all the feedback and vids and tweets and streams pop up.

But, amidst all of that, we've been working on this v1.0.0.2 patch! Let's get to the details...

What's New + Important Changes:
- Material, Dark Matter, and Crew generation activities on the starbase are now easily repeatable from the completion dialog.
- New "Lock Frame Rate" toggle in the Graphics Options.
-  Mwuahaha.
- Sped up duration and resolution times for a number of animations in general, all over the place.
- Reduced the required officer rank for starbase rooms at the outer edge (**new games only).
- Added a tutorial step that clearly defines station bombardment = crew loss and crew loss = very bad news for the station.

General Bug Fixes and Enhancements:
- Fixed a bug where identically-named star systems were being generated and would remain invisible.
- Fixed an overlap bug where two star systems had the same coordinates.
- Fixed a typo in the tutorial that referenced the Construct Ship button as Build Ship.
- Fixed bug with Inneborg Xiao not having any skills on arrival (**can only fix for new rescues of Xiao).
- Fixed bug with multiple Material and Dark Matter Multiplier activities conflicting with each other (*can only fix newly created multiplier rooms).
- No more Bucky Rogers clones (but that was fun while it lasted).
- Fixed a bug where ships could travel without required fuel (also fun while it lasted).
- Fixed an issue where retreating from the Mothership triggered a black screen.
- Fixed bug with random Chruul raids insta-destroying colonies on arrival or before their deadline.
- Fixed bugs with Expand The Fleet mission not resolving properly (**this fix will correct existing saves).
- Added rewards to some missions that were missing them.
- Fixed an issue where the Chruul Tac Tier 5s didn't have the right initial pre-damage sprite.
- Fixed an issue where the Zirordiax Reactor had a duplicate background.
- Fixed music de-sync'ing issues. Finally. We're pretty sure.
- Some minor text changes for clarity, along with some typo fixes.
- Faction delegations no longer turn away if a Terran fleet is stationed at Starbase.
- Sector 'Cnidus' no longer shows up before it should be revealed (being that early is just rude).

Art & Animation:
- Resolved animation issue that caused ships to (rarely but sometimes) get stuck in the middle of the screen.
- Updated/altered some animations: mostly tightening up positioning and adjusting single target and AOE animations.
- Fixed an issue where ship contruction animation was displaying the wrong ships, or not displaying them at all.

Ships/Officers & Powers:
- Increased the starting rerolls for second Officer to 2.
- End game ally faction ships have been upgraded significantly.
- Engineering Ship powers have increased Threat.
- End game ally officers can now only pilot their own faction ships.

Folks, thanks again for sharing these with us and thanks for your patience while we worked through them. Now get back out there and kick some Chruul butt!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.0.0.4) $
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2016, 03:38:36 PM »

What's New + Important Changes:
- Introducing New Satellite Drones that can be researched, built, and deployed to automate resource gathering. (NOTE: you'll see these for saved games in Act 1 and new games only. Existing games in Act 2 will have the "old" version of automation.)
- Act 2 no longer automates resource generation, it must be established using Satellite Drones (games in Act 1 and new games only).
- You can now Upgrade a Facility's storage capacity and resource generation (new games only).

General Bug Fixes and Enhancements:
- Fixed bug with Acolyte Predator Ship Upgrade not registering after research.
- Random aliens no longer attack colonies too early in Act 1.
- Pirate Mining Fleet disappears correctly when returning to Grus.
- Alien colony rescue missions are still clearable after the Mothership appears or the faction is killed.
- Pirate base assault can no longer fire at the same time as the Admirax battle.
- If a colony is destroyed by the pirates or the Voraash instead of the Chruul, any pending rescue missions are now removed from that sector.
- Lt. Starstabber's arrival is now hinted to after killing all three pirate commanders.
- Added additional check to prevent unresponsive colony edge case if a raider fleet is destroyed at the same time as a colony rescue mission expires.
- Fixed a bug with ruined colonies not stopping time when first discovered.
- Fixed an improper event dialogue type on the way to fighting the Admirax.

UI, Art & Animation:
- Created new animation for the tactical cloaking power.
- Fixed ground combat background that had foreground asset overlapping officers during combat.
- Fixing the speed and status effect timing of various animations (currently 39 animations affected)!
- Added new tab hot key to allow players to cycle through their fleets on the starmap.
- Quitting the game now prompts for a save.
- Upon entering ground combat, squadmates are prepopulated for convenience. #GreenShirtWorldProblems
- You can now cancel ship constructions for a full refund.
- Quick Save (F8) and Quick Load (F9)
- Fixed an issue where the artifact rooms had light peeking out above their room frame.

Quests/Missions & Economy::
- Prevented Spire from interrupting fleets passing through the sector.
- Chruul Portal Defense fleets now scale in strength.
- Expired missions clear immediately from the mission list.

Ships/Officers & Powers:
- Saving Cmdr Xiao - fixed bug with retreating from first contact, and she now gets the proper level as given by Officer Academy Upgrades.
- No more Empowered Systems effects in ground combat.
- Fixed a bug where max levelled powers would sometimes not appear in combat.
- Status effects that add up to over 100% damage reduction are now capped at 100%.
- Lowered costs for T1 and T2 Ship Upgrades.

There are some much requested features in this one, folks and there is still more to come. Be sure to let us know your thoughts! Good luck out there, commanders.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.1) $
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 09:41:34 PM »

The Combat and Customization Update is here! Our main goals for this combat update:
- We wanted to address some of the player concerns regarding space combat, specifically the complaints about how repetitive and grindy it can get in the latter half of the game.
- Increase challenge and make combat more strategic and varied
- Reduce grind, reduce punishment for losses and mistakes
- Improve player agency, make player choices matter

To that end, we’re super stoked about the major changes you’ll see in v1.1.0.0:
Ship Customization!
You can now customize Terran starships, completely changing their power load outs to create your own unique fleet compositions
New Officer Cloning Chamber!
Clone your dead Officers and bring them back, almost as good as when they died, with the help of Crew “volunteers”
Colony Facility Rebuilding!
You can now rebuild ruined colony facilities from the View Sector screen

New + Important Changes:
- Increased the number of rerolls when selecting new officers
- Increased the resistance of certain status effects for all enemy ships and factions
- Slightly reduced the speed of Yabbling Ships
- Removed Korzan debuff when their leader is killed
- Rebalanced most Voraash ship powers, nerfed their healing powers
- Reduced the drone freighter resource loading delay from 3-5 days down to 2-3 days
- Some powerful enemies have a new armoured trait which caps the amount of damage a single attack can inflict
- Increased rate of colony resource production
- Decreased frequency of Chruul, Voraash, Pirate, and alien faction raids in Act 2
- Increased strength of Spire Defence Fleet but lowered strength of Spire Ground Defence Team
- Detailed enemy ship information is now available from the starmap
- “Not Effective” is now displayed when a status effect is resisted because of an inherent resistance
- You can now see unlocked ships and powers from the Tech Research room
- All Ship designs and powers are now unlocked once the respective Ship Hangar is built
- Some more powerful Chruul ships now have Reinforced Chitin which limits the amount of damage a single attack can do
- Some Chruul have adapted to the various alien factions and taken on their resistance abilities along with their colour
- Satellite Drones are now slightly cheaper and faster to build and deploy
- Reduced the cost of Improved Officer Education-related research tasks
- Sectors now have traits that render certain status effects and tactics more or less viable depending on fight location
- Added starting skills to pirate officers
- Act 2 Pirate Raids will no longer occur if you have aligned with one of the pirate factions
- Chimera arrives with 1 less minion fleet and your chosen Pirate ally can assist in a more direct manner

All About Powers:
- New Evasive Maneuvers power, allows you to strategically pass your turn with an increase in evasion
- Weapons Disrupted now disables a random power when in effect
- Crew Panicked now has a chance of causing a random attack to be fired
- Increased Threat on Supercharge Polarity, Brace, Weapons Overloaded, Vulnerable, Exposed
- Deconstruct, Disable Countermeasures, Disruptor Beam, Crippling Shot, and Disabling Strike now have a 2 round Cooldown
- Ramming Speed, Spin Maneuver, Backstab Maneuver, and Bridge Shot no longer have a Recovery period
- All Epic powers now have Recovery period
- Adjusted Recovery time for various powers across all officers, ships and factions
- Added Warmup time for some powers, some more powerful attacks need time to warm up at the beginning of combat before they can be used
- Rebalanced the Terran Ship prototype’s combat statistics
- Harass now has a higher chance of missing, but also a higher chance of a critical hit
- Focused Beam now has a small chance of causing Weapons Disruption
- Reduced effectiveness of Voraash Immunization and Resurrection
- All Terran ship designs now have unique resistance and vulnerability profiles, specific to that ship design line
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at Diplomatic Diversions Free DLC) $
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2016, 10:29:12 PM »
Diplomatic Diversions DLC
Some of you might still be working through your Combat & Customization playthroughs. Well, buckle up. This Diplomatic Diversions FREE DLC is a game changer.

FREE Diplomatic Diversions DLC: introducing 25+ faction based missions and quests!
- Whole new landscape: Act 2 has 25+ new missions and quests for all factions
- You CAN'T catch them all: with multiple prompts, conditions, and outcomes, these will make each playthrough more diverse and surprising
- MOAR Lore: You've grown to love the denizens of Halcyon 6's universe, now you get to know even more! Who they hate, what they worship, who to trust, how they... smell?

This new diplomatic content will be available for new and current saves, once you've updated!

As is our way, we snuck in a couple other changes with v1.2.0.0:
- Some general clean up on text and tooltips
- Fix for opening cinematic combat not resolving properly
- Fix for Pirate Admirax not leaving your fleet (rude!)

Following Act 2 changes won't affect games that are ALREADY in Act 2 (only pre-Chimera games will be affected)
- Slowed the pacing down of Act 2 by reducing the frequency of raids from Chruul, Pirates, Voraash, and the alien factions
- Slowed down the arrival of Act 2 Chruul lieutenants
- Voraash genocide is now a bit tougher and costly to execute

It's time to diplo hard or die trying, folks. Make good err, weird? scientific... some choices!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.2.1) $
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2016, 04:01:32 PM »

Happy holidays, Space Explorers!

Welcome to v. update! There's a big batch of Fleet UI changes, some fixes and long-awaited Quality of Life stuff, and some fun and frivolous Holiday-In-Space thematic tweaks! Let's get into the details, shall we?

What's New + Important Changes
- Ironman mode is here! Punish yourselves at will, commanders.
- We've added credits! (thanks again, backers <3)

Bug Fixes + Enhancement
- Bucky Rogers rides again! Super soldier experiments are back.
- Updated scoring system to work with new faction quests, completed plot and difficulty modifiers.
- Fixed bug that allowed Chruul and Voraash colonies to be rebuilt.
- Alternate endings for alien factions depending on story choices.
- Fixed Xlar engineering officer's ship powers so they can level up correctly.
- Pirates no longer chatter if the bosses have been wiped out. Awkward.

Animation + UI
- New, improved fleet movement controls on the Starmap.
- Drones now look a bit more distinct compared to the normal Federation fleet icons, plus we've updated their "ship" sprites plus resource icons.
- Torres no longer has a huge head. Ego: possibly; actual giant melon: no.
- Psychic ships are more yellow in colour.
- Fleet travel paths are now displayed on the Starmap.
- Ship/Officer details in combat now include current status effects.
- New limited-time Holiday-themed backgrounds and art!

Quest + Economy
- Reduced build cost of Satellite Drones by 40%.

Time to hang your stockings by the dark matter replicator with care and find out how the Chruul stole Christmas. Good luck out there, Commanders and happy holidays from everyone at Massive Damage!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (now at v1.3.0 Loot 'Em Up) $
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2017, 01:34:20 AM »
v1.3.0   Loot 'Em Up

Hello space travellers! It's update day for our favourite pixel galaxy and this time... there's loot.

v1.3.0.0, hot off the proverbial presses introduces an Equipment System! These consumable and non-consumable items can be found in various ways and allow for some pre-mission emergency preparation for your Starships. Micromanagers, planners, and collectors - rejoice! Let's dig in, shall we?

What's New + Important Changes
- Starships now can be outfitted with Equipment! Some equipment can be built in the new starbase room, the Foundry and some can be found while adventuring
- Station Health replaces Crew Death upon bombardment; Station is destroyed when Station Health (no longer Crew count) reaches 0; Station Health can be repaired in the Repair Bay;
- Overkills can be executed in combat by doing excessive damage on the killing blow, which could result in an Equipment reward

Bug Fixes + Enhancements
- Fixed bug with homeworld artifact retrieval after the Chruul Lt. has been killed
- Fix for crash after ship combat when the officer is not on board
- Fixed a bug with factions not being destroyed probably after becoming extinct
- Fixed a bug with the red alert not turning off after a bombardment has been dealt with
- Fixed a bug with the Admirax quest not working properly
- Sectors now have details which display whether a colony is automated or has been upgraded
- New and improved random events while exploring the Halcyon sector
- Fixed a couple typos
- Fixed a single off pixel in the male officer avatar model that was causing a small blip

Art + Animation
- Improved Fleet Launch and Ship Management screens to accommodate equipment additions
- Fleet travel lines have been made more efficient, travelling from the selected fleet to its destination, rather than its point of origin to destination
- New Overkill animation for space combat

Mission/Quest + Economy
- Trilithium and Zirordiax Reactors now require the previous reactor tech to be unlocked
- An untold number of new random and zany travel events!

And as always, thanks for your feedback and reports, explorers. We love hearing from you! Now get out there and save humanity!

Much <3
- the Halcyon 6 team.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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