Development > Incubator

Alpha: Kha-Lhen Supremacy

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Hello, i hope i have picked the right session of the forum :)
I'm developing a 3d game using playcanvas and the rot.min.js, it's till in alpha stage so don't expect much. I would like some suggestion from you guys that have more experience. Here is the link
Waiting your critics.
PS to enter the dungeon you have to enter the church at top/left corner of the village.

Looks pretty cool but unfortunately is too slow on my old onboard 3D card, I really can't play it... good luck with the project though!

I've been searching for a web game engine/framework recently since I started working on the (now paused) proof-of-concept for a MOBA-style game with more RTS features than your traditional MOBA using rot.js as well. In the end I decided it was best to roll my own thing since I had a very specific and unusual multiplayer scheme in mind which I figured would be clunky to use with any pre-existing engine.  I'm curious though: what made you pick PlayCanvas instead of all the other great engines and frameworks out there? I don't think I even came across it during my research...

Well i searched a lot for a free engine, i wanted something that worked without any installation and i came across playcanvas. At the start i thought it was too hard to make something because i knew nothing about javascript, but the easy way i could use my models catched me. So with some patience i learned js and built step by step what you see now. The name of the project will change when will go to beta in somehting like Kha-lhen magical dungeon coz it will be respawn every time you go inside and supremacy will be the next project that will go multiplayer. Actually i have some problem because i want store the generated levels to walk back till village but i have some little problem with that :D I will add a lot of rpg features slowly so the class difference will be more realistic.

As long as you're thinking about changing the name I suggest something other than Kha-Lhen - it's not catchy and it's not easy to write if people want to google for it. I was going to mention it before but I thought it would be bad manners to criticize the name of a game - but since you mentioned it I decided to say it now. Even Ka-Len is better in this regard, or Kalen.

Saving your own levels shouldn't be too hard - my game Javelin does it for some of the dungeons. I'm sure you can find some of the basic ideas on RogueBasin, if that's what you're needing  :D

Well that's right, the name like that is not easy to google, i need to explain you why. In my book 'the five seals' (just in italian for now) the world is named Kha-lhen for the the elves and Kallen for the humans so i thought of using the elven name but i will switch to human language. Name apart...i will read the article you mentioned thanks a lot...and if someone want collaborate is welcome...since i want to make the dungeons more attactive and put also some furniture in it (some will be searchable and some will be breakable). This version will be similar to first diablo but with lots of rpg feature (oh right i need to make some door closed so only a thief or a key can open it like in the old game like Eye of Beholder or Dungeon Master). Any other idea is welcome as well. Oh right the deer you see in village can be hunted and butched to obtain raw meat. :D


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