Development > Incubator

Alpha: Kha-Lhen Supremacy

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Released version 0.0.35(alpha),now the game start from Leas town, leaving the town you can travel the region map but for now the only other town you can visit is Foren sud of Leas.

released version 0.0.36 you can get a new quest from thieves guild and the entrance to sewers will became visible, an npc ally will follow you (still not possible to end the quest) just for test purposes for new features

First I'd like to get over the fact that I hate browser based games. They also make the game much slower than it would be. It ran something like 8 FPS. I think the two main problems are empty, large world that takes most of the playing time when you walk around aimlessly, and second problem is that there is no map (that I could find). It would help a lot in navigation and remembering where stuff is.

Thanks Krice for the suggestions, sorry for my absence i resumed the development not long ago. The mini-map is allowed when you have the ability orientation. Higher the ability, larger the map. Now working on rangers ability follow tracks to find the enemy when a quest is given. Fixed some bug and added new towns. Will add new quests and hints in next releases.

Hello, Cool that you're still working on this.


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